Thai students caught using 'Mission Impossible' exam spy glasses


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Jerry M

Those student simply need to change majors, go into engineering.

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LOL, that was very creative.

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Let me guess, the cheaters got expert advice from belicheat**** and shady brady****.......


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From the article: "in subjects like maths and science"..... It's MATH, not "maths". Sorry, but that's one of my grammar peeves.

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in the picture, I don't need glasses to see the bra

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My ex boyfriend, George looooves Thailand!!!!For the women who would do anything to please a man, for the fact that you can buy anything and anyone and so on and so forth....

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Whatever happened to try and try again lol

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note to self, if you ever have to go to a doctor make sure they are not from Thailand

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Cheater Cheater,,,,,

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Dirty MFS

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I got 3 boys, each different & separated by 4 - 5 years gap. The first is quite shy & introvert. Second is even more gentle & mild mannered. Both are just average in their studies. Third is real terror in the house. Brash & very aggressive. Seldom did his homework & frequently fought with his brothers & older school mates. His mother kept receiving complaints about him from the school teachers. But during his exams, the teachers were always stunned by his excellent scores. So in the final exam, they "marked" him to see whether he was cheating. He didn't. His class teacher came to talk with my wife that it would be a pity if our son will to drop / kick out of school for his unruly behaviours as he is a "naturally born" smart student. One thing led to another & he ended up receiving a scholarship to study banking in a foreign country (since we minority race are discriminated in our own country). He is now in his final year & I told him to stay there & work there after graduation. And if possible, to marry & settle down there as there is not much hope in our racially discriminatory country with a heavily corrupted government.

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Deep rooted in many areas of Thai culture.. do little get big attitude. Of course we are missing the dishonest education business people looking for the quick baht as well.

So that pass the exam get in to med school, once in soon they learn they can't hack it, disgrace themselves even more... the dean eventually has to deal with it.. and sends them off to the nursing schools...or other allied health majors, or creates a special position for these losers.. However, in most cases.. many of the deans are there because they .... bend over.. some... not all.. have those linkages. The so-called educational professionals (OK SOME Again) do follow their professional code, bend over to the so-called oh.. just this one... and then they increase the numbers of truly remarkable FEE cisions..

That the way they roll it here..

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All these students should be banned from ever practicing medicine. I sure as hell don't want them as my doctor. Cheating in school is never acceptable behavior, but when you are going into a field which deals with life and death outcomes the punishment should be more strict.

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If these fools put as much effort into studying as they did into cheating, they wouldn't have to cheat.

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Easy to deal with. Just put up some type of electronics jammer in all classrooms

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Remember in Animal House where one frat swapped out the test carbon copy before the other frat could get it? This provided the cheaters with all the wrong answers.

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doesn't surprise me. My Ex has her a undergrad in BKK. I question the notion. She was fun but frustrated me when it came down to business & push came to shove, she was really as dumb as a box of rocks.

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Were they actually Google glasses?

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Blue B

I teach high school Honors and AP Physics and I can easily say that there is always going to be a group of students that is pretty smart and works hard, and another group that already knows how to cheat their way through. They know the loopholes well and will milk the system as much as possible. I could see how that number of cheating students will be even larger by the time they get to college.

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KolReply toBlue B

I've got two kids; one who was a hard working Valedictorian of his graduating class and the other who will cheat and skate by any chance he can. They are wired completely opposite.

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