Couple plague their neighbor with texts asking him to be silent EVERY time their baby has a nap - even when he's being quiet. So who's in the right?

Martha Cliff for MailOnline

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Seems like civilized discussion to me. Polite requests and kind responses. Nice people.
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They could use white noise to keep the baby asleep. He shouldn't be playing a drum kit in a block of apartments.
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freedom4allReply toCannonballmk2
white noise only goes so far, we have a fan in our sons room, but even then it doesnt block all of the noise our upstairs neighbors cause. I couldnt imagine a drum set above my sons room.
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both should be considerate of each other. Surely they can accommodate each other rather than go to social media? the parents of the baby should let him know when they are out so he can practice then. It's a bit unfair to be playing musical instruments late at night and im a rock fan. If you need to practice that much then either get a kit with headphones or hire a place to rehearse in. the parents should also realise the world doesn't revolve around their child either. Give and take is what is needed. Pathetic to put it out on social media though.
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How is this news? Are these people famous or is it a really slow news day at the DM?
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Very polite.....the only conclusion I can make is the mother is fit !
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Kardashians Suck
oh ok he was just a drummer, thats not loud to practice in a tiny apartment . now if he was playing the Tuba I would side with the neighbors....
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They're called "garage bands" for a reason!!
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Utter, utter drivel. Is this a national newspaper, or a childrens magazine?
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Neighbor!!!!! Then I saw yanks, DM trawling new depths
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jamesrulesok822Reply tomonurta
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Alan King
i don't live there so I don't care
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Is it me or what? Some of the dates are in September October and December. Is this real?
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lenaevonReply token
The numbers are switched in the US. MM/DD/YY
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It looks like loads of texts are missing. Bit of a none story
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Nicky B
Offer them free drumming lessons or buy them headphones?
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Having a drum kit in a flat with no sound proofing is just selfish
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OK for all the idiots on here having a go at the guy for playing drums in his apartment you do know the difference between electric drums and normal don't you and you can see him wearing earphones playing them they make as much noise as you tapping your fingers on the table
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Fake i Think
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Manufactured story.
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"We could jam at Joe's garage..his momma would 'yell turn it down!'"
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northeastmoanerReply toralphy
He was a very nice boy, he used to cut my grass.
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Terry A.
Most likely another fake text conversation.
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