Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner

Megan Cassella

U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday took aim at Democrats and Republicans alike in his final appearance headlining the star-studded White House correspondents' dinner, but saved his sharpest barbs for Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.[CN]

美国总统奥巴马周六任内最后一次出席白宫记者晚宴,在这众星云集的聚会里,奥巴马把矛头对准了民主党和共和党人士,尤其对共和党总统参选人Donald Trump大力调侃。

"The Republican establishment is incredulous that he's their most likely nominee," Obama told attendees at the black-tie event, which brought together journalists and media moguls with Hollywood stars and power brokers from Capitol Hill and beyond.[CN]


"They say Donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be president. But in fairness he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world: Miss Sweden, Miss Argentina, Miss Azerbaijan," the president said to howls of laughter, referring to contestants on the Miss Universe pageant that Trump formerly co-owned.[CN]















Obama made fun of the angst many in the Republican establishment have expressed at the prospect that Trump or Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz could win the party's nomination to run in the Nov. 8 presidential election.[CN]


“Guests were asked to check whether they wanted steak or fish, but instead a whole bunch of you wrote in Paul Ryan,” Obama said, referring to the top Republican in the House of Representatives, who many have hoped could be lured into running for president.[CN]


"That's not an option people," Obama said, displaying comedic chops perfected through seven previous appearances at the annual dinner. "You may not like steak or fish, but that's your choice."

In his remarks, Obama looked back on his presidency and jokingly predicted the country may be nearing its doom.

“The end of the republic has never looked better,” the tuxedo-clad president said looking out at the well-groomed crowd as he blasted Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus.

“Congratulations on all your success,” Obama told Priebus, while wearing a sarcastic grin. “The Republican party, the nomination process – it’s all going great.”

Larry Wilmore, the host of a show on cable outlet Comedy Central, took his own shots at Trump when he took the podium after Obama, joking that next year the dinner will be called: "Donald Trump presents a luxurious evening paid for by Mexico."

Trump has famously promised to build a wall between the United States and Mexico to prevent illegal immigration, and he has said he would force Mexico to pay for it.

With a bit of nostalgia, Obama reflected on his more than seven years in office, saying he had been a young man of idealism and vigor before he became president.

"Eight years ago I said it was time to change the tone of our politics," Obama said. "In hindsight, I clearly should have been more specific."

(Reporting by Megan Cassella; Editing by Tim Ahmann and Kim Coghill)

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These correspondence dinners are meant to be lighthearted. Trump was asked about Obama's jokes this morning and Trump said "Well, I thought it was fine. It's a comedy. It's fine. He did a nice job". Trump has attended Obama's correspondence dinners many times. This year was the first year Trump did not attend but his children were there (as Trump pointed out) but he criticized the media for inflamed headlines like these. Everyone can relax it was all done in fun.[CN]


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RMGReply toHartly

Trump showed some class.[CN]


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‘Psychological Causes of Political Madness’[CN]


Veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”While political activists on the other side of the spectrum have made similar observations, Rossiter boasts professional credentials and a life virtually free of activism and links to “the vast right-wing conspiracy.”[CN]

”资深心理医生距离说明意识形态刺激人们是一种精神疾病。基于异常不合理的信仰和情绪,现代自由主义者无情的破坏了为自由根基的重要准则。“本书作者Lyle Rossiter如是说。“自由精神:政治疯狂心理成因论”就像被宠坏的暴躁的孩子一样,他们反对成年人应承担的正常责任,要求家庭成员从摇篮到坟墓都要满足他们的需要。另一频道的政治积极分子也有同样的监测报告,Rossiter鼓吹职业资格证和生活无狂热分子,跟“巨大的右翼阴谋”有很大的关联。

For more than 35 years he has diagnosed and treated more than 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.[CN]


Rossiter says the kind of liberalism being displayed by both Barack Obama and his Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton can only be understood as a psychological disorder.[CN]


“A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital[CN]


roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals[CN]


do,” he says. “A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do.”[CN]

他说道,“懂得人性的政治领导不会忽视个人在天赋,动力,个人魅力和职业道德的差异,然后把经济平等和社会平等观念强加于人们身上 - 就像自由党人做的那样。懂人性的立法者不会创建这样一种环境,其规则过度操控过度攫取国民,腐蚀他们的性格,削弱他们成为国家奴隶。

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of[CN]


inferiority in the population by: creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization; satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation; augmenting primitive feelings of envy; rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will[CN]


of the government.“The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind,” he says. “When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes[CN]

