First 'Silk Road' train arrives in Tehran from China


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We can all blame our jobs lost to foreigners causing all these problems we have at home. Who is consuming all those goods coming from abroad? We can complain about these cheap goods from China and Mexico. Why don't you complain about those luxury Japanese cars, Korean tablets, TV, and cell phones, French perfumes, Italian leathers. You in fact would brag about your japanese cars, French perfumes to your friends, all the time!

We, that mean you, simply lived beyong our means for too long. Aside from this dumb idea of "stopping all goods from China", or dumb Trump's idea of putting 100% tariff on Mexican imports, do you have any sensible ideas, like train our students and workers better, build up our infrastructures like high speed rail roads, stop using illegal drugs that devastated our country's productivity, and elect a government that can focus on our domestic problems instead fight foreign wars?

The overland transportation between China and Europe and Africa is a grand strategy. That means China will do even in the event of naval conflict with the U.S. Do we have a grand strategy in the work, except fighting senseless wars after wars?

Yes, in the mean time, we will continue to fight amongst ourselves over abortion, over plan parenthood, over gays and lesbians, over guns, over food stamps, over blacks and whites.

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MartReply togeorge

You're fretting over foreign trade between two independent nations?

Union labor ego gone a muck. The ugly American.

You need to take the next boat and go organize their labor.

Try Venezuela, too.

Maybe the CIA can send you in to disrupt a developing nation?

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BirdWatcherReply togeorge


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DenisReply togeorge

By the way, TV created in Korea and Japan are all made in China. They are good quality products. The iPhone you use is made in China, It is a good quality product. Actually some of the best smart phones used in many other countries are Chinese created and made are good quality products. By the way, many American designed but made in China products are owned by American companies. If you stop buying products made in China, then you are punishing American companies. The problem is not China. In fact, China did not come to the US to steal your jobs. It is the American companies went there to take advantage of the cheaper labor and lack of environmental concern, shipped all American jobs to China. If you complain about jobs moved to China, then what about jobs moved to other countries such as Vietnam, India, Philippines, and many many more...Your lost jobs are not coming back to the US unless the companies can make the same or more profits as they do in China or other countries. The US government is corporate oriented government who careless about the well being of you people. China is NOT the one to blame. Your greedy corporations and useless corporate oriented government is to blame.

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Thank God for China!

Do you think you could afford to shop at Walmart if those goods were made in America?

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RobertDReply tojesse

Yes. The income made by American workers whose manufacturing jobs have been sold off to China would increase the spending power of the public to buy locally. In addition to which, who said that is the most important issue to us? We ENDED slavery 150+ years ago, while you revived it in modern times. Your goods are cheap because they are made with slave labor in political detention camps.

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That's the Atlantists' main nightmare coming true. Any land routes are anathema and should be closed. I expect something to happen on the sector between the two countries.

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WinnyReply toPatile

They'll manage something. The 'stans would be ready to oblige, for a price of course.

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Hopefully this East to West connection will not be the flow of finished products to the 3rd world countries and flow of raw materials to China/Russia. Hopefully China/Russia have learned that sustainability demands global development of resources for all humanity,not just the organized gangs in some countries at the expense of the 99% of the planet's population...

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cheReply toNorman

norman. if you have learned what european and european cloned usa had pilfered the developing world, you would tell your politicians to understand what the developing world desires. they are now working towards their objectives mostly on their own resources.

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The Owl

This brings to mind what happened to the Train Service in the United States. Please remember, as it was once reported by the 60 minutes program, the tire companies led by Firestone purchased land all over the United states,and then removed and destroyed railroad tracks...!!! So, people will be forced to drive car and buy tires...Such criminal acts were allowed because the likes of Firestone bribed the state and federal officials....It is a sick story of greed and corruption in the U.S.

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LuchoReply toThe Owl

It doesn´t surprise me, but I´m happy about the people in these countries and the countries between who will benefit from the train. Everyone except the terrorists ofcourse, I hope they keep it safe.

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LuchoReply toThe Owl

If it helps the civilians, then I´m for it. Cars will always be around, some people could only afford to take buses or trains, so go for it!

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Yes, Iran and China are great trading partners. They may be suspicious of each other, but economically they need such partnerships.

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Good Job Obama!

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This is huge news. This is what the WH wants to stop. This is the reason the Chinese opened the AIIB bank, to build non western controlled infrastructure from China to the EU.

This Silk road will link China with the largest manpower manufacturing, through Russia will the largest amount of resources, all the way to the EU with the same GDP as the US.

This is a historic moment in the progress of the restoration of the Silk Road.

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smlslkReply tosmlslk

The WB IFM Moody's S&P are all financial weapons the WH has used too many times. Too much control and now the chickens have come home to roost. The Silk road is the epitome of the culmination of the second class rising up for themselves. The WH only knows how to tear down if they cant control. Just like the AIIB bank they frantically called around begging their puppets to boycott. The fact that no one did is proof the puppets see it too.

