The 3.6 million-year-old footprints that reveal how our ancient male ancestors had more than one mate at a time

Shivali Best For Mailonline

13 footprints belonging to five Australopithecus afarensis were found[CN]


A male is thought to have walked at least 30 metres with four females[CN]


Calculations of height suggest he was at least 20cm taller than the females[CN]


The prints suggest Australopithecus afarensis may have had a gorilla-like social arrangement with a dominant male who mated with several women

这个脚印表明,阿法南方古猿人可能有着与猩猩相同的社会架构 – 一夫多妻。


Footprints belonging to a group of early humans who lived millions of years ago have been uncovered in Tanzania. A man, accompanied by four women was thought to have walked at least 30 metres over the volcanic ash that later hardened into rock[CN]



The researchers believe that they belong to five members of Australopithecus afarensis – the prehuman species best known for the fossil skeleton, nicknamed 'Lucy'[CN]

研究者坚信这5人是阿法南方古猿人 – 以他们的化石骨架出名的类人猿,别号“露西”。

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This illustration provided by Dawid A. Iurino in December 2016 shows a reconstruction of the northern Tanzanian Laetoli site 3.66 million years ago, where the footprints were found[CN]

Dawid A. Iurino 2016年12月给出的这些说明,重新定义了坦桑尼亚366万年前的利特里古遗址,这一切都基于脚印的发现。


Measurements of the length and width of the footprints, stride length and the angle of the gait allowed the researchers to calculate rough weights and heights for the five[CN]



The prints were found at Laetoli – a site which is famous for another set of smaller footprints left by Australopithecus afarensis individuals[CN]

脚印是在利特里发现的 - 这个古遗址还有另一组阿法南方古猿的小脚印,同样享誉世界。



In November, researchers analysed the fossilised arm bones of Lucy, an early hominin from the Australopithecus afarensis species, and suggested that she was a tree climber

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The 13 footprints were discovered in Laetoli, Tanzania, by an international group of researchers, led by Sapienza University in Rome

Footprints belonging to a group of early humans who lived 3.6 million years ago have been uncovered in Tanzania.

The early impressions were made when five of our ancient relatives - most likely Australopithecus afarensis - walked across wet volcanic ash.

Researchers say the footprints suggest that members of Australopithecus afarensis may have had a gorilla-like social arrangement of one dominant male mating with several females. 

The 13 footprints were discovered in Laetoli, Tanzania, by an international group of researchers, led by Sapienza University in Rome.

The researchers believe that they belong to five members of Australopithecus afarensis – the prehuman species best known for the fossil skeleton, nicknamed 'Lucy.'

A man, accompanied by four women was thought to have walked at least 30 metres over the volcanic ash that later hardened into rock.

Professor Giorgio Manzi, lead author of the study, said: 'This novel evidence, taken as a whole with the previous findings, portrays several early hominins moving as a group through the landscape following a volcanic eruption and subsequent rainfall. But there is more.

'The footprints of one of the new individuals are astonishingly larger than anyone else's in the group, suggesting that he was a large male member of the species.

'In fact, the 165cm stature indicated by his footprints makes him the largest Australopithecus specimen identified to date.'

The findings differ from previous studies that have suggested that Australopithecus afarensis males only had one sexual partner.

A study in 2003 by researchers from Penn State University performed extensive simulations using modern humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas to understand the sex lives of Australopithecus afarensis individuals.

In their paper, the researchers, led by Dr Philip Reno, wrote that 'the reproductive strategy of A afarensis was principally monogamy.'

The prints were found at Laetoli – a site which is famous for another set of smaller footprints left by Australopithecus afarensis individuals.

In the 1970s, those prints made headlines as the earliest clear evidence of upright walking by our ancestors.

The newly found prints are only 150 metres away.

Measurements of the length and width of the footprints, stride length and the angle of the gait allowed the researchers to calculate rough weights and heights for the five.

The male came in at the heaviest and tallest, weighing 48.1kg (100lbs) and measuring about 5 foot 5 (165cm), while the lightest only weighed 28.5kg.

If these measurements are correct, this would mean the male loomed more than 20 centimetres (eight inches) above his fellow walkers.

Dr Marco Cherin, who also worked on the study, said: 'A tentative conclusion is that the group consisted of one male, two or three females, and one or two juveniles, which leads us to believe that the male - and therefore other males in the species - had more than one female mate.'