这是自由主义的原则 - 与它相关的政治狂热 - 可以确认用来理解孩子是怎样从婴儿长成成年人的,这些扭曲的发展产生了自由精神不切实际的信仰。“他说道,”现代自由精神主义者对假想中的受害人发牢骚时,对假想中的恶棍怒火中烧,相比改善自己的生活,他们会竭尽所能去改善他人的。这是自由精神主义者的的神经病就

painfully obvious.”[CN]


History lesson: 13th amendment Abolish Slavery, Voting, republicans 100 percent, demonrats 23 percent. 14th amend. Right to vote for all, Voting, 100 percent, demonrats 0 percent.[CN]


15th amend. Gave citizenship to freed slaves republicans 94 percent, demonrats 0 percent. oblamo non health care, unaffordable, republicans 0 percent, demonrats for more government control 86 percent. we love demonrats don't we????[CN]

15条修正案。释放奴隶获得公民身份。共和党94%,民主党,0%。oblamo 没有医保,买。不起,共和党人0%,民主党人超过86%。我们很爱民主党人,呵呵?

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DarlReply toROHBAR

You realize the GOP is now the conservative party since Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms switched parties in 1964.[CN]

自1964年Strom Thurmond 和 Jesse Helms 转党后,你也知道老大党成为保守党了。

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James K

Interesting article on page 4 of the WSJ today. As of March local authorities have spent more than 300,000 bucks on security at Trump rallies around the country including about $82,000 in Arizona for the event on March 19. Comparatively, in Janesville Wisconsin 50,000 for police to secure his event there on March 29th while Clinton and Sanders events cost a mere $5,000 each for the same city. Hmmm....[CN]


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michaelReply toJames K

thats because trump has 20k plus people the rest are getting 500 so yes he needs more security for our next president[CN]

那是因为特朗普有20k多的的人,其余的有500. 所以是的,要当下一届总统还要更多人作保险。

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OrlandoReply toJames K

Trump pays for all of it with his owen money and is not casting Tax Payers or downers a Dime.[CN]


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Who much is the taxpayer, pay for this correspondents' dinner? I do not believe the taxpayer should pay for them to eat, let them pay themselves.[CN]


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Matt M

"Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner", same as the rest of the articles, omits not only the KEY "joke" in article but also the keyword in headlines.

At least there was a reference to the key word in the original headlines, even if only in the context of Obama at the correspondents' dinner.

The original title, changed after a few hours, now visible only in the page's address:

"For Obama, it's time for one last laugh at annual Washington dinner" -

The KEY "joke" that all articles omit, let alone the headlines:

Obama:: VERY LAST "joke": not only my last correspondents' dinner but also *** THE *** last.

What the "joke" is about: Illuminati passing truth in plain sight about the coming martial law.

In other words: the stage used to complete the disarm citizens agenda and to launch genocide of millions in a three digits scale, in gas chambers and by the guillotine in Walmarts and stadiums.


May 1, 2016 - ommited in "news" - Examples

Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner



All this, scripted to start Easter Sunday 2012, was postponed because of Novorossia 2014 and Syria the other FOUR Easter Sundays:

published March 15 2014:

Biden is played by Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, Obama by an ethnic indonesian with neither black nor white blood.

Forged birth certificate to conceal he's Kenyan is only one among an endless array of "crimes" that Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation will "confess".

Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end with a BIG BANG.

From 4 fake planes in 2001 to to 1 fake plane at Jerusalem.

Obama's very last video as Osama in or near an Afghanistan cave claims the "attack", as explained 2011 by Last Prophet.

What follows Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, crucified to a Boeing 777.


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robertoReply toMatt M

The rot in your heart has infected your Brain to the point were your perception identifies only what is convenient for your LIES.

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Obama is the joke and has been for 8 yrs now. American's had to learn the hard way what the phrase, "Reap what you sow" really means.

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At this point does anyone listen to anything Obama has to say?

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robertoReply toFred

Only fools and Idiots agree with each other.

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You all do realize that the correspondents' dinner is supposed to be jokey, right?

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MikeReply toSamantha

Samantha that's not the point. The guy is scared. Scared someone could actually do a better job than him

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

There is always someone who can do a better job, no matter what the job is. Why be scared? He has served 2 terms. The max that he can serve.

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lanceReply toSamantha

@Mike 2 years you have been taking every advantage available under this President. And if you want the real talk go back and check the accomplishments President Obama has done up against other Presidents. Last night was for joking around time. Why you so up tight.

