China won't allow chaos or war on Korean peninsula: Xi

Michael Martina

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Fern Gully

Xi u later if u think the U.S. isn't going to eventually stomp that N Korean lunatic once and for all.

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China had better make fat boy disappear then, and soon. Or get someone to change his diaper. The guy's nuts and is going to cause a murderous war soon.

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Dangerous politics the Chinese are playing. What ever happened to the ancient, beautiful culture that once was China?

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Derek Smith

I am calling it now. China will eventually invade and occupy North Korea when things turn for the worse in North Korea.

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If they don't support a war on the peninsula they better do something about North Korea then. If nothing else they're a nuclear accident waiting to happen.

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China needs to take out Lil Kim and impose it's type of communism; bring the North out of the dark ages.

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Tony N.

Is the guy who failed the missile test getting hang or lethal injection?

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Glenn J

So, essentially this article has nothing to say. China claims they will not allow potential war on their borders, but has nothing to say about how they will stop it. Sort of sounds like a Trump statement. Empty.

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Gee China ... are you actually going to rein in the little fat boy?

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The Shadow

While I may not fully understand all of the details in this North Korean ego-trip thing with their so called "leader" pounding his chest and beating the war drums, I do know that China doesn't seem to be doing much to prevent it. The people in North Korea are suffering, paying for the "leader's" war machinery ... hey, China - step-in, step-up, and tell this ego tripping idiot to stop it.

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With Obama saying "we can but we won't destroy North Korea"and China saying they won't allow chaos or war on north korea" shows who's really in control and it isn't the US!!! Obama is a full blown coward when it comes to China and now we see and KNOW the proof... great American pride down the drain...

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China's population is enjoying a new age of prosperity....good for them. Now, that is put in jeopardy by a moron in North Korea who is firing off rockets, mouthing, and an occasional murder of South Koreans. Any war in Asia would ruin their whole economy and collapse their growth.

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The problem with nuclear weapons is that no one can accurately predict just where the fall out of such a bomb may drift and how it will effect other areas as the clouds, air, winds, moisture and other elements send it all about in different directions. Also, no one can predict a first strike by a dictator who is not stable and prone to backing themselves into a corner by constant bombastic saber rattling. Old friends can quickly become new enemies once such a strike happens. Stability of the region is completely gone if such is allowed to happen. Unfortunately, China really has very little options if it can't put the brakes on the little toad from NC. His mouth may actually be taken seriously at some point and as a result, something very, very bad can happen which may well have a dire and direct impact on China and it's people. Sitting on the fingers has been the rule of the past, but with the absolute empowering craziness of this dictator in NC, the time to sit on their fingers and simply allow things to go on as they may can well be something of the past. Although it won't be publicized, beneath the table, I suspect China will do more than simply pressure the little toad in the future. Hopefully they do it before the moron makes a fatal error which puts everyone at risk.

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ChidiReply toHuey

Your raise some good points. However, I don't believe that Dear Leader is unstable. I think he's sane, but evil. I don't think he'll start a war, because he knows his regime would lose power and probably their lives. I think of Dear Leader Un as more as the son of a powerful mafia family.

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Raider3Reply toHuey

Its NK not NC!!!

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Kim and his entire family could easily be eliminated by a special ops team from China. Then there would be no Kim successor. China could set up a government that would "get along" on the world stage. However, in my opinion, China really does not want good relations between NK and SK. They know the USA spends a lot of money and diplomatic effort supporting SK, and they would rather our efforts stay spread out among many fronts world wide. We cannot eliminate Kim because that would not be well received by China, and the USA does not want a shooting war with China. SK, our ally, cannot do it for the same reason. The world is stuck with this situation unless some faction within NK gets strong enough to eliminate Kim and family.

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anthonyReply toMartin

Another Neocon statement, kill kill kill! Your a disgrace to mankind.

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A Middle AmericanReply toMartin

Anthony, get over yourself.

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KENNETHReply toMartin

@ Martin

The main reason China "tolerates" the antics of Kim is MONEY. They do not want hordes of starving North Koreans streaming over the border flooding into China. To rebuild North Korea would cost China TRILLIONS of their currency. They would want an unified Korea especially the United States would be pressured to withdraw our forces out of Korea by Congress.

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VIRGINIANReply toMartin

China cannot assure no war on peninsula. Hog wash------------

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CommenterReply toMartin

China has been toying with the US on N.Korea. They could do something substantial and bring peace to the area. Only Trump has said it right and if elected, China will have to revisit this idle talk she's been selling to the Obama Administration.

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ChidiReply toMartin

China doesnt' have the leverage over NK that is commonly assumed.

The China/NK relationship is something like the US/Israel relationship (no, I'm NOT likening Israel to NK)

The US is Israel's main ally, and provides huge amounts of money, military and diplomatic protection. However, Israel doesn't listen to the US and does whatever it wants, dragging the US around. Dear Leader Un does this to the Chinese.

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JonReply toMartin

China fears North Korea's collapse because what comes after could actually be worse than the current regime. As was said earlier, eliminating the leadership would cause widespread panic in NK and become an enormous burden on both China and South Korea. The best scenario would be for South Korea and North Korea to reunite with the resources of the South helping bring the North into a more modern and democratic country, but that goes against China's interest. The status quo is better for China than a reunited and democratic Korea.