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smlslkReply tosmlslk

Who knows Sean, maybe Iran wants some of those cheap Chinese nukes? Or some of those cheap DF-21's. Maybe some of those cheap J-20's. Maybe some of those cheap drones at 1/10 the price? Maybe some of that gold China's been hoarding for oil? The one thing I do know is that Iran will not accept USD and only euros to settle debts.

Your all worried about China while the TPP just got signed a week ago. Hear about it? Nope? Wonder why? Notice they dont even use TPP in the title now any more eh? You should be worried about the countries working for 27 cents an hour, not China.

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Where Are Those Nanjing KillerReply tosmlslk

The better news will be China start to build the pipeline for Iran, which will connect Iran, Pakistan into China.

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smlslkReply tosmlslk

Killer. The largest known reserve is under the Strait of Hormuz. Thats the reason for the war in Syria. Its on the border of Qatar and Iran. Syria wont let Qatar use the lines to reach the EU, but will let Iran use the lines. Now you know why Iran is fighting to keep Assad in and the Saudis wanting ISIS to win.

Chin will get their gas from Russia.

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smlslkReply tosmlslk

Bornloser. What country are you in?

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Livid American

Dont be surprised if China uses an ancient map of the silk road to stake a territorial claim on the areas where the train passes. After all, isn't that what the Chinese have done in the South China Sea?

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paulReply toLivid American

I agree.

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Vete A La MierdaReply toLivid American

Well, a bit different. The US was going to give the SCS to the Republic of China after World War II. Too bad, the Chinese went communist, so there is no way we're giving them any of those islands now.

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Well done China, you did it whereas India was invited but nothing happens. The largest democracy is a failure.

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JenniferReply toJoo

Well, the Chinese do see India as somewhat of a competitor

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You do have to wonder where this train is going? Looks like a modern day train of commercial Babylon, headed to the mecca of the Middle East, Iran! We are living in the end times, and Revelation 17 & 18 makes it quite clear, that right into the middle of the tribulation period, the religious and economic train is fully functional! Then, and then, sudden destruction will come upon them both! We are living in perilous times! Times of chaos and confusion! The only ones making the grade at the end of time seem to be the filthy, greedy, super rich elitists! They are going to pay an awful price for their greed! God's wrath is not something any sensible person should want to experience! It's coming quickly! So is Christ! He's coming soon for His spiritually born again saints in the rapture! Will you be ready to meet Him? You must be spiritually changed, made spiritually alive, in the inner man of the heart by God's Spirit. All men are born spiritually dead, spiritually separated from a holy and righteous God. Spiritual regeneration is the one and only way God will reconcile and restore a repentant heart to Himself.

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SegaReply toJerri

Good thing is it's only men who are born spiritually dead, women are spared from your insanity.

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DroogReply toJerri

Oh Jesus Christ, give up already. What are you going to say 17 years from now when we're all still here? Or 317 years from now? They claimed it in the year 1000, the year 666, 1666, and 2000. Remember 2000? Still here. Religion is a mental disorder.

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Madiba MendlaReply toJerri

Jerri, I don't even know how to psychoanalyze you bruh, but, whatever illicit drug you're on it must be one of the highest grades!! Man!!

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cheReply toJerri

jerry. which god are you referring to? the cause of current world troubles are mostly caused by those in the death cult and angela merkel welcomed them.

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New game: guess how many posts before GOP trolls blame Obama. I'm guessing there will be on less than 10 posts older than mine

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Commerce is always the way of peace. Politics is always the way of war. When goods and services do not cross borders, armies will.

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Golden Horde is raising again ? Last time lead to fall Byzantine Empire Slave raiders into Europe called the Turks.

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WHY is Russia not mentioned? They are also busy with their rails that join up and are a part of the new silk road. Meanwhile, our US has reduced manufacturing, jobs and trade to ridiculous lows. The US government is too busy spending massive amounts on war instead of building up our country and jobs.

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If there's a way to make money, the chinese will figure it out. At least temporarily.

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The whole world are taking market shares from Iran, but the arrogant and brainless people in Congress and Senate; instead of participation, still continuing their animosity toward Iran, just because they want to be free of influence from US (As the puppet Arab Regimes). So,Iranians are not the losers, but Americans are!

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novus_ordoReply toAlex

All to the name of the Zionist Jews

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RCReply toAlex

Correct, Alex! Vote all obstructionists out this coming election! Speak with your vote!

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wake up america. in the name of globalization we build and gave away our industrial and tech base.We worked to get Iran in mail nation of world now all european and other will reap the business opportunities. We will still under APAC and other lobbies will keep out of business wind fall in Iran..

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There are huge plans to connect china to the Med Sea access. It's all about investors.

The UN just released $100 billion back to Iran. The timing is oddly coincidental.

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It would be interesting to see how safely goods arrive and for how long. I guess pirates will have to change workplace from ocean to land now

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