Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner

Megan Cassella

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"They say Donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be president. But in fairness he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world: Miss Sweden, Miss Argentina, Miss Azerbaijan," the president said to howls of laughter, referring to contestants on the Miss Universe pageant that Trump formerly co-owned."

Well, Obama had no foreign policy experience either...but I bet he wishes he would have been meeting up with those pageant contestants himself.

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ChrisReply toBrett

Why ? He's got Michael. Gotta love those "man hands".

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David Kuhn

How ironic for Obama to talk about foreign policy experience with the ME. burning up under his superior skills. Obama is the joke, of the world.

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Heywood JahReply toDavid Kuhn

Really? I guess you don't travel much.

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Paul O

The best thing Obama did in Office was to make it very clear that the 2-party system is a myth. It's the cream of the (European) elite that runs the Oval Office. People are sick and tired of being lied to as puppet leader after puppet leader has taken his place in the White House to carry out the real bosses' orders.

Hillary Clinton has been groomed, compromised, corrupted and rewarded for a long time now, getting ready to be the next puppet leader, and powerful people will assure that happens. Regardless of the fact that most Americans want a change from the broken American political system, it's not going to happen. I suspect a brokered convention will rob DT of his chance to face HR for the Presidency.

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MasukReply toPaul O

Paul you got a long way to go to convince these thumbs down that Hillary is a snake and can't be trusted.

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jamesReply toPaul O

Hillary is a terrible choice for president, however she will be elected thanks to the poorly educated trumpist trash who have destroyed all hope of a GOP win this year.

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@ Janet. You are delusional.

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The establishment sucks.

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trixReply toBruce

And nobody is more establishment than a real estate mongrel who made a fortune building casinos for desperate gamblers

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Toss emReply toBruce

Trixie the freeloader is crying on the Trump stories again.. boo hoo hoo cries the little welfare check queen with many baby daddies

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RonReply toBruce


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HA HAReply toBruce

trix.......learn to gamble in moderation or call the gambling hotline for help.

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RamblerReply toBruce

trix doesn't like having her freebies threatened

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trixReply toBruce

@ Rambler, I am a self employed male homeowner and I take NO freebies. Your ignorance is showing.

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Paul BReply toBruce

Trix the tranny!

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papaReply toBruce

Trump for POTUS in 2016

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trixReply toBruce

@ Paul,Calling people "tranny" is so intelligent, it almost wins the most useless comment of the day award.

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CliffReply toBruce

By establishment you mean ALL the Republican candidates since Eisenhower? It seem the GOP have been screwing over there base and up till now they were too stupid to notice!

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HA HAReply toBruce

Cliff......the DNC has always screwed up it's base and you guys must like it because it never changes.

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President Obama has fine tuned his comedic delivery, as evidenced by the various jabs at all who usually stand in front of the spotlight of scrutiny.

That said, even though he managed to heaven some self-critical thoughts, it's quite stunning to hear all of his diatribes and yet he is still mired (and is an active participant) in the same games that are played by The Establishment 8n Washington.

What was missing, in my opinion, was the ability to speak plainly about the spiraling downward free-fall of our political system.

I now way do I intend to use the same arguments of Mr.Obama's detractors, because there are so many naysayers, and so little substance to their solutions (other than to wear the mantle of the Savii6

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MollyBeeReply toMark

Although the WHCD is not the platform for "plain speak", the President has spoken very clearly on this issue at many other venues. Biggest problems, says he: Citizens United and other SCOTUS decisions that opened elections to dark money, big ad brain-washing of the public and almost certain corruption; gerrymandered districts in which contenders for office can choose their voters rather than the voters choosing the contender; and, the effort to keep voters away from the polls through various means, notably, the reversal of voter rights laws and various state voter discrimination laws.

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billReply toMark

Your post...yawn...

Trump 2016!

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Donnie, you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting! Hilarious!

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What's sad is all the whiners and complainers that rely on or think the government, while imperfect, controls their lives. In actually it is the People that control their own destinies, and are ultimately responsible for their own happiness. Everyone makes their own bed, regardless of who the elected leader is.

Sure there are many inequities in our country, but people who blame everyone else and see America as all doom and gloom when it is STILL the greatest nation on Earth should really move to North Korea or Antartica. Maybe those people would be happier then.