The large male-female disparity suggests that Australopithecus afarensis may have had a gorilla-like social arrangement of one dominant male, with a group of females and their offspring. 

But not everyone is convinced by the researchers' analysis of the height.

Dr William Jungers, a research associate at the Association Vahatra in Madagascar who wrote a commentary on the study, says the estimate is suspect.

In his commentary, Dr Jungers wrote: 'It is important to note that foot length has only been roughly estimated for this ancient species, and that the height estimates would change if a different foot length-to-stature ratio was used.' 

In November, researchers analysed the fossilised arm bones of Lucy, an early hominin from the Australopithecus afarensis species, and suggested that she was a tree climber.

Scans of Lucy's arm bones revealed her upper limbs were somewhere between a modern human and a chimpanzee.

The evidence gleaned from the scans proves she spent time climbing and used her arms to pull herself up, potentially ending the long-running debate among palaeontologists.

It also expands on evidence from earlier this year which claimed that Lucy may have died from a fall, most likely from a tree.

Taken together, the evidence suggests that Australopithecus afarensis may have been spent time on the ground, returning to the safety of the trees for food and to sleep, to avoid predators. 

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Operation Snowflake

Rubbish, more lies from the elite to discredit the Holy Bible. The earth is all but 8k years old if that. Jesus is the King of Kings and we will all bow to him soon, Christians out of servitude, the unsaved out of realisation.[CN]


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Nikki25Reply toOperation Snowflake

U r an idiot I believe in God but I don't have a religion all gods books are man made to try rule people's lives mainly women it's pathetic all of them need burning because it wasn't made by any god[CN]


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WispaReply toOperation Snowflake

Amen. Operation Snowflake[CN]

阿门。 Operation Snowflake.

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To each their ownReply toOperation Snowflake

My goodness someone is of their medication , all bow to the amazing sky pixi , whatever one you follow that is , because if you follow one your condemned by the others .[CN]


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Complete and utter fantasy! The Bible shows us that the earth was created at most 5,000 years ago. What are these so-called scientists trying to hide?[CN]


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afrissoreReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

baaahahahahahahahahaha keep on thinking that.[CN]


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John JohnsonReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

The Bible does NOT say the world is 5,000 years old. It is your interpretation of the Bible that claims that. Do you know the words metaphor or symbolism?[CN]


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Catcats89Reply toAmericaNeedsTrump

You think science is fantasy but the Bible is truth?! Talk about backwards...[CN]


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LenReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

The Bible doesn't say any such thing.[CN]


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AmericaNeedsTrumpReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

Two more commenters going to Hell for their blasphemy. Good![CN]


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JohnReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

Eta Carinae is a star visible to the naked eye that is 7500 light years away, was that star created before the Earth, if so thats a direct contradiction of the Genesis creation myth.[CN]


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AngiebabeReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

Religious wackos doing what they do best: making themselves appear stupid.[CN]


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stinkpipeReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

The Bible also tells us that the truly faithful can handle poisonous snakes and not be hurt by them. Off you go then.[CN]


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lightheartedwilliamReply toAmericaNeedsTrump

relieved to realise you're joking[CN]


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3.6 million years? Archaeologists can't accurately date the ancient world of a few thousand ago but here they are telling us that these foot prints are 3.6 million years old.[CN]


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Ursus RexxReply toCalgacus99

Actually most radiocarbon / other sophisticated sample-/-time-dating is pretty accurate!Witness the discrediting of the shroud of Turin to within 50 years, (either way) , of 1350![CN]


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SusieReply toCalgacus99

I think you will find that the discrediting had later been discredited UrsusRexx. Tthere is still some doubt about its age, a case of no one yet knows.[CN]


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This lot must be from SCIENTISTS FOR EU they need more funding for stupid projects like this ,and why is one of the team tickling the foot print with his brush ?its been there millions of years he wouldn't hurt it with a yard brush ,talk about jobs for the boys . I wonder what this little caper cost us[CN]


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The BS these people think up is amazing.[CN]


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A Clockwork OrangeReply toBasedinUK

Yeah like the bible.[CN]


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" Over the past 150 years, these archeologists and anthropologists have covered up as much evidence as they've dug up, literally. "[CN]


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Edward QuinnReply tousername

As an archaeologist, literally, I have no idea what you're on about, literally.[CN]


