4 Mysteries From Ancient Egypt We Still Can't Figure Out


The Ancient Egyptians ruled a significant chunk of the world for almost 3,000 years, and left behind a rich legacy of art, architecture and mythology. But Ancient Egypt also left behind a few mysteries that archeologists and scholars still haven't been able to solve, even thousands of years later. Here are some of the enduring mysteries of Ancient Egypt.[CN]


1. What did ancient Egyptians look like?[CN]

1. 古埃及人长什么样?


White actress Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra[CN]


Despite the mummies, statues and engravings that the ancient Egyptians left behind, there is still much controversy over just what, exactly, they looked like. One thing's for certain though — despite what you might believe about them given Hollywood's whitewashing of Egyptians, the residents of ancient Egypt weren't white. [CN]

除去古埃及人留下的木乃伊、塑像、雕刻之外,古埃及人到底长什么样也颇有争议。但有一件事可以确定- 经好莱坞对埃及人的粉饰,不管心目中的埃及人是什么样,古埃及人反正不是白人。

According to Slate, they were probably a range of colors, and "neither white nor black" by our contemporary understandings: "Ancient Egypt was a racially diverse place, because the Nile River drew people from all over the region. Egyptian writings do not suggest that the people of that era had a preoccupation with skin color. Those who obeyed the king, spoke the language, and worshipped the proper gods were considered Egyptian."[CN]


2. How were the pyramids built?


Source: PATRICK BAZ/Getty Images

Ancient Egypt's massive pyramids are another element of their legacy that has long puzzled the experts. Just how, exactly, did a society with no modern construction equipment manage to transport the giant, heavy stones needed to build the enormous pyramids? According to recent research by physicists at the University of Amsterdam, part of the answer may be wet sand.

"It turns out that wetting Egyptian desert sand can reduce the friction by quite a bit, which implies you need only half of the people to pull a sledge on wet sand, compared to dry sand," study lead author Daniel Bonn told LiveScience. An ancient wall painting also seems to depict Egyptians wetting the sand as they pulled a sledge bearing a giant statue, offering more evidence that water may have been part of the arduous and complicated process of building the ancient pyramids.

3. How did King Tut die?


Source: Hannes Magerstaedt/Getty Images

The young King Tutankhamun has fascinated historians since his tomb was discovered in 1922, but the specifics of his life — and death at the age of 19 — remain somewhat of a mystery. A longstanding theory that he died in a chariot crash was seemingly debunked when scans of his mummified body revealed that he had a "partially clubbed foot" that would have made it impossible for him to stand on his own, reported the Independent in 2014.

The new research also revealed, through genetic analysis, that Tutankhamun's parents were likely brother and sister, and he may have died "as a result of genetic impairments."

4. What's hidden inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu?


Source: Jon Gambrell/AP

The Khufu pyramid, the largest of the three pyramids at Giza, may actually contain some hidden secrets. A 2015 thermal scan of the Great Pyramid indicated that there were "thermal anomalies" within the structure, reports the Guardian, though it's unclear what, exactly, that might mean.

A statement released about the results of the scans said the anomalies could mean many things: "To explain such anomalies a lot of hypothesis and possibilities could be drawn up: presence of voids behind the surface, internal air currents," reported the Guardian. There could even be an as-yet-undiscovered hidden tomb, but the project, which is expected to last through the end of 2016, hasn't drawn any conclusions yet.

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In the early 80's I used to go to Cairo several times a month. I had the good fortune of meeting Zahi Hawass through a co-worker. and learned much about the Egyptian history and first hand got to enter a number of pyramids. Unfortunately he allegedly kept a number of artifacts and was removed from office. Regardless, guilty or not, he was a real gentleman and the premier Egyptologist, I learned much about this fascinating aspect of ancient history. All the best to you Zahi, wherever you are.[CN]

早在80年代,我一个月去开罗几次。我有幸通过同僚认识了Zahi Hawass,了解到了很多埃及历史,也进入了不少金字塔。很不幸的是,据说他偷了不少古器,被办公室开除了。撇去他有罪与否不说,他人还是很不错的,也是不错的古埃及专家。从他身上我学到古埃及历史的光辉一面。Zahi,无论你身在何处,希望你一切都好。