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ThnkithruReply toClark

You imply that governmental policies have little effect on our "destiny and happiness"... Really?? Tell that to the millions that had their work hours cut back to 29 hours, lost their job and can't find a decent job, the shuttering of businesses and foreclosures of millions of homes, sky-high health insurance... the list goes on and on and on. Maybe you've been in Antarctica the past 7 years??

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GinaReply toClark

Try telling the black gimmes that they control their own lives. They want whitey to feed, clothe and house them and their spawn.

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ClarkReply toClark

Some of what you describe is not a direct result of economic policies (which one person doesn't control anyways).

I do feel for the people that lost their jobs or had hours cut, but there is more opportunity today than there was during the great recession. As an employer, finding qualified candidates is harder today because more people are employed now.

Other people who are still unemployed need to improve their skills and become more valuable in TODAY's workforce. Learn competitive skills that would be valuable to an employer, or have the ingenuity and gumption to start your own business.

Foreclosures - a broken financial system, predatory lenders, deregulation, did have a direct impact. But also people shouldn't buy homes, cars, etc they can't afford.

Sky high insurance - should direct your angst toward the insurance companies, and the extreme cost of medical services.

All in all, there's only so much a government or system can do for you. Ask what, or what else, you can do for yourself.

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GregReply toClark

"imperfect".? ..inept

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Howard EReply toClark


No, it is not that simple. The nature of the rules put in place has a good deal to do with the distribution of income/wealth. The US has seen a dramatic shift in income to the top over the past 30-40 years that is not due to a sudden spurt of laziness across the population.

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GregReply toClark

Inept government

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tedReply toClark

America is now the most crooked country , and if demon Hillary gets in,, it will be the most crooked and disarmed county in the world .

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ClarkReply toClark

Howard I agree with you there on income inequality. But that's happened, like you say, over the course of 30-40 years. That's not something that we can pinpoint on anyone person or administration (like many are doing on here).

On one end of the spectrum we have the greedy, and on the other end we have the needy. In order for us to have "income equality" and prosperity for the majority, there has to be balance. People who play by fair rules on top, and people who want work for the opportunities on the bottom.

I'm not sure if a government ever can bring that type of balance, so I see it as an ongoing struggle - control what you can control.

So yes, go out and vote this Fall for who you think will be the most effective in restoring balance, but I also believe the onus is still on the people of the United States to bring about their own happiness and prosperity.

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cherylReply toClark

Most wouldn't make it in Antarctica my guess. Strong place needs strong people no wimps. I know.

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buzzReply toClark

It would be a happier and more prosperous country if we could get rid a good number of millions of illegals and get our debt back down. That and stopping the heroin inflow would make a world of difference but none of that will happen if Hillary gets in office. She will do absolutely nothing to turn any of that around. She will try to disarm the populace though so we can be like the Mexican citizens, shot down on their farms and in the streets of their towns by drug gangs. No more Democrats. They are destroying this nation.

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jamesReply toClark

@buzz - I'm not a Clinton or trump supporter, but you sadly have no concept of the illegal immigration issue. Trump's whole idea for reducing illegals in the US is disingenuous at best and a deliberate lie at worst. A giant wall that will be a waste of money and will not work. Any candidate who won't talk about the real cause and solution of illegal immigration is just lying for votes. The illegals come here because US employers give them jobs that pay more than they make in Mexico. Both Republican and Democrat employers. And ICE knows who these employers are who hire illegals. They pick up illegals there every month and deport them, but these employers just hire more illegals. And the government does not prosecute these employers - just a wink and a nod. If you want to reduce illegals in the US - JUST STOP HIRING THEM. Arrest the illegal employers and the job will dry up for illegals. And many will leave. It's very simple, but People seem to be unwilling to point the finger where it belongs - it's the US employers who break the law. We can solve this issue very easily. IF Americans really wanted to.

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tedReply toClark

So if your not for Trump, then your a loser anyway,, at Least Trump not going to disarm America like that bit-h Hillary is,, she is evil just like Cruz is .

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jamesReply toClark

@ted - I'm a lifetime NRA member and gun owner, but I'm sick of this stupid disarming talk. Never, ever going to happen. And a president has no authority to do that either. A non-issue.

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All you really have to do is look at where the country was in the last 8 months of Bush 43, and compare and contrast to where the country is now. By any fair and objective measure, we are in a far better place.

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Jimmy DeanReply totwain307

GW , was a disaster !! That's what republican ( trickle down ) policy's do , tank the economy !!