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WispaReply tousername

Because Edward you are not in the Elite gang. You will be given your small patches to dig around in.[CN]


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Be Aware

If libs want to go on insisting that they are descendants of apes, why argue? Didn't you watch the news on election night, and on city streets soon after? In the meantime, I'll go on believing 'we' were created by Him in His image.[CN]


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Be AwareReply toBe Aware

BTW, some of you libs ought to visit your relatives in the zoos, and if you can't get them released on their own recognizance, at least tell them to catch up with the rest of you. Swinging on vines, how embarrassing...[CN]


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Stop ScaremongeringReply toBe Aware

Jeez what is with you rightwing Yanks and the word lib, human beings evolved from apes because that is what the scientific evidence shows, just as it shows that all other species evolved. Politics has zero relevance at all, accepting the theory of evolution doesn't make me a lib anymore than accepting the theory of gravity does.[CN]


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OnslosVestReply toBe Aware

We are descendants of a common ancestor to apes.[CN]


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Tuna SandwichReply toBe Aware

OnslosVest is not quite right - we are descendants of a common ancestor we share with THE OTHER apes. An ape is just a mammal that has (among other things) nipples, brachiating shoulder joints and no tail. So we can observe the fact that humans are apes at this very moment, and we can infer that at least one of the following statements is true: 1) Be Aware has no nipples. 2) Be Aware's shoulder joints do not rotate. 3) Be Aware has a tail. While I applaud his honesty and wish him well in his travails, I dare say the DM comments section is not the best place for this type of confession.[CN]

OnslosVest说的不对,我们拥有一个共同的祖先,跟其他猿人一样。猿仅是一种哺乳动物,跟其他物种相比有奶头的,有奶子,有可以相互交错的肩关节,没有尾巴。所以所以我们此时可以很认真的观察到猿猴。我们可以推断,至少有一个结论是正确的。1. 注意有没有奶头。2. 注意肩关节可不可以转动 3. 第三,有没有尾巴。我赞赏他的诚实和辛苦劳作,但是每日邮报不适合这种坦诚

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DeplorableMeReply toBe Aware


