Inside Apple's top secret iPhone factory: Tech giant provides a glimpse of huge Chinese plant where 50,000 pink-jacketed staff are subjected to facial recognition, metal detectors and daily roll calls

Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline

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Is this what Mr Cameron +Co has in mind for the new look U.K. with his uncontrolled immigration policy
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SpokReply toJackflash
Yes, and the whole world beyond. That's what corporatism looks like.
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Not one smile among any of them (apart from the lunch time!). Speaks volumes to just how awful and robotic the work environment is. Completely soulless and without any fun factor. One more reason not to buy an iphone / ipad. Apple, would american workers endure similar conditions in the workplace? I think not..... not only could this basically be considered slave labour, but Apple don't appear to care. More about profits than human well being.
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Scott Webb
Imagine your whole life run like this, that is the future coming our way, if we let it..
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smithReply toScott Webb
T-T-I-P!!!!! Yes you are 100% correct am afraid to say!!!
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Why is it top secret? It's not like any of the technology inside an iPhone is revolutionary or even the best hardware.
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Why are Apple products so expensive when the cost so little to make? I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of buying one, it's out of date as soon as it's bought, they bring new ones out too soon, its all a massive con, but there seems to be plenty of Apple sheep around out there!
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Hard working people earning their crust, they haven't got the option of sitting on their backside all day expecting the tax payer to bail them out.
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Their miserable faces are no different to billions of commuters worldwide! Some of my friends work upwards of 12-13 hour days and can't afford a deposit on a house. Just sadly the state of the world we live in!
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This will give the Sports Direct management ideas.
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THX_1138Reply tojaki21
To be fair this looks better than that.
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I once went for a job at the Apple service centre in Milton Keynes. They advertised for people who were good with electronics and had liked repairing things. I got there and was turned down because I didnt own my own screwdriver set. I mean seriously, I had to bring my own tools?!?!
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They need to create their own businesses and jobs and compete on a "level playing field" to quote the "progressives". That is not done by taking Western jobs due to near slave labor rates while we as idiots buy the products that bring about our own demise.
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blitzReply toPerplexed_
Spot On......!!
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OVER HEREReply toPerplexed_
It's up to Western governments to secure Western jobs. Not China's problem.
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When the people who currently make our trinkets and baubles eventually end up as our overlords, I imagine the revenge they will exact upon us will be punitive.
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No worse than working in an amazon fulfillment center, or picking cotton in the 1700's...
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Drones making phones for the generation of drones using them.
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What an awful life.
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LovestosewReply tobarbara
Would their lives be better with no way to support themselves at all?
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Perplexed_Reply tobarbara
Not our problem Lovetosew, they need to create their own businesses and jobs and compete on a "level playing field" to quote the "progressives". That is not done by taking Western jobs due to near slave labor rates while we as idiots buy the products that bring about our own demise.
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Yes you did
It is quite an achievement to get 50,000 Chinese to do the DM sad face
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It's common to work 12 hours a day in the medical profession, and few die of overwork.
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Truly horrendous. And the US calls itself a democracy. What absolute ROT! This is slave labour, and it is coming here too, soon.
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HALReply torealtruth
the factory is in china so you should target your complaints about democracy there
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Notice how you need to be young and slim to work here. In the "Apple" world OLD is out, and yet the older people can afford their products more than anybody.
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Get_barry_outReply torealpersonuk
This comment is irrelevant
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like this in all Chinese factories
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Imagine lining up like this for work in the UK. It would be unthinkable - unless you're in the army. Scary - it looks like a scene out of a utopian movie.
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dingo dooReply tojustme96
amazon does this in the uk, maybe not as extreme but still gps tagging and mponitored by camera all the time
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