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No one outside the minions in today's media, the media that drives their own agendas instead of reporting the real stories, has listened to this failed President in years. He always could talk the talk, but he has been a crushing failure, almost a dead heat with W. 16 years of sub-standard leadership has dragged this country down to the sorry point we are at now. Two Presidents always fighting divisive fights. We need someone who fights for all Americans, no matter political affiliation.

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MarkReply toERIC

ERIC, tell the truth. It's only conservatives who constantly bash Obama. He did win reelection in 2012 after all. He hasn't been the best President, but he is certainly far from the worst.

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HighflyerReply toERIC

Housing industry - up, automobile industry - up, job creation - up, unemployment -down, stock market - up. Yep, a 'dead heat' with Bush; housing - stagnant, auto industry - verge of collapse, losing jobs at the rate of 200,000 per month, stock market - less than half what it is today. Just ignoring the facts, Eric, and seeing the world the way you wish it was.

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rexReply toERIC

George W Bush and the GOP allow bin Laden to attack our country and kill thousands and Obama has bin Laden killed.

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rexReply toERIC

And you think they are equivalent???

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Mark, as a life long democrat I can tell you it's NOT only conservatives who bash Obama. He played to special interests and ignored the vast populous that elected him twice, I voted for him twice given the weak options. He failed. Highflyer, the job creation/unemployment numbers are a hoax. How 'bout the UNDEREMPLOYED millions who have had hours slashed over 16 years, yes 16. Both parties are in it together. rex, yes.

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DebbieReply toERIC

I wonder if the underemployed are the same people who are on SSI and hooked on painkillers or have other chemical dependencies because the unemployment rate has hit my generation hardest, and everyone I know who has difficulty finding work is also chemically dependent or has a long history of chemical dependency with the accompanying prison records to show for it.

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rexReply toERIC

Eric, Obama paraded dozens of employment bills in front of Congress that included rebuilding our crumbling transportation system and many others targeting veterans and the GOP shot every one of them down. Mitch McConnell made it his failed mission to make Obama a one term President and was willing to sacrifice this country and those who risked their lives fighting for it, to further that goal.

Eric, you are clueless and therefore deserve to be called a Republican. Save your bipartisan responsibility B/S for someone ignorant enough to believe you.

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buzzReply toERIC

I voted for Obama and he turned me against the Democrats permanently. I get a foul taste in my mouth every time I hear the word Democrat now. I'm voting for Mr. Trump.

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MarkReply toERIC

ERIK & buzz, I find it very hard to believe that you voted for Obama and have now turned against the Democratic party. While he has absolutely been less effective than I had hoped, he has tried to fulfill all of his campaign promises against a stonewall of Republican opposition. The goals of the party remain the same, If you wanted those results from Obama, your best bet to get them now is to vote for Hillary.

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For all you idiots that can't see the humor in the correspondents dinner commentary, go buy a personality!

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J VReply toKennethW

No I can't see the humor in bullying people. Somehow the democrats think it's not bullying if you make a joke and people laugh at it. Many of the people he was bashing weren't there. Not funny if you are over 10.

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Rise up Troglodytes!

Rally around your fearful leader! For he is being pick upon by those that can formulate sentences.

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Peelousys Failed MajorityReply todavid

Speaking of formulating sentences, you might try "picked", you stupid ascwipe!

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JohnReply todavid

That leaves you out.

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This dufus that lingers as our titular president was correct in one of his comments: that we are facing doom as a nation after the rubble he has left in his wake and all the broken pieces of what was a great nation seven years ago. He incorrectly attributed Trump as the Republican establishment's likely nominee. He is not their nominee, he may well be the people's nominee however.

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Heywood JahReply toMax

Where were you seven years ago. Max, when the Republicans crashed the US economy.....for real?

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Matt M

"Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner", same as the rest of the articles, omits not only the KEY "joke" in article but also the keyword in headlines.

At least there was a reference to the key word in the original headlines, even if only in the context of Obama at the correspondents' dinner.

The original title, changed after a few hours, now visible only in the page's address:

"For Obama, it's time for one last laugh at annual Washington dinner" -

The KEY "joke" that all articles omit, let alone the headlines:

Obama:: VERY LAST "joke": not only my last correspondents' dinner but also *** THE *** last.

What the "joke" is about: Illuminati passing truth in plain sight about the coming martial law.

