China's Propaganda Machine Has An Unusual, But Effective, Trolling Strategy

[Dan Seitz]


If you’ve ever posted anything, ever, online that might be remotely critical of Russia, you’re probably familiar with Russia’s marching army of propaganda trolls. Any website with a “Russia” tag will be found by them eventually. And it was widely believed that China had a similar, largely internally focused operation. And it does, but the exact nature, and behavior, takes trolling to the next level.[CN]

如果你曾在网上发布过任何可能对俄罗斯有所指的批评性言论,那你应该领教过俄罗斯如行军部队般的宣传大军的威力。凡是贴有“俄罗斯”标签的 网站最终都会被他们找到。人们广泛认为中国也有类似的主要在其内部发生的行动。这种行为的确存在,但其本质以及言行将水军轰炸上升到了新的高度。

Foreign Policy looks at the latest and most extensive research of China’s trolling operations, and it blows up quite a few assumptions. For example, it was widely believed that China employed wumao, translated roughly as “50-centers” because that’s what they were paid per social media post. Mostly, though, it appears China’s professional trolls are already holding down a government job somewhere else, and are just doing this out of “patriotic spirit.”[CN]


Secondly, instead of being angry at people, they flood any discussion of serious political issues with a degree of mindless vapidity Shares From Your Aunt can only stare at in awe and jealousy:.”[CN]

其次,在严肃的政治事件讨论里,他们散布着无聊的碎语,而不是对别人的发言表示愤怒。Shares From Your Aunt这类用户也只能带着敬畏眼红了。

Of the posts the researchers analyzed, 80 percent were labeled “cheerleading,” and 13 percent “non-argumentative praise or suggestions.” These include such barn-burners as, “We all have to work harder, to rely on ourselves, to take the initiative to move forward” and, “We hope the central government provides us with even more support.”[CN]


In other words, they shut down conversation by offering mindless slogans. How did these academics find this government shills? They asked them if they were shills, and they confirmed it.

Of course, this isn’t to downplay the very real issues Chinese citizens face daily. Blandly replying government slogans to requests for more civil rights is a bit worrying in its own special way, and just as worrying is the implication that when you do run across somebody arguing for China’s current regime, they’re doing it of their own free will. But we guess at least they’re not making the Internet worse. That’s something, right?

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The Chinese and Russian trolls are easy to find still, but have not seen as many from Iran recently who would bash the US at any chance. The Chinese keep claiming they are doing a "patriotic duty' to their commie crazed country, but in reality it's to stem and/or prevent any criticism directed at their government. As for the Russians, their trolls are idiots!! The Russians believe nothing outside of their country is good and that Putin is a god. LOL!! Everytime I see a post from a Russian troll, it always gives me a good laugh - at their stupidity. The claims the Russian trolls say are questionable at best, but they really sound like crazy claims coming from a psycho schizophrantic who needs to be put in a nuthouse. The BS coming from Iran, China, and Russia are not even worth listening to.[CN]


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China has now dammed almost every river in China multiple times to generate electricity for manufacturing. China's river fisheries are on the brink of total destruction. Their rivers, ground water, coastal water etc...are now known to be extremely polluted from all the unregulated manufacturing and newly adopted industrial agricultural practices.[CN]


The cost of cleaning up all this pollution will be massive...the cost of doing nothing will be even greater...such as being forced to import food and clean water.[CN]


Astronomical economic growth numbers...year after year...have a steep price.[CN]


The citizens of China have been complaining about this pollution for many years....but have been largely silenced by the communist government there.[CN]


Go to the "International Rivers" website to learn more.[CN]


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Calling somebody a 50 center is a fashion on sites like Yahoo when ANTI-CHINA TROLLS (such as professional troll desadiste posting below) DOES NOT A POINT AGAINST A PRO-CHINA POSTER., no matter if you are American, European, Russian, or Chinese.[CN]


Well, I was termed one when I was against Uighur terrorists, Tibet isolationist, Taiwan separatist, Filipino hijacker.[CN]


50 cent equals 7-8 pennies. I am an American living in US. The thousands of messages over the years would have earned me a big 300-400 dollars, covering 1/5 of my $1500 Thinkpad, or 1/2 of my new LG G5, or one of my cheapest desktops.[CN]

五毛相当于7、8美分。我是个住在美国的美国人。这些年来的几千条留言够我赚多得3、4百美金了,可以拿来付我五分之一的1500刀的thinkpad,或者我新买的LG G5,又或者我最便宜的台式机。

I could have worked harder on this to make more 50 cents - but I would have no food in my refrigerator to live on this, or even to pay for computers or internet I need to post on Yahoo.[CN]


Therefore, I have to spend time making a living, spending time on my businesses, instead of posting here for )free (is 7-8 pennies on a half hour message like free).[CN]


Come on, US media propaganda is counting on rumors for propaganda now, even Harvard research about this counting on such rumor![CN]