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

I am a chemist. I am absolutely certain that there are better chemists out there. I'm at my gig for 19 years. I do my job and I do it well. Kinda like our POTUS of the last 2 terms. Could someone do a better job? Maybe so. Could someone do a worse job? You betcha!

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evelynReply toSamantha

no president ever pleased all of the people....

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MikeReply toSamantha

Lance, achievements? Obama is a jerk and you and Samantha's liberal arrogance is my problem! Who says you betcha unless they're from Wisconsin and in their forties?

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MikeReply toSamantha

"2 years you have been taking every advantage available under this President."

Lance, what is that supposed to mean? And why turn this around on me? What's in it for you?

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

If my posts on a Yahoo! article is one of your problems then you either have nothing to do or everything to worry about.

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evelynReply toSamantha

mike spends the rest of his time yelling at kids to get off his lawn..the majority is happy the minority is well mike!

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PaulReply toSamantha

Samantha - Many a true word has been spoken in jest. Humor has always been a good place to hide the truth.

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

Presidents, been hiding the truth in humor since 1920

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MikeReply toSamantha

Not quite, Evelyn. I'm still too young for that. And leave it up to people like Samantha and Evelyn to think its all about them(and only they matter). More power to you both.

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evelynReply toSamantha

you ran out of wise words first mike then started the insults now you want to act like you are the good guy Obama is your president not a jerk. If you have to call someone you don't like a jerk then you are the problem, unable to civically discuss a problem. you rant about him but cannot specificily name anything you are upset about..

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

Thanks Mike! I've got the POWER! (even though I'm totally confused by your post and your punctuation habits)

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

It was clever of you to deduce that I must be in my 40s as I have been at my gig for 19 years. Maybe you can have chocolate milk with your supper. Now does that make me a Wisconsin resident or a Texas resident? What about Alaska?

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RONReply toSamantha

Mike-President Obama is a jerk and arrogant comma then what is Donald Trump your next leader? You conservatives kill me with this arrogance accusation. Just because President Obama doesn't act like I just freed slave he's arrogant? that's why the Republican Party is now the butt of everyone's jokes. President Obama is confident the most powerful man in the Free World should be confident but you guys can't get over the fact that because he's black he shouldn't act like Donald Trump.

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RenaReply toSamantha

Mike, the answer to your question "Who says you betcha unless they're from Wisconsin and in their forties?" .... Sarah Palin.

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SamanthaReply toSamantha

The more I look at this post, the more tickled (maybe I'm from West Virginia) I get.

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GaspardReply toSamantha

Samantha you may be inhaling a few too many fumes it's gone to your simple head.

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Oh man ! That guy Obama is scathing ! Unfortunately he's better at mouthing off nonsensical one liners than being president.

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robertoReply toChris

If you keep biting the hand that feeds you. You will choke on your own criticism

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JohnReply toChris

Roberto, you are a moron. In addition I'd guess that you are a Democrat and that you and your family have spent at least two generations on welfare.

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“The end of the republic has never looked better,” the tuxedo-clad president said looking out at the well-groomed crowd as he blasted Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus.

“Congratulations on all your success,” Obama told Priebus, while wearing a sarcastic grin. “The Republican party, the nomination process – it’s all going great.”

These are about the most truthful statements Yomamma has made since he's been in office. They're no joke, simpletons.

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James KReply totomb

Tough to admit you've been skewered, tomb, by someone who beats your IQ by about a hindered points.

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The joke about foreign policy experience is a classic!

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petey ondrasekReply toLAIMBEER

the joke is obama

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Paul DassanceReply toLAIMBEER

Yes, obama described himself to a tee on that one!

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mariaReply toLAIMBEER

Being a Community dis-Organizer is not part of foreign policy.

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MikeReply toLAIMBEER

Obama is garbage

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ChrisReply toLAIMBEER

O'lVomit is a putrid skidmark on American History.

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BuzsawReply toLAIMBEER

Hey, why be so mean to skid marks Chris?

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Heywood JahReply toLAIMBEER

Hey look, five years since Osama got the double-tap. Thanks, Mr. President. Mission Accomplished!

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Hillary Clinton makes another racist joke about blacks. President Obama says that is ok, because Americans are ok with Democrat racism. It is everyone else's racism that should be scorned and ridiculed. More on Hillary and the Super Predators at 11.

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Obama has torched this country. Jimmy Carter can die peacefully knowing he was not the worst president in U. S. history.

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robertoReply toSky

Next time you go to get gas Take a closer look at all the people getting torched as you swallow your foot

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0b0ngles put out a few weak jabs for his room of sycophants, I'm just glad he'll be in Kenya (birthplace) by this time next year.