Aj Corson

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JamieReply toAj

I've always respected Egyptian history and cultures with having rich histories and amazing rituals and I find that I would actually have liked to learn about all the ancient aspects of Egyptian life than European history in high school.[CN]


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Chelle Anderson

The way I see it, the pure Egyptians were wiped out or purged with other cultures. There is no true Egyptians like the ancient Egyptians. This is how things still remain a mystery. There beliefs were frown upon for most parts and that was where the ancestral secrets got lost with these purges. What we know today is from their art and what the other cultures kept and made it their (Rome did a lot of it). I do not see Egyptians as white or black and rely on their art. I love Egyptian art and from their culture art is seems they were a reddish brown (and in some ways this makes sense in where they lived and their style of clothing). They were humans as humans they created their culture looks in Art. Where there darker skin Egyptians? Most likely by a few forms of their art. Most depict a reddish brown. That is my option as studying their art. And some secrets should remain and do remain for reasons.[CN]


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Is it possible to tell melanin count from a skin sample from a mummy?[CN]


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this is truly silly and offensive! have they seen the art that our ancestors left on the walls depicting themselves as a brown people. next racist will be saying that white people were brown once. Egypt is in Africa dummies[CN]


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AndreaReply toJames

They do teach this.. I have a friend that is Caucasian and grew up "Jewish". She states that her Rabbi teaches (I forgot the name of the doctrine, but it is a prolific teaching) that their original people were dark once and just whitened up.[CN]


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I THINK THE SCientists need to talk to Ben Carson. He has all the answers to these questions and MORE!![CN]

我觉着这帮科学家得找Ben Carson谈谈话,这些问题他都有答案,说不定知道的更多。

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That's not even a question! the people who build Egypt/ the pyramids, the same people with the skin that screams melanin. it's not a mystery, yahoo just don't want to tell the truth.[CN]


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Katie CampagnaReply toJoe

The question posed wasn't asking who, but how. Those stones are thousands of pounds each, and they had no trucks, cranes, or bulldozers to move them. Carts with wheels don't move well in sand, either. The time and the effort to build even one small pyramid would have been monumental, unless they had out-of-the-box techniques we havent learned of yet. Or aliens helping.[CN]


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Liz Taylor was not an Egyptian mystery.[CN]


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They appear to have been a beautiful people. Also--YES--sand that has been wind-blown for thousands of years (as well as river sand, which has been washed and rolled) is shaped like tiny spheres, aka "marbles". Adding water will "lubricate" the spheres and make them downright slippery! These people were not only beautiful, they were BRILLIANT! They had thousands of years to perfect their craft. It is an insult to their intelligence and their technology to suggest "aliens" created the pyramids.[CN]


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Greg MReply toRed

but is it an insult to their "Intelligence" to suggest they used thousands of slaves to work for them?????[CN]


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ArouetXXIReply toRed

Some fairly recent research suggests that the pyramids were not built by slaves but by a privileged class of construction workers, apparently organized in similar manner to the crafts of medieval Europe.[CN]


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curmudgeonReply toRed

Slave labor? Some more recent research and found records strongly imply that most of labor was hired for less than years time, then maybe some hired for another term. records of payment for laborers at end of term- so much cloth, so much in grain to take back to hired village, oil and salt. New group of people hired for 3 to 4 months between planting and harvest time- food rations, cloth and oil for end of term needed from priest granaries. 'Hiburu' tax implies Hebrew and the 'tax' was for seasonal grazing rights outside of Gaza. 'Militia' muster for spring flood work, other building projects, defense from 'Lybians' and the amount to be paid in food stocks, salt and oil, grain, beer. Some craftsmen getting double portion of beer compared to common labor. Labor camp ground with lots of midden pits with meat scraps, boiled bones indicate a 'heavy labor' diet provided. The labor for public building, grave markers and tombs as a public works project between planting and harvest times with the economic benefits of hired labor having some sort of money or trade goods after the labor details similar to the old Roman Legion practice-- idle troops canbe a problem, put the trained to work as team troopers to work on bridges, bath houses, roads. Egyptian 'Militia' was a part labor force, part military reserve.[CN]