In other words: the stage used to complete the disarm citizens agenda and to launch genocide of millions in a three digits scale, in gas chambers and by the guillotine in Walmarts and stadiums.


May 1, 2016 - ommited in "news" - Examples

Obama torches Trump at his final Washington correspondents' dinner



All this, scripted to start Easter Sunday 2012, was postponed because of Novorossia 2014 and Syria the other FOUR Easter Sundays:

published March 15 2014:

Biden is played by Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, Obama by an ethnic indonesian with neither black nor white blood.

Forged birth certificate to conceal he's Kenyan is only one among an endless array of "crimes" that Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation will "confess".

Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end with a BIG BANG.

From 4 fake planes in 2001 to to 1 fake plane at Jerusalem.

Obama's very last video as Osama in or near an Afghanistan cave claims the "attack", as explained 2011 by Last Prophet.

What follows Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, crucified to a Boeing 777.


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ScottReply toMatt M

wow, you are too far gone.

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BuzsawReply toMatt M

Big Bing smoker. Put down the pipe for a while.

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RichardReply toMatt M

Matt, it's time to get a grip on life. You're completely skirting the edges of insanity.

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QualiaReply toMatt M

your real concern should be trolls under the bed and goblins in your closet Matt

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omarReply toMatt M

Matt you forgot about the black helicopters that were going to take your guns,Still waiting

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Mike Gallagher, the 8th most recognized talk radio personality in the country, is heard by over 2.25 million listeners weekly.

He compiled and wrote the following essay entitled,

"Obama: It was You."

President Obama:

This is why you didn't go to France to show solidarity against the Muslim terrorists:

* It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner -"I am one of you."

* It was you who on ABC News referenced -"My Muslim faith ."

* It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.

* It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict-"I will stand with the Muslims ."

* It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that -"I am a Muslim ."

* It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.

* It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.

* It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.

* It was you who purposefully omitted - "endowed by our Creator " - from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.

* It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the 'HOLY' Qur'an.

* It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.

* It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.

* It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the White House.

America please pay attention what is happening to our country., and remember to vote.

* It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested the mosques you have visited to adjust their decor.

* It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.

* It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.

* It was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an outreach to Muslim communities.

* It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.

* It was you who were the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.

* It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.

* It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.

* It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.

* It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely

praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.

* It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.

* It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.

* It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help "empower" the British Muslim community.

* It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.

* It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.

* It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.

* It was you who was uncharacteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, formerly America's strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.

* It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian, who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

* It was you who said this country is not a Christian nation.


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Political SuicideReply torendezvous

Maybe he is a Muslim. Who cares?

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TonyReply torendezvous

Fact is stranger than fiction. Thx for the essay!

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rendezvousReply torendezvous

PS: If Obama is a Muslim, he certainly has lied about and denied it.

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DaveReply torendezvous

The point is, the joke's on us.

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Roger DodgerReply torendezvous

The bigger point is that the "essay" is a lie. Based on lies and statements taken out of context. Don't thank this idiot for posting this tripe.

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TonyReply torendezvous

Doing my homework!

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fitReply torendezvous

Actually the duck is a loon.

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TonyReply torendezvous

Like all things Obama, it's hard to tell what he says and what he does.

Actually, this is the wrong type of Yahoo article to place the question of Obama's Islamism in the mix.

It's not celebratory to the fact that soon Obama will no longer serve as president; moreover, we will soon find out about Obama's Islamic tendencies at that time going forward.

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cherylReply torendezvous

He's one big lame duck to me. I don't buy his words.

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DennisReply torendezvous

The sooner the Kenyan muslum is out of office, the better off our country will be. Go Trump!

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MichaelReply torendezvous

Mike Gallagher did not write this essay. Also, most of these accounts are completely out of context or just outright false. There are so many real things to get angry about in this world, why waste time on made up nonsense?

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The Dude

RepubliKlans hate President Obama so much. They can't ever say why, at least not with actual facts. They loved their boy GW though, even as he let the country be attacked, lied the country into an unnecessary war, took more vacation than any president in history, turned a surplus of 1/2 trillion into an almost 2 trillion deficit. They loved him because he was a moron that could not speak proper English or formulate an intelligent sentence, just like them. Having an African American President who is far more intelligent, thoughtful and well spoken than they are is the real basis of their hate, a constant reminder of what losers they are.

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I didn't do it!Reply toThe Dude

You really are an idiot of exceptional level.

