A brawl involving British troops in Latvia 'was set up by Russia as part of a propaganda bid to smear UK forces'

Jennifer Newton for MailOnline

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Our soldiers should be on our borders not russias following obamas orders. May and fallon again getting us involved in europe when we voted out.
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MustaPekkaReply toDestructivedave
And who's orders do you follow? Not difficult to guess...
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Dirty Barry
Well at least they have stopped targeting the disabled,and mums and dads with children,attending a football tournament.
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US in tandem with its master US have 95% or 800 military bases around the world. in fact they are entangling the globe like a blood sucking octopus. Russia is on its territory and can do whatever it pleases
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AngerManagementReply tothebestcountry
how long have you worked for them?
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Peter HoodReply tothebestcountry
How much is Voro paying you? Oh, and BTW, Latvia is not Russian territory. HTH. HAVBD.
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thebestcountryReply tothebestcountry
Well, I did not had Latvia in mind. But once your aggressively mentioned it, I will enlighten your uneducated mind: Russian BOUGHT Liflandia (former name of Latvia) from Sweden in 1721 under Nischtadt Peace Treaty. It is only by decree of Lenin all these miniature national enclaves which were gubernias in of Russian Empire, were given status of republics after the 1917 October revolution. Ever since they enjoyed status of republics.
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thebestcountryReply tothebestcountry
My observation is that when discussion participants do not have a valid counter-argument, they resort to insults or accuse of treason.
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SteviebhoyReply tothebestcountry
The Putinbots are out in force today I see.
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KenReply tothebestcountry
Better than the idiots writing Putinbots.
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There's not much that could smear the British army and fighting certainly won't be one of them. Look at our armed forces past record. It speaks for itself.
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jimbobmoReply toalmighty11
You don't make sense.
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It is the spies that are here from the U.S. that have already infiltrated the British Establishment that is the worrying thing. The NSA have files on all our politicians making them parrot their every whim. At least Trump has the balls to say what he thinks, any politician who speaks in favour of Putin over here is slated relentlessly by the cabal owned media.
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AngerManagementReply toProfilePictureless.
The Donald speaks before he thinks unfortunately.
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BobsbrotherReply toProfilePictureless.
Yeh but he kinda means it Hilary doesnt mean anything shes told to say.Hes a bit of a tool but things would change,with her she will back the money every time and the rest of the US people can starve as far as shes concerned.Id rather have a honest idiot than a clever liar in charge,.
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Get the f..out of there!
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Richy 46
The first picture shows American soldiers we don't have left handed rifles
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Oh for God's sake, this is getting beyond pathetic now. Give it a rest!
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TigresserReply toChrisS3
Nice try Blair...just so'd off with your nwo mafia gang chums.
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Believe anything coming from Russia at the risk of loosing your sanity. Also Putin is a mass murderer!
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seanReply tothornaby
Along with his best mate assard
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GlebRussiaReply tothornaby
as British Prime Minister (Iraq, Libya, Yemen...).
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Jeremy corbyn hates the british military. He believed this story.
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Especially look at our media, there is no such news. Why is it here?
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MustaPekkaReply toSergey71
Because the "news" that your government controlled media lets you see is what they allow or want you to see. Did they report that they shut down Amnesty International's offices in Moscow ? Probably not....
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GlebRussiaReply toSergey71
If the Russian government controls the russian media and make propaganda and lies why this news is not in the Russian media? Maybe because it's a lie DM?
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suck my nuts snarf
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Ex-Pat Portugal
No video? This story is just a page filler.
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if the French are sending troops can we put them near the border as its always more difficult for the opponent if they have to look after captured prisoners......
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Kim Rong UnReply toStormbrood
We couldnt do that, those sneaky Russkis would dress up as refugees and would be waved through the front line.
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King Long ShanksReply toStormbrood
the italians are sending their latest ice cream vans
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Open up the BAOR bases that were there for a purpose,during the cold war.There are huge exercise areas there and we would be much closer to Poland, especially if we were set up in the former E Germany.It won't happen tho' because the government are too concerned about robbing money from Peter to pay Abdul.
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Oh come off it for God's sake troops have always got into punch ups the military police were busier than bees in Aldershot because of it
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BobsbrotherReply toTonyp
Locals and forces fight every area they are in. Locals dont like the loud confident young lads with money in their pocket.
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When all 'these' people who want everything have it all will they stop squandering it?
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Surrey man 1960
Soldiers brawling well that's unusual. British squaddies have always liked having a tear up whether it be inter regiment or with civies it's what happens they stand their ground and stand up for themselves. And when it kicks off in Iraq or Afghanistan or some such place they're there doing the job which 99% of the population won't do
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locals never like squaddies, mainly through jealously id imagine. Loads of money, taking all their women etc. Used to have no end of trouble with the turks in germany.
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TonypReply toRumPULL
Loads of money? Can't be our lot then
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AMReply toRumPULL
They had to ban the UK Forces from going into Ayia Napa, not that long ago, because of the testesterone floating around.
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RumPULLReply toRumPULL
Loads of money to spend on the pop lad. And yeah the money isn't very good but when you don't have any bills apart from food for the month and a pittance for accommodation there's a lot left over to be spent down town.
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BobsbrotherReply toRumPULL
Everyone has trouble with the Turks in Germany but it was always kept quiet,no-one was allowed to say anything about it. Watch which way the go when its mossie immigrants against the country many were born in,theyll go with their mossie mates for sure.
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so putin is sending people into burger bars to start fights with british squaddies. you really expect anyone to believe that?
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