奴工?最近一些调查和已存的记录说明大部分劳工都是雇佣不足一年。有些可能会下一期再雇。工期结束劳工还有付款记录。 - 大把的衣物,大把的粮食带回到出人做劳力的乡村,还有油盐。收割农忙时间雇佣3-4个月的新人群,工期结束则从牧师谷仓配备粮食数量,衣物,油。Hiburu税是指希伯人以及其在加沙境外季度性的放牧权。“民兵”负责防洪工作,其他建设项目,防卫“利比亚人”,和保卫一定数量的食物储备,油盐谷物啤酒。一些手工艺人比起普通劳工可以获得两倍分量的酒。劳工营地下埋藏大量的贝冢,肉沫,煮过的骨头,这些都显示劳工的丰盛餐。

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Mr. D

I have news for you, Cleopatra was of Greek descent.

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ArouetXXIReply toMr. D

Right. The Ptolemy dynasty to which she belonged descended from one of Alexander of Macedon's generals. They ruled the country for about 300 years and although they found it convenient to adopt the traditions, religion and garments of the Pharaohs, they were not really Egyptians.

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#5- their embalming process.

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Katie CampagnaReply toDavid

- Wash the body with milk and honey or herbal scented waters and perfumes

- Remove organs, preserve them (probably with salts and resins), then store the liver, lungs, intestines, and stomach in 4 separate jars

- Stuff body with salt and perfumes and herbs and let it sit for a few days

- Remove salt and herbs, restuff body with stuffing and herbs

- Wrap body in linen layered with resin and amulets

Freshly made mummy.

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Concerning issues of "How were the pyramids built? and How did King Tut die?" one can pick and read different books that had been written by renowned scholars such as Zachariah Sitchin, David Icke, and many others to understand these and other mysteries that our planet earth hosted.

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Why the picture of Liz Taylor as Cleopatra when discussing the ancient Egyptians' skin color? Cleopatra was a descendant of a royal house that traced it's roots to Macedonia, not the Nile basin. Given the Ptolemies' penchant for inbreeding she was almost certainly the same color as her distant relatives who still resided in the Balkans were. If people changed color to match the natives after a few hundred years Afrikaners would be black and The people who drive cars with DAR on their licensees would be starting to look like Native Americans by now.

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RodReply toVitya

It takes at least 20,000 years for humans to mutate to match their environment.

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Eric in L.A.Reply toVitya

Because they don't have pictures from 5 thousand years ago. Cameras weren't invented yet.

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JaamesReply toVitya

Eric Lets just ignore all their wall paintings

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Eric in L.A.Reply toVitya

@James, there are no wall paintings in the Pyramids.

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RotiferReply toVitya

I'm not quite sure that's true, as we don't know for sure who her mother was. While she might have been another inbred European Ptolemy, her sister Arsinoe was described as being distinctly mixed race, so it would make sense that when the (anti-foreigner) Romans described her as being unattractive, they were merely dismissing her for being un-European looking rather than ugly.

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AllenReply toVitya

Liz was there to get you to read the dross...

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VityaReply toVitya

Eric, It's pretty obvious that you know next to nothing about Egyptian history. Cleopatra ruled Egypt a little over 2,000 years ago, not 5,000 years ago. Even if there were wall paintings in the Pyramids, she would not have been depicted in any of them anymore than Benito Mussolini would have been depicted in Ancient Roman pieces of art.

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They didn't even mention the Sphinx, it was carved to commemorate the return of the Sun approximately 12K years ago when the Sun was between the Virgin and Leo thus the composite creature facing the equinox as a permanent time keeper of the event. The Great Pyramid is a symbol of the Sky Mountain (comet) that killed off the mammoth and blotted out the Sun 13K years ago. See : Younger Dryas impact hypothesis & From The Deep Ocean Above. Gobekli Tepe is from the same era with the two heroes the Bull and the Sun in the center or Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Most all of the mythologies and religions are about the same event, yet many await the fatalistic end when it is really about the past and we should be more concerned about NEO's, that is what the prognostications are about! Ancient Man knew this, if it happened before it is certain to happen again.