注意了 - 年度最佳评论!哈哈哈

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Yet the 'Lucy' myth was debunked decades ago. In fact the so called expert who made up all the claptrap and called this nonsense 'Lucy' even admitted it was a Pigs tooth and pieces of an Orangutan skull. And the perpetually stubborn still insist a pigs tooth was the an ancient human. These scientists should be ashamed of themselves and anyone continuing to teach this rubbish should be fired.
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Sir Henry RawlinsonReply toDeplorableMe
You do realise that you're wrong, or lying don't you?
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CrazyWorld1Reply toDeplorableMe
No he is right, it is common knowledge Lucy is a fake.
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DeplorableMeReply toDeplorableMe
Sir Henry Rawlinson, maybe you should do a little research before calling me a liar. You're sitting at a computer but because you don¿t like the facts you call me a liar instead of informing yourself. The man that invented Lucy did it on purpose to gain prestige etc. He later ADMITTED it was fake. And yet it's STILL being taught as fact. HE was the liar not me! There are two kinds of people in the world those who want the real truth and those who want to shut them down. You're the latter 'Sir'.
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stinkpipeReply toDeplorableMe
You're thinking of the Piltdown Man hoax of 1912 in England, not the australopithecine 'Lucy'.
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Tuna SandwichReply toDeplorableMe
DeplorableMe is getting his strawman / guilt by association fallacies mixed up. Then again, DeplorableMe may well get his orifices mixed up when he needs to ablute if he does not whistle.
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JaybelleReply toDeplorableMe
What a bunch of berks. It was 'Piltdown Man' that was faked using a pig's tooth and ape's skull in Sussex. There is no evidence that 'Lucy', an example of H. afarensis was faked. But I guess no one comes to the DM 'science' section with either an education or even the barest ability to consult Google...
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The amount of certainty they can give about foot print sex lives, Is the same certainty they can give for millions of none.Creation is 5985 earth years. Just deal with it.
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stinkpipeReply toCrazyWorld1
You are an interesting exception to the rule that anatomically modern humans must also be modern in their thinking and behaviour.
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CrazyWorld1Reply toCrazyWorld1
Who says I'm anatomically modern? Certainly not your momma. Ha.
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stinkpipeReply toCrazyWorld1
Oh dear.
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Big Nugget 1
WHy ALWAY Asume their husabnd / WIFE,, their could be LADY / LADY mat ing pair >e g. an L G B T relashinships are naturel 4 Humans> WHY DOES DM HIDE THIS. DM REaders R closed minded. I Pray 4 U .
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Levelandsane17Reply toBig Nugget 1
Yes please!!!
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pugseyReply toBig Nugget 1
Haven't heard from you for a while Big Nugget .Enjoying yourself now you are out of the sedure ward again?
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Big Nugget 1Reply toBig Nugget 1
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Maurice OxfordReply toBig Nugget 1
Big nugget, we can certainly see that your mind is wide open. So wide open that anything resembling intelligent coherent argument has fallen out and is lost.
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3.6 million years bull s*t thousands years yes
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CrazyWorld1Reply toKevin
Yes,5985yrs,15 to go...
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Once again, more proof that Evolution is real!!
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sethman1975Reply toNOLAguy
How did this prove evolution? All it did was make the argument look even more stupid. The amount of guesswork involved is ridiculous. The theory of evolution (make note of the the theory part) is one assumption piled on another assumption.
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Tuna SandwichReply toNOLAguy
"Make note of the theory part". I just made a note of the idiot part.
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Uh oh. Religious people had articles on scientific discovery. They prefer to get their ''science'' from a 2000 year old book written by ignorant desert dwellers. They also believe that they can communicate with a deity by mumbling into their clasped hands.
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WispaReply toSlapHappy
SlapHappy be careful of your words.
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Katina Cooper
Can't be that old. The billionaire preachers say that the Earth is only 5000 years old.
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OmmmmmReply toKatina Cooper
That's what idiots who have never read the book say-as it doesn't state it. Stay thick!
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Stop ScaremongeringReply toKatina Cooper
Know your beloved book doesn't state that, but In the 17th century James Ussher Archbishop of Armagh studied the bible and calculated the date of creation. He determined "the entrance of the night preceding the 23rd day of October... the year before Christ 4004"; that is, around 6 pm on 22 October 4004 bc. Plenty of people still hold to this daft belief which would make the Earth just over 6,000 years old and most of these people are far more familiar with the contents of your book than I am. You are not going to deny that young earth creationists exist are you?
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Stop ScaremongeringReply toKatina Cooper
Oh dear I need to pay more attention before posting clearly I meant, No your beloved book doesn't state that......
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CrazyWorld1Reply toKatina Cooper
Earth is only 6000yrs not 5000yrs old. Come on, get it right.
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"hominins moving as a group through the landscape following a volcanic eruption and subsequent rainfall" Sounds like it's as likely to be a group of people fleeing a catastrophe as it is a man taking a stroll with his harem. I remember hearing about an ancient catastrophe that caused a massive loss of life. See Genesis 6-8, in particular, chapter 7, verse 11.
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Tuna SandwichReply toWaskeyc
It appears you have no idea what a hominin is.
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To each their ownReply toWaskeyc
Oh you will burn for that one , aren't you bible thumping pixi in the sky loving people not supposed to think the earth is only 6000 yrs old or something or are you starting to look beyond your book of fiction ?
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KJV1611onlyReply toWaskeyc
Oh of course we all come from a Rock and became what we are today. That is your fiction but you carry on believing in Evolution where one day nothing became something makes a lot of sense
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Not all the evolutionist even agree with each other
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Stop ScaremongeringReply tozadok22
Er yes that because they are scientists and disagreement is an important part of how science work. They are however all agreed on one thing and that is that species evolved, they weren't created by an incompetent designer.
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Darin Clements
Supposition based on no factual data.
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JohnReply toDarin Clements
So the foot prints are not factual evidence then? Would you by any chance be a Christian fundamentalist?
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Be AwareReply toDarin Clements
"Supposition based on no factual data." - exactly like global warming; no factual data, only "computer models" and forged documentation from U. of East Anglia and NASA.
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Darin ClementsReply toDarin Clements
John, have you always been stupid or is this a recent thing?
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Wild Bill
Pfffffff howuch money was spent on this assumption?
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lafeReply toWild Bill
Why do you care? Wasn't your money
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The most poignant proof to date of the dreary private life that is the chain and ball of being a scientist. Any sign of human contact and their imagination runs wild.
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Patty Pat
Of course they had multiple mates. This was back when men were men, and no feminism and PC culture existed.
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