Cruz blames Obama for climate of violence against police

WILL WEISSERT Sep 3rd 2015 5:29PM

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you are full of **** you sorry ass wipe

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It has to be said that cxruz consistently makes the most idiotic and ignorant statements!

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mistririter100 Reply to Dan

May be, but this time he is 100% correct.

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Iran has the ISIS attacking it's enemies there
and Obama has the blacks attacking here.
Soon they will combine forces....

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Now this is an ******* speaking, the NAZI thug cops are being attacked because they have no value towards or for human life, they don't hesitate to shoot someone no matter what the circumstance. There school yard bullies who are hiding behind a badge to become thugs.. I have no remorse for them, the war is on, hit and run like the french underground of WWII, and its going to continue and get worse until the thugs behind the badges STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE!!!! REVOLUTION!!!!

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apache Reply to mrobbins810

U mean against the neeegggrrroooosssss

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Ted Cruz has bigger problems to worry about like his single digit poll numbers.
The sad truth of the matter is all police are suffering the consequences of some (huge #) of the bad police. The good can denounce the bad and regain public confidence, ie. lower the Blue Wall of Silence.

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mistririter100 Reply to bdot157

Huge number, bdot157? You mean about one hundredth of one percent? Except the one shooting in South Carolina, there is no evidence of "bad apples." Every one of these alleged victims were law-breakers and several were career criminals. In every case, if they'd obeyed the lawful order of a police officer they no doubt would be alive today. Yes, they might be sitting in a jail cell, but they'd be alive.

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Just look at his ratings with republicans what a loser.

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Cruz is one hundred percent correct. Obama and democratic politicians to not back police officers. Instead they support the black riots and destruction of peoples property at the hands of the black scum. Right now blacks think they can do anything and get away with it. All the blacks that were shot or died while being arrested have all been black criminals who have resisted arrest.

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Ted who? I didn't even realize this idiot was in the race... This is nothing but him trying to get some attention from the "blame it on Obama" republicans. There are lunatics in this world... that man wanted to shoot a cop because he personally hated them. Blacks saying that our lives matter doesn't effect anyone else, Obama saying that cops should wear cams at all times just in case a situation where we really don't know what happened like the Mike Brown case can come to peace and we could know, didn't like you at all before Ted, you were a zero in my book but this just dropped you down to the negatives.

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What a complete bonehead ... and ANYBODY that thinks this stuff started with the president is just as silly as Ted is! Get it through your thick skulls ... this has been going on for CENTURIES!!!! It started long before the President took office. Thing is that now people have someone to try to blame it on ... just because he is Black. face it, you didn't like Obama in the first place, and now you try to stick him with ANYTHING that goes wrong. Ask yourself ... what have YOU done to make things better? You sit and post HATE messages to stir up emotions and keep the hate going. Get up off your butt and make a POSITIVE change! Stop posting all of this hate and go make our world a better place to live in ... or STFU. If you're not part of the solution, YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!

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publicat09 Reply to songformyfather

Bravo, songformyfather!! Well stated and spot on!

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mistririter100 Reply to songformyfather

Really? When, during our history, has a sitting president dissed the police like Obama? He has let everyone know his position on this. On the day that the Grand Jury released the no true bill for Darren Wilson, did you hear Obama's speech? He hemmed and hawed and there was absolutely nothing in his voice to tell those upset with the verdict to maintain their cool. He acted like well, it's the verdict and you shouldn't, but I can't stop you so go out and create havoc. He is the poorest excuse for a president I've ever seen. He is quick to send White House representatives to thieves and drug dealers funerals, but to even acknowledge that a police officer was killed in the line of duty? Not him. He's shown his disdain and hatred for the police from practically the day he took office, but the first outrageous instance was over the Henry Gates' arrest for disorderly conduct. Even though the officer did not do anything wrong, Obama couldn't say "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

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Cruz is right on .

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Cruz is right on .

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He is right!. Not once has the president stood up and said, there will be no more rioting. If you want to demonstrate and protest do it without violence, luting and bloodshed. Send in the national guard to protect citizens rights. This needless violence should be stopped and as long as Obama sends Sharpton and his other cronies in to be on the side of violence then it will continue. Also anyone arrested should be immediately taken off welfare.

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I just finished finished reading Ted Cruz's book "A time for truth" and in my book Ted jumped in front of Donald Trump.

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I'm not going to disagree, but I think it was a very low blow by Cruz. And for all of you so called "intelligent" people (not) who make these assinine comments. Were it not for these brave men in women in blue, where the hell would we be? Shame on all of you for blaming all these fine officers for the actions of a few bad apples. Shame, shame, shame on you.

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I agree with Cruz 100% ,Obama is a racist ,I knew it when he accused the officer from mass. when he questioned the professor from Harvard , Obama couldn't wait to accuse that officer of bias. in all my years i never saw the racial problems as bad as when Obama took office.

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STFU Anchor baby.

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When 900+ Whites start getting gunned down every year by police violence, you'll see a lot more than riots and burnings. Fact is, these things are not happening to them. It's happening to Hispanics and Blacks. If you attack the same group of people enough times over and over again, the reaction you will get is anger. It's human nature. Face it, we need a change in law enforcement tactics. Using brute force, targeting the same group on the assumption that "they're guilty of something" does not work. Cops draw their weapons much too readily. They'll draw on a little old lady trying to cross the street. And if you draw, you're a lot more likely to fire. And if you fire, you're a lot more likely to keep firing until the target is dead. That has to change. Society will not put up with that from their public servants any more. Like I said, change is coming.

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Margaret Salisbury Reply to liberal101

Please look at the statistics. Cops, of EVERY color, are being gunned down every day. It just doesn't fit into the instigation of news-worthy journalism. The statistics are real. And in the majority of cases, these are career criminals with lengthy records, multiple jail terms, and are well known to police for their criminality and repeat, and repeat, and repeat offender status. But, they keep coming back because our justice system seems to believe these people won't go back to their old ways. Walk a mile in a cop's shoes...JUST ONE DAY. It is NOT as you portray it.

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Cruz is right.

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The whole country, whether one admits it or not, realizes or assumes the role obam/holder and their adms. have contributed to this ongoing situation and tragedy. It pretty much blatant...

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Margaret Salisbury Reply to sun1045

But do they really? Why such silence in the face of what we see everyday?

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