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ShawnReply toBard

Shut up

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Nate RReply toBard

some say 50,000 years ago before the pole shift.

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James Deming

What's hidden inside the great pyramid of Khufu. Khufu's body.

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LevelHeadReply toJames Deming

Nope - There is no body there. I have climbed inside the pyramid to the king's burial chamber. There is an empty sarcophagus there but no body.

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AllenReply toJames Deming

well...his desiccated body and dried out bones...lol...

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AlexReply toJames Deming

They have never found a mummy in a pyramid if my memory serves me right. The nobles were burried in the "valley of the kings".

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1. Not the way Hollywood thinks.

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"Some" and I mean "Some" white folks still cling to Charlton Heston and Elizabeth Taylor and all those 50-60's films as what Egyptians looked like..

"Some" and I mean "Some" black folks cling to Eyptians being the modern definition of "Black".

Please pick up a real history book and understand that that area was a crossroads of people. They came in all sorts of colors as depicted in their art which was important to depict their version of the truth of things.

Sorry "some" white folks, but there were no Nordic white skinned Egyptians. Sorry "some" black folks, all things Egyptian is not rooted in Sub Sahara Africa.

Our notion of race is so distorted. One drop makes you this or that which is crazy to perpetuate. Notions of White racial purity, Japanese purity, African-American purity etc. etc. is ludicrous and it is inappropriate to apply to notions of Egyptian racial origins.

Now if you want to talk anthropological culture and social structure and genetic legacy in the ruling class without attaching value to the color of skin, then that's cool.

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AwaitingagrantReply toAustin

Thank you professor Austin....yawn.

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JaamesReply toAustin

Austin We know that Sub Saharan Africans did not stay in Africa they traveled the World. The Chinese came from a sub Saharan African, The Nordics Came from Sub Saharan African, thats a fact. The Sub Saharans mated with Neanderthal creating caucasians that is a Fact.

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The fact that the pyramids exist at all is a testament to the fact that people have way too much time on their hands. Nowdays, we waste this time on Facebook and making comments on comment boards to complete strangers who don't give a cr*)E=ap what we think, but back then, they built pyramids. If I had the energy, I'd go out and start one myself, but making comments is easier.

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JoyceReply toRockyM

No, rulers wanted to live forever.

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I have always been fascinated with Egypt in general. I'd like to learn more.

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BOB ROSSReply toCarol

It's difficult because so much of the history has been deliberately destroyed to hide knowledge.

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JamesReply toCarol

Get the DVD course from the Learning Company, the Great Courses. The lectures are given by Robert Brier, noted Egyptologist. 48 half-hour lectures.

Not cheap, but worth it.

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KTReply toCarol

Its a shame, that its dangerous....Otherwise I would like to vacation there

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KestrelReply toCarol

There is a wealth of information from heiroglyphic/English dictionaries to great histories beginning with Breasted's "History of Egypt" to the aforementioned series by the Learning Company. It must be first understood that ancient Egypt was a mortuary civilization whose obsession with immortality was the driving force for much of its monuments, religious beliefs, and certain aspects of daily life. Much of what we can understand of ancient Egypt emanates from this perspective. The tombs attracted grave robbers, which was the reason much was hidden, and why we are so convinced that much remains to be found!

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MargaretReply toCarol

Carol...Best suggestions for the newest research with astounding new ideas about the Egyptians....read Robert Bauval, Robert Schoch, and John Anthony West. Or watch them on youtube. Turns out the Egyptians we know didn't build the Sphinx because the weathering shows it's thousands of years older than the "ancient Egyptians". Turns out that they couldn't have built the Pyramids either because they didn't have the technology...and we don't either. That's just the beginning. Enjoy.

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Jonathan WestReply toCarol

I guess the obsession with immortality is no less different than modern Christianity's obsession with eternal souls, afterlife, hellfire and how to get to these fantastic places.