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JohnReply toMartin

North and South Korea can never unify as long as Kim and his gang are alive. To Kim unification means he gets to take over the South and make it like the North. Won't happen.

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JuniorReply toMartin

Kenneth, you lifted that verbatim out of the Western press.

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JuniorReply toMartin

Virginian, please read your history.

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JuniorReply toMartin

Martin, Communist China is not in the habit of determining the leaders of other countries. In addition, the Kims are protecting his southeastern flank.

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Keeping NK restrained seems to be priority one. If China can do it, good for all. If the U.S. wants to demonstrate "freedom of the seas" why not use non-military vessels to do so. In fact, restricting ships in the South China Sea would hurt China as much as anyone. Maybe more. China survives on international trade, both ways. Most of that trade depends on free and open seas. As our politicians and military people whip up war fervor, we should examine the benefits and realities of cooperation with China and Russia.

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JasonReply toRod

Agree. Freedom of navigation is another lie by America.

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Raider3Reply toRod

Do you know what china is doing in Asia? China arent the good guys. China has put the people in Asia in over $60+ billion in debt and treat the asian workers as slaves. China is stealing from the Asian people.

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Moshe - Haifa, IsraelReply toRod

Raider3, China will not allow any wars near its borders just because America feels like it. So China will do what it needs to do and as far as treating workers, your beloved America treats you as idiots, sending jobs overseas, sending your tax dollars to killers like Netanyahu, while most of you Americans cannot afford basic medical care, proper housing and need food stamps just to survive each month, so how is that for treating workers.

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JohnReply toRod

Moshe...once again your lies and stupidity show. What a troll. Who is paying you to write this chit?

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Actually, China is a harsh and oppressive Marxist tyranny and North is even a worse and more vicious harsh and oppressive tyranny. To be even more specific about the Communists tyranny of Kim Jong –un of North Korea is very brutal and cruel the Korean people trapped under that Marxist tyranny. This vicious and oppressive regime may be described in the Bible which teaches about “the tears of the oppressed” and about terrible power being “on the side of the oppressors…” Ecclesiastes 4:1. Furthermore, the Bible also informs the people who read in the Ecclesiastes 5:8 not to be naive. For that verse reads “If you see the poor oppressed…and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things.” As for the cruel and ruthless oppression of this regime the Bible teaches that “All the days of the oppressed are wretched…” Proverbs 15:15. As for that wicked dictator of North Korea, Kin Jong-un , in the many horrible ways he treats the North Korean people , Proverbs 28:15 does apply. Which reads “Like a roaring loin or a charging bear so is a wicked man ruling over a helpless people. ” Many observers of him in the West say that he is mad. In that he is unstable and irrational .Thus Proverbs 28 16 is fitting to apply to him. That reads “A tyrannical ruler lack judgement…” Likewise, Proverbs 29 2. Is also appropriate to Jong- un in the ruthless heinous oppression of the people held captive in his Marxist of North Korea regime . For that Bible verse reads “When the wicked rule , the people groan.” [N.I.V.]

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DavidKReply toWalter

See God's Kingdom Ministry with Steven Jones, think things soon will hit the fan.

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RobertReply toWalter

China seems to to be transforming into a hybrid of Communism and Capitalism that's controlled by Oligarchs.

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DickReply toWalter

Walter; Do you have pictures that you took when you went to Co-Rhea? Or are your comments speculation?

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wangReply toWalter

#$%$!!! Who is keep killing people in other countries? US or China?

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Obama, The Stupid Peoples King

Japan needs to release Godzilla on North Korea.

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michaelReply toObama, The Stupid Peoples King

Godzilla wants food- there isn't any there - just starving NK's... may be Godzilla should be given Kims address- a porky little dessert might get him interested...

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TaikoReply toObama, The Stupid Peoples King

I thought Godzilla was only interested in destroying japan.

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The question is still there, what is China going to do about North Korea? “We won’t allow a war,” is meaningless. Frankly it sounds a bit threatening to us. If the North continues to work on a nuclear weapon with what is essentially China providing the protection to let them do that, then what happens when they finally get one? Can they be trusted to properly care for that much radioactive material? If a Chernobyl style event takes place in NK and they’re refusing to admit it, or clean it up properly, can we go in, or does the whole Pacific Ocean have to glow in the dark?

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TaikoReply toTed

what you mean by finally get one? they already got one.

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Moshe - Haifa, IsraelReply toTed

Ted, China will do what ever it feels like doing and you Americans better learn to live with it, otherwise if you try any force with China, China will introduce you Americans to a brand new way of life, living in you bomb shelters for the rest of your pathetic and miserable life.

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brianReply toTed

Your an idiot if you think we couldn't blow China up. We have 10 times more nukes then China so I think China will be the one living in bomb shelters the rest of their pathetic life's. Take that to the bank troll.

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RobertReply toTed

@Moshe - China does not have the ability to fly bombers to the US without getting shot down.