I guess publishing something junk like this must be very important for these poor journalist or 'researcher''s bread on the table![CN]


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EagleReply toEagle



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China, Russia, and transparency are oxymorons. Reason simple - democracies place government at the will of the people; autocratic, kleptocratic states force people to serve the government. The goons in Beijing and Moscow view their public as morons who have to be led. Public opinion is made and guided with propaganda and the few who dissent are eliminated. Religion is seen as a tool of the state and any effort to separate it from politics is quashed. One hopes that the hundreds of years of history for the Russians and thousands for the Chinese would have created peoples who guard freedoms zealously, but no, they are like herds needing only vodka, cars, and an apartment to shut them up. So, whereas Russia, China, and transparency are oxymorons, Russians, Chinese, and stupid seem to be synonyms.[CN]


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Proudchinese Wong

"China's Propaganda Machine Has An Unusual, But Effective, Trolling Strategy";?[CN]


Nah... they can't even match the Wests 's; the Red Chinese leaders faces \a lot of anti_ forces ; Pro_Tibetan, eastern part minority, south China sea issue and most efficient tool that the Wests s media easily out fox the Chinese 's Chinese hate Chinese ;like Taiwan, Hongkong, Faloun gon , Pro_ democratic students the " Oblivion " movie play by Tom Cruise, except to the Russian ;the Wests fail to have the Russian turn against Putin. The Russian are really strong country and proud people indeed.[CN]


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James AReply toProudchinese Wong



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Addis Ababa

Russians are worse than the Chinese when it comes to propaganda. Its like they go into Google and type 'Russia' into the news section and then invade all articles, forums or discussion boards that mention Vladimir Putin or Russia.[CN]


Its easy to spot Russian posts because it would always have or mention:[CN]







-BRICS and American coup



-Fighting ISIS

-Jewish, Israel, Nazi

-Western conspiracy

And whole hosts of other conspiracies. These people most often say they are either American or Canadians and 100% support Russia and how great Putin is.[CN]


If you read Sputnik News, Pravda, Russia Insider you would see what I am talking about.[CN]

你要是读了Sputnik News, Pravda, Russia Insider,就知道我在说什么了。

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Hal R.

Tired of all the feral cats in your neighborhood ?

Just have a Chinese restaurant open up.

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SiteAReply toHal R.

Unfortunately, cat is not all that will be on the menu.... long as it's's served to Americans who have an appetite for meat

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this is Communism 101.

full scale control of everything, specially information spread to the news. if its True and its embarrassing, take it down and blame it on the US

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Dictators in general have thin skins so criticism of any of their actions is taken as an affront on them personally. I rather doubt the Chinese propaganda machine is as experienced and well funded as the Russian propaganda machine. Outside of natural gas and oil, propaganda is Russia's main export to the West. Notice the clever though obvious propaganda ploys as the headlines from Moscow, thake today for instance "Russia detains four suspected Islamists". Anybody even casually interested in what is going on in Russia knows that scores of people are jailed daily on suspicion they harbor anti Putin feelings or express pro Ukrainian sentiment, not to mention weakly attacks on the Russian military force occupying prisoner countries of Northern Caucasus, the Chechen, Ingush, Bashkirs, in Ingushettia, Chechnya, Dagestan, etc.

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i doubt there is even state-sponsored trolling from Russia if this article is any indication ... has anyone ever seen such messages in a comment thread! I haven't!

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Figured this out now, finally? Several YEARS ago, whenever I'd post any comments critical of the (Well-Connected) People's Republic of China, especially its typical treatment of dissenters and even skeptics, along with the extreme high-pressure rote memorization-based high-stakes testing 'meritocracy' that passes for 'education' over there, I'd be frozen up like crazy, find all my comments deleted and actually saw a number of posts where my name was the only thing in English - the rest was all in Chinese. Yep, they just love dissenters over there. Preferably fried.

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Actually they have a network of spies to figure out who is doing it to them, and then when you get Chinese take-out, they spit in it.

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It's very probable since CCP censors information and controls media within their own propagated "disney world", lifetime of state controlled Brainwashing .

Most of them doesn't even know that Xi's family was implicated in the Panama papers, but I'm sure if they did, they would flood the internet and accuse us of lying, telling as how rich they are, how they are better with 5000 year history and always passively threaten you economically when themselves got to where they are by relying on export surplus and good well of other nations.

Just remember, unlike US, majority of China is still in 3rd world conditions while in a fast declining economy, your Vegas like appearance in few flagship cities in a country of 1.4 billion people doesn't reflect all of China, it's just for propaganda purposes. Unlike Chinese nationals, we don't judge America by how pretty our disney world looks.

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ThomasReply toFEK


U R an idiot. US got rid of British occupation 1776... let us say 75 years later, in was US looked like? China started the new era in 1949, less than 70 years later, China is the second largest economy with 4 times more populations than USA.

What China had accomplished within 70 years is considered remarkable, #$%$!