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cherylReply toThe Dude

Somedude is right know not popular to say. Don't care.

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leroyReply toThe Dude

Dude is a really good name for you DUDE ? HA HA you got that one right Dude

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no time 4 foolsReply toThe Dude

dude....dude.... dude, you got snot running in your mouth

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CraigReply toThe Dude

Hmm - not one response coherent in any way to comments by "The Dude" - very telling.

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RachelReply toThe Dude

And The Dude you don't sound full of hate at all. Nah. Frigging hypocrites!!!! And CRAIG, yeah I think SOME DUDE set him straight with his very coherent comment. Makes way more sense than your buddy THE DUDE up there. Hmmmm, very telling!!!

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that any one thinks trump in going to change anything but his wallet amazes me, hillary is a #$%$ sanders is to old tRUMP IS A #$%$. thy are all bad but please dont sit there and try to say trump is going to change anything except his life because he has and always will be about himself and padding his pocket. History shows that trump is an elitest DB and only cares about himself. Hillary is a #$%$ and dishonest like trump is any better. they all suck but trump should not throw rocks because he is the biggest DB of them all and I challenge any of you to show me I am wrong because there are lawsuits and a whole bunch of paper trails to show how of a sleeze BAG HE IS. And yes hillary is no better but holy #$%$ he is no saint and he is an #$%$ hole . I as a NYer know first hand he has done nothing to help anyone and just ask him this 1 question , how will you build this wall, when will you build this wall and how will you fix the immigration problem and wait for a answer other than it will be great , and it will be the best wall you see . Ask for details and if you can get any I will vote for him and kiss his #$%$ in macys window.

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MichaelFReply toCharles

Trump is a disaster but still vastly superior to any democrat. At least Trump sides with the police instead of the viciously racist BLM and Trump doesn't pander to them as the white leftist democrats always do.

In 2007 Oprah Winfrey gave up on trying to help inner city black school kids on the south side of Chicago because, she said, they're just not interested in learning. That's when she opened the girls school in South Africa.

When BLM demands "good schools" I can easily imagine Trump asking them what they're doing to get black kids interested in learning. I absolutely cannot imagine Hilary, Bernie or any white leftist ever asking BLM such a question.

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Yes folks, our narcissist president who's credentials were summed up, as a community organizer, doesn't think Trump is qualified for the job. Sic

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James LReply toGeorge

Trump isnt. how is Obama being a narcissist? because he is better at jokes than you are? because he had to clean up W's mess?

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AdamReply toGeorge

George - "our narcissist president who's credentials were summed up, as a community organizer,"

Who summed up his credentials that way? He was a community organizer from 1985-1988...which is before he even attended law school. Last I heard, after he graduated from law school he was a lecturer at Chicago University's School of Law, a civil rights attorney, a board member of multiple non-profits, an Illinois State Senator, and then a US Senator. I'm sure your resume is just as robust...

"doesn't think Trump is qualified for the job."

A very large proportion of the country feels the same way...

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anniegReply toGeorge

Adam, you know who summed up his credentials that way. The half-term governor, reality show star wannabe, mother of thugs and hypocrites, who took five years attending five colleges for a bachelor's degree in communication, and still can't string together a coherent sentence.

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Can someone explain to me why there are so many celebrities there? Lots of these celebrities couldn't have anything less to do with the White House or the government so why are idiots like the Kardashians and stuff getting invites? Or is that our talk show guest president's posse?

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SamanthaReply toMike

Because it is a comedic event. Somewhat like a roast

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RichardReply toMike

Where have you been for all the years the Washington Correspondent dinner has been going on? Like Samantha said, it's a Roast of the Washington insiders. This is nothing new; it's been going on sense 1920.

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ericReply toMike

you should ask your reality tv nominee

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MikeReply toMike

Morbius? Or just Eric?

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MikeReply toMike

Samantha, why are the celebrities there. Did Hoover have celebrities there?

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donnaReply toMike


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SamanthaReply toMike

I don't know but he delivered a heck of a zinger at one of his. "Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt".

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Do you think Trump really gives a damn what worthless, hack like obama says?

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Heywood JahReply toMichael

Sure he does, he's still uptight about a comment someone made about his fingers twenty years ago. Haven't you been watching?

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CooperOReply toMichael

Yes. He cares about what anyone says about him. He cuts out newspaper stories about himself every morning. You didn't really think your questions through before you posted, did you?

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