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JohnReply toTed

Moshe is a troll...and an idiot troll at that.

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JuniorReply toTed

Ted, here's the deal. Sound Korea is protected under the nuclear umbrella of the West. The DPRK is currently exposed to an event if war breaks out. The DPRK is insisting on a formal cessation of hostilities prior any discussion of its nuclear program.

What is reasonable here?

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Gerald L

If China doesn't want a war in that area they had better take out the little fat boy or he will do something and all he** will brake out. On the south china sea where the U.S. sails is in international waters, there was no problem until China started to build islands and claim a 12 mile limit which not legal. So if China doesn't want a war in that area they better look in a mirror and change their ways. Give fat boy a spanking and take away his nuclear weapons and quiet making islands.

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Thomas KReply toGerald L

You have to be an American. Very Very short memory when it comes to history. Do you forget the "Pivot To Asia" happened long before the Chinese started construction on those islands in it`s territory. So it was the US which decided to confront China on it`s own turf and the Chinese are responding as any self respecting nation would.

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The Barron!

I think allowing China to keep N.Korea in check is a good thing. The US meddles too much and we have a lot of our troops in S.Korea that would get dragged into any sort of conflict. We should try to keep our distance unless its absolutely needed. We need to show the world that we don't always have to play the hall monitor.

As for Freedom of navigation. I understand it but if Russia or Chine parked some war ships right off our coast we wouldn't be happy either. Again, we need to use discretion and restraint. We antagonize too much and then hide behind the rules. Kind of like a cop I encountered once. He was a jerk, was pushy and trying to get me upset for an excuse to do something but I didn't fall for it. He hid behind a badge. He didn't do anything legally wrong but it was bullying.

That's kind of what we do sometimes as a country. We want to push and prod to see what happens. Now most cops I run into are cool and nice and just doing there job so don't take my example as me not liking police officers.


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SteveReply toThe Barron!

Well said...

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YouareReply toThe Barron!

You're going to get a lot of downvotes because this is yahoo! comments, but your comments are pretty spot on. If people stopped and really thought about it, they'd realize how complicated politics and diplomacy were. The solutions may not always be right, but the problems are never easy to solve.

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taxpayerReply toThe Barron!

Totally agree.

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daveReply toThe Barron!

youre missing the point, US ships were outside the 200 mile limit THEN china decided to create and island way out in the ocean and say they have jurisdiction 200 miles from that island. If that stands everyone will be creating islands so they can claim the entire ocean and all its resources. Lines have been drawn decades ago, they need to stand pat. no more expansion. Look at them all fighting cause the artic circle is melting, everyone wants a piece of that now.

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The Divine ImmortalReply toThe Barron!

Seems about right to me. Amazing, an intelligent comment. I see them from time to time...very...few...and...far...between.

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PhotomanReply toThe Barron!

North Korea is testing nuclear weapons. They are testing ballistic missiles. They have test fired a ballistic missile from a submarine.

And so far, all we have done is warn them. But the time is coming when more will have to be done. The US cannot allow North Korea to park a ballistic submarine armed with nuclear warheads off our coast.

Throughout the Cold War, both the US and the Soviet Union had nuclear ballistic submarines patrolling near each other's borders. That is well known. But the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) kept the Soviet Union and the US from actually taking a nuclear first strike position.

However, there were minorities of advocates on both sides that believed each should take that first strike and end it. Fortunately for the world, they stayed in the minority and sane minds kept the peace.

But we are not dealing with a sane mind when we are dealing with North Korea, Iran, ISIS and other terrorist organizations. The MAD doctrine does not apply. They don't care. We cannot assume Western values when dealing with any of these countries or organizations. They simply do not share our value system, and human life is cheap. If Little Fat Boy thinks he can attack the US and still retain power, he will do so, regardless of any "measured" counter strike we may take.

I agree that we need to have SOME restraint, but if China doesn't get a grip on NK, we will soon reach a tipping point, the point of no return.

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JoeMommaReply toThe Barron!

Barron, allowing China to keep them in check would be (or have been) a good thing, but China has not kept them in check for years/decades. Up until recently, China would circumvent US or UN sanctions and look the other way while NK continued on it's path to develop nuclear weapons and are now doing the same as NK develops the delivery systems. Unfortunately, I don't think Kim even listens to China anymore now that he has detonated a couple low grade nukes. He thinks he's invincible and is bent on developing a weapon that can hit American soil. I think America needs to do everything in it's power to stop that from happening. If that's what you call being a policeman, then so be it. I don't want to rely on China to ensure American safety from this nutjob.

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GregReply toThe Barron!

@The Barron: ...FYI: ... Foreign warships routinely sail 200 mi. off of the U.S. coast without incident. Two hundred miles is considered to be in International waters for ships transiting an area! According to international treaties signed by China. No country may claim an international sea lane or part of one as it's territory. Nor may they require other countries to stop using it, or require them to ask permission for passage! All countries are also prohibited from building artificial islands in these sea lanes. China signed these treaties and agreed to abide by these laws! China is the country which is breaking the treaties and the rules governing the world seas lanes! China is the cause of the problems, not any one else!

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