Have you been to the Appalachian Mountainous region where the poor live? In China, you do not see the electrical cables on poles like we have in USA, they are all underground now. What does it tell you right there? We are moving backward as a country, dude....

Go on traveling and see China. How long have we become independence? 200 years from now, China is the world biggest and strongest country in the world. Every 500 years or so, a NEW CIVILIZATION will take over the world. We are in the declining stage of WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

Start learning Chinese language, dude.

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ThomasReply toFEK


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ThomasReply toFEK


Correction in math... it should be in 1851, not 1881... thanks :-)

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JerryReply toFEK

I don't know where you got the idea that all their power lines are underground now. My recent 12 train ride would call that in to question. From southern China to Beijing, I saw plenty of lines above ground. Perhaps in the urban areas they are revitalizing their is a move to do that. Most of the peasants are being forced from the countryside into the high-rises of the cities now and from that they must figure out a subsistence wage somehow. Not a pretty picture. Fortunately for many the new 55 retirement age will give them a pittance to live on. Many took the out at 50 option before Xi changed it. Many of the high-rise systems are totally empty, looking for occupants. One large city has an area south of a dividing river with hardly anyone living there, yet there is a multitude of apartments there. If the U.S. takes a tough stand on trade with the Chinese you can expect a tremendous slowdown in there economy that could be frightening.

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richardReply toFEK

The only thing GOOD about Chine, is that IT IS CIRCLING THE TOILET BOWL

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Likely copying from the leaders of the free world. Mantra should be simple though: Russian and Chinese are bad, Amer lords of the flies are good:

Susanne Posel

Occupy Corporatism

November 29, 2012

In July of this year it became apparent through a flood of mainstream media reports that the National Security Agency (NSA) was “desperate to hire new hacking talent to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure” yet the NSA is notorious for its surveillance programs on American digital activity.

David Petraeus, former director of the CIA, said at a summit for In-Q-Tel, that he was speculating on the “internet of things” and that “‘Transformational’ is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies . . . particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft.”

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onomatopoeonReply toDalengo

lol. Stupid wu mao dang. We knew we'd find you here.

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DalengoReply toDalengo

good, peon -- earning a couple of xtra foodstamps from the Kerry's Dept of Truth?

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onomatopoeonReply toDalengo

The trouble with the Chinese, including the wu mao dang trolls, is that they actually believe they are as smart as Westerners, whereas in fact they are collectively a nation of simpletons, unable to invent or innovate even a single thing in literally 1,000 years. You stupid wu mao dang are pathetically easy to spot, mainly because you're so dumb. Now go back to playing with your tiny ji-ji whilst tonguing your masters' bum-holes like a good little lickspittle.

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The Point

Can anyone compete with the Obama trolls?

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JimbioReply toThe Point


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TCReply toThe Point

It's not hard, just mention details on any subject... Watch their head explode.

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richardReply toThe Point

point, your mama has done a great job, meeting the enemy HEAD ON,,, in

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China's propaganda machine is child's play. LOL They need to hire an ad agency out of DC.

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I am almost positive that the LGBT community has very organized trolls too. And I think it is a very effective propaganda technique.

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The issues with Chinese wumao are they are uncivilized because they have been brainwashed by evil Communist Chinese party all their lives. They don't know what's right and what's wrong.

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JustinReply toH T

That's quite a parochial view to take. Do we hold the world's monopoly on knowing what is right and wrong?

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H TReply toH T

Justin, Cheating, lying, copying are wrong. China has all of them.

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Public EYE

Being paid a measly 50cent is a bargain for china to have a long line of TROLLS applying for a job...I wouldn't be surprised if their Head Troll gets a cut from it as commission.

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J MReply toPublic EYE

Measly 50 cent a post? I wouldn't mind as I can easily post an average of 200 comments everyday. That would be a cool $3,000 of side income for me. So could you be kind enough to tell me how & where to register?

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Dear China or Russia,

For twenty-five cents a word I would gladly write how great your system of government is and praise your citizens for their outstanding contributions to the world. I can set up many different profiles to fit the situation.

Please have your people get back to me and we can work out the details.

Thank you,

Your Capitalist friend.


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RIP FrogfuciousReply tobrownbaglunch

Where is my .25?

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bobReply tobrownbaglunch

Hey! I'm willing to work for $1.00 per word. I demand union wages. As a communist country, you do believe that men should all be paid a fair salary for their work.

If not, you're no better than capitalistic #$%$ in the veil of socialist unity.

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CharlesReply tobrownbaglunch

Listen you simple minded fool, the Chinese still buy GIRLS AND WOMEN FROM NORTH KOREA. Check U N human rights violations. You are as bad as Trump...and the GOP Senate and the GOP hOUSE.....They violate Human Rights too....

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JimbioReply tobrownbaglunch

Thanks, cowhead

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richardReply tobrownbaglunch

hahahahah what are you jimmie, 11 now

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