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Heywood JahReply toThirdeye

Look, everyone. A birther! I thought you guys were extinct.

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robertoReply toThirdeye

If he goes to Kenya at least he will be happy. In turn, where ever you go Thirdeye hatred, darkness, and sadness will follow you and be your demise.

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gimme a break

In his remarks, Obama looked back on his presidency and jokingly predicted the country may be nearing its doom. Then blamed Bush.

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One amazing thing Obama could do is being a joke at this pathetic dinner.

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robertoReply toKhang

The only thing pathetic is the manure that that infects your brain.

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"Hillary appealing to youth voters is like your elderly aunt getting on Facebook for the first time" --- now THAT was a funny joke by Obama... I wonder why it's being ignored ?

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DaveReply toRichard

Because the media loves the Democrat's.

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JamesReply toRichard

Well...Democrats are for the people more than trump or any GOP member.

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DaveReply toRichard

The Democrat's are for the people who won't support themselves.

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revmanReply toRichard

James-- The NEW democratic welfare party.

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WayneReply toRichard

Dave, Rev man just because the red states are the largest takers of private welfare, but don't let things like facts get in your way. Keep with your ignorance you about have it mastered.

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Shuck N“ JiveReply toRichard

Where are your statistics Wayne? You scraped them up off of a bathhouse floor.

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DavidReply toRichard

If you are stupid enough to believe that the democrats are for the people then I have a bridge to sell you in New York.

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BillReply toRichard

Wayne Obama is half black and possibly half white, just like you though, all idiot.

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JamesReply toRichard

revman..........new right wing failure. As a trumpet, you're out of tune.

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RichardReply toRichard

There were many jokes at hilllarys expense, just so odd that the main stream media didn't cover it. So strangely odd, right?

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RobertReply toRichard

That's ok Hillary will be sworn into office in 2017 giving all you low IQ followers something to cry over for the next 8 years

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Paul BReply toRichard

Wayne, then I guess you have no problem with eliminating ALL welfare benefits (both corporate and individual) so we can punish those evil "red states"? Of course, that would include yours!

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RichardReply toRichard

Robert, that is such and old, tired "jab" about IQ and political leaning. That "study" was proven to be invalid due to datasets and sampling errors. Additionally, general election voting demographics prove that voters with no high school education overwhelming vote democrat, as do those with criminal records. I am proud to vehemently vote against democrat liberals any time I can.

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papaReply toRichard

Roberto Hillary will be taking mug shots

Trump for POTUS in 2016

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JamesReply toRichard

papa =trumptroll.

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WayneReply toRichard

Yes Paul, I know I live in a red state. I just hate that only 7% of our tax money goes to private assistance and more to corporations. Many of the elderly and disabled have to rely on welfare because Republicans won't give them a raise. Many military families also rely on it for the same reason. About 51% of our tax money goes to the military industrial complex. That's not the vets or even the people that fight. That is for the kickbacks for weapons that nobody ordered and planes that won't fly. Use Google sometimes. Stay stupid.

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papaReply toRichard

James= Hillary troll

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DavidReply toRichard

Wayne - I love how you pull stats out of thin air. Try learning for yourself or you will remain just another liberal moron stupid enough to only barf up what your handers feed you.

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HighflyerReply toRichard

Google it David and take your own advice, or just stay ignorant.

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But trump did not sell out his country to be invaded by illegals.

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PatriotReply tome

No Reagan did that.Trump jus hires them.

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people in texas are drownung and dead due to flooding is drowning, and have no food, the prezbo is cheering of the toast and wine with the press club people Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner?typical black mental health. let the Boys suffer?

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Heywood JahReply toLITO

Why do you guys always make it about race?

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DumpReply toLITO


Are the people drowning and starving in Texas the same ones who want to secede from the Union?

I am assuming that your Governor is upset by President Obama delivering these great lines at the dinner the other night because he it extended his wait in line with all of the other Republican leaders of "taker" states begging for Federal Disaster funds from the rest of us huh?

Yeah that's right LITO, were it not for the liberal progressive "Blue" states in this union, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and every other backwards ignorant inbred state would be deep in debt. Texas, like these other states, takes more Federal Tax Dollars than they put in.

Trump is right. To save our country we need to build a wall on our Southern Border. He is wrong about where it needs to be built though. He needs to survey well North of the Rio Grande.

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What is the difference when Obama gets up and makes fun of everyone he doesn't like and people laugh from when Trump gets up and makes fun of everyone he doesn't like and people laugh? The left think Obama is hilarious and think Trump is hateful. Something just not working in these people's brains.

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