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Unknown VariableReply toCarol

We took a Trafalgar tour back in 2008. Armed guards, the whole bit. But worth every second. Looking at the Pyramids with your own eyes is like looking at the Grand Canyon the first time. Pictures NOT DO justice. Just don't say you are American. Say you are from California or Canada!

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JacquieReply toCarol

Anything about ancient Egypt creeps me out. No idea why and I've never been. My fascination is with the Mafia in the 30's. Past life memories re both maybe?!

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ZReply toCarol

"Secrets of the Great Pyramids," by Peter Tompkins, is a fantastic overview of the very fascinating and complex issues pertaining to the subject. What's best, the author doesn't take sides with any given viewpoint but covers all the questions fairly. Prepare to be amazed!

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jReply toCarol

I too have always been fascinated. Went to an exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Phila for Cleopatra a few years back. Totally fascinating, and the artifacts blew my mind away the intricate metal work in jewelry and coins. And Cleopatra so far ahead of where we are today, we think the idea of a female leader is innovative and intimidating. She was a leader 3,000 years ago.

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AndrewReply toCarol

BS we don't have the technology to build a pyramid. We build MUCH more sophisticated buildings on a daily basis.

What we can't do is build a pyramid for a reasonable COST. Which is understandable, the Egyptians didn't build it for a reasonable cost EITHER. But then, the economic pyramid in Egypt came to a pretty steep point at the Pharoh, so he could AFFORD an unreasonable cost.

Consider all the effort and resources people in America put into their religion. Now, take ALL that effort, combine it into working on ONE monument... and you begin to see how the Egyptians managed it.

On their own, no aliens need apply.

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"3. How did King Tut die?"

This is one that's been indisputably solved. The old story that he'd been murdered is false. If you want to see a lot of the Tut mysteries finally solved with indisputable evidence, then watch "PBS Secrets of the Dead S12E05: Ultimate Tut (aka "Secrets of the Dead: Ultimate Tut." It's on Netflix. You can also find it on Youtube, but only in low resolution. It's almost three hours long, but well worth the time. It really does solve a lot of the mysteries surrounding Tut, how he died, why his tomb was found almost entirely in tact, why his tomb wasn't really that of a king, etc., etc., etc. The best Tut documentary I've ever seen.

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EricReply toRy

Damn misread that last sentence.

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BobbyEReply toRy

Indisputably solved. Really? There might be a consensus on the most likely cause of death, but no expert thinks the method of death is indisputable.

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Anthony LoboReply toRy

Netflix also has indisputable evidence on UFO's and aliens....it is just as interesting.

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who caresReply toRy

he died from being ran over by a chariot

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RyReply toRy

Just goes to show some of you have not watched the documentary, except Who Cares, obviously did watch it. They proved how he died. He was in fact run over by a chariot, yet by stating that fact he gets all thumbs down. Ironic isn't it.

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BobbyEReply toRy

Ah, the chariot theory, which while popular in 2013, was debunked in 2014. So much for it being indisputably solved.

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AllenReply toRy

not etc., etc., etc., but tut tut tut...lol lol lol....

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RyReply toRy

@BobbyE: Can you please provide the source of that debunking? Because the 2013 documentary I mentioned clearly proves he was ran over by a chariot. I've provided my source, so please provide yours.

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Present day Copts in Egypt are decendents of the pharonic Egyptians. The "pt" in their name is the same as in Egy-pt; it is the ancient Egyptian god Ptah. Many of the Copts have a look which is recognizable in at least some of the pharoahs. It is distinctive. They are their own people. Egypt was not particularly "multi-ethnic", they did not like foreigners, and often used the word whic is translated "vile" to describe them

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fire with fireReply toET

Wrong again, Egypt means bondage. It's true name was Kemet. Meaning land of black people.

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GeorgeReply toET

Kemet means "Black Land," that is the dark soil deposited by the Nile, as opposed to the red lands of the deserts around it.

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MonkeyReply toET

Egypt is the name given to that are after it was invaded. Its old name was Kemet. Stop your nonsense.

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NatReply toET

@George, Thank you. You are correct, "Black Land".

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