A popular way to cook broccoli removes potentially cancer-fighting compounds from it — here's how you should cook it instead

Lydia Ramsey

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Nothing beets the way I do it. Place the broccoli florets spread out on a plate. Add two or three tablespoons of your fresh pee juice on top. Cover with saran, and microwave on high for 3 minutes. Your guests will wonder what the secret ingredient is, but only you will know. Bon Appeti!!

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MelindaSReply toFranky

I am never putting pee --fresh or otherwise-- on my broccoli;)

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Think stove might be better just make sure the water does not mix in with the broccoli to avoid leaching. Just not a microwave fan and boiling the little amt of water to steam does not take very long

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beanieReply toGuy

Yes, way more safer and healthier to steam on a stove then in a microwave oven.

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A Yahoo! userReply toGuy

how so?

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beanieReply toGuy

@ A Yahoo! user.....

Steaming on a stove uses metal pots/pans where using the microwave uses plastic containers which may or may not be safe for heating food in. The chemicals would leach out into the food.

I don't care what the manufacturer may say about how safe using this or that plastic container may be in a microwave. IMO, I think using plastic containers in a microwave is unsafe. But again, that is just my opinion.

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a customer

They forgot you have to peel the broccoli of it's hard skin, soak it in salted water, buy a steamer & steam on the stove... too much nuking going on, if you really want to cut a cancer risk!!Takes 5 minutes if you like it not mushy soft:)

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Microwaving broccoli is only slightly less absurd than "popping it" in boiling water. Unless you like your broccoli baby food soft, either steaming it or stir frying it is arguably as fast and easy--even faster and easier--than any other method of cooking it and the results far tastier.

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Stupid, stupid, stupid. Everyone knows or should know that microwaving food destroys all of the nutrients. Try using the old fashion way of using a metal steamer, place a small amount of water in the pan, lay the broccoli on top of the steamer, cover and steam on med low for about 10 minutes.

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newyorkguyReply toGloria

This is wrong. A scientific study found that broccoli should be steamed for no more than 2-4 minutes. Beyond that time, a key enzyme is destroyed. This enzyme is responsible for activating the cancer fighting chemical compound in broccoli. 2-4 minutes of steaming activates the enzyme itself.

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JohnReply toGloria

Is this for frozen or fresh broccoli?

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Very wrong! A number of years ago, British researches discovered that upwards of 80 percent of broccoli's nutrition was REMOVED when the broccoli was microwaved.

A good alternative to boiling or "nuking" is sautéing it in a pan containing coconut oil or even olive oil. Makes it so very tasty.

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Dana LReply toAnn

coconut oil is one of the most unhealthy oils in the planet,

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Microwave your food?? That's what the author suggests?? Excuse me, it this 1983? Am I in a flashback?? Throw out your microwave. Google the microwave water for plants experiments and look at the difference in the plant watered with the microwaved water vs. straight tap. That should do the trick. Steam your veggies on the stovetop using a steamer and saucepan of water. It takes 7 whole minutes.

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BillEReply tohmmmm134

i steam my vegetables on the stove top for about three minutes still has a crunch and a lot better than mushy vegetables.

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Elisha Soleil

Microwave? Microwaves change the DNA of anything put in it for any length of time. Really bad idea!

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JohnReply toElisha Soleil


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None of Your BusinessReply toElisha Soleil

So glad there are some really smart commenters, because that article is misleading people!

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Chop it up raw and throw it in a salad, add a little apple cider vinegar and lemon juice or any other dressing of your choice. Eating it raw preserves enzymes, vitamins, biophotons, and phytonutrients.

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Tom SReply toOk

I've read that eating it raw does not unlock the nutrients that steaming does. Broccoli requires cooking.

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Microwave nothing! It destroys the nutritional value !

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He forgot to say that microwave radiation breaks down the nutrients in food. He was SUPPOSED to tell you to steam it. Period. (pop-up steamer in a pot) Not for too long either.

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Gryphon 3Reply toProudhaterofdogs

LMAO! No it doesn't. LOL!

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I don't trust microwaves. It's for lazy people.

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Put your microwave into the dumpster.

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Broccoli is excellent eaten raw as are many vegetables.

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Tony DReply toRobert

Eating too much raw broccoli may reduce thyroid function - make you feel tired

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JiggaBooBamaReply toRobert

Tony D, eating to much of anything isn't good. Use your head before responding.

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TJEReply toRobert

*too. Please use proper grammar when responding.

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Winter Blues

You shouldn't eat broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables raw because they will depress your thyroid function. Better to cook, but not overcook them

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JiggaBooBamaReply toWinter Blues

That's a load of #$%$. What about juicing? You're going to tell me it's not healthy? LOL

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Winter Blues

I cook a 1 lb. bag or broccoli in about a 1/4 cup of water on the stove top until fork tender but slightly firm. I suppose you could drink the water left in the pan to capture any lost nutrients

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I normally steam my broccoli crowns in about 1/4 inch of water in a 12-inch skillet. On medium heat; bring the water to a boil; add about 1/2 teaspoon organic chicken Better-Than-Bouillon to the water for flavor; mix well. Add broccoli and steam between 4 to 5 minutes, covered, or until you see steam coming out of the skillet.

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mreeReply toRobin

The broth sounds good, think ill give that a try next time.

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Here's an idea, put it in a pot over a burner with a teaspoon of water, cover it and poof-- same results without consuming cancer from the microwave. That Dan Souza is a genius.

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That's the way I've cooked broccoli for years, also frozen peas, corn, Brussels sprouts, potatoes.

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Steam it and then use the water that captured some vitamins as Vegetable Broth to cook other food or make soups.

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BillReply tonovus_ordo


That's exactly right.

Or you could just add bullion for flavor, thicken with corn starch, then toss the veggies in it.

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