Are these the most adorable baby animals ever? Photos of furry critters that will melt your heart... and where in the world you can find them

Annabel Fenwick Elliott for MailOnline

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I would say yes they are the cutest
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They're all so adorable!
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Love these
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Common Bloke
It's hard to choose, but I have to give my First Prize to the young meerkat.
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Hieland CooReply toCommon Bloke
No, definitely the fennec as far as I'm concerned!
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I find it strange that Mother Nature makes these little animals as cute as cute can us humans. But do other animals see them the same ? Is it some sort of defence mechanism.? Beautiful pics all the same
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Tia Papri
Nearly all baby animals are cute but I think the absolute cutest baby animals are kittens, penguins, fawns, puppies, ducklings, baby panda, baby cow and a baby elephant, giraffe, bunnies, baby goat. I just can't choose! Small fluffy, cherubic animals are obviously adorable but just seeing a big animal like a elephant or giraffe give birth to a tiny baby version of it is just as cute! :)
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I love to see baby elephants. They fill me with joy!!
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Piglets are adorable.
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I was just chastised for making obnoxious *squee* noises when scrolling through these pictures. That baby meerkat just makes my day !!!
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love the dog photo... mans best friend.
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Ahhhh, baby animals, cute
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Queen King Commoner
So cute and beautiful!
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All baby animals are adorable same as humans it brings out protective instinct saves them from being harmed
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rodger the dodger
I've found the Panda and it wasn't hidden is some silly picture. They are all absolutely adorable and know doubt they will be up to lots of mischief.
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Gorgeous. I want them all.
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All baby animals are cute and cuddly and loveable. Who doesn't adore them who has a heart?
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Big softieReply toDenny
Those heartless people who pay stupid money to wear the poor animals fur,
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arrr its got to be the baby penguin and the baby seal. but all adorable.
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oh my goodnessssss! so cute. Faves; kitten - obviously, baby snow leopard and the penguin!! :)
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Precious, I love them all. My cat looks an awful lot like that little meerkat and often stands that way too.
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Please can I have a penguin.
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jayveeReply toShootthemoon
Go to the supermarket, there's plenty of them in the biscuit aisle.
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