China holds massive military parade, to cut troop levels by 300,000

BEN BLANCHARD Sep 3rd 2015 5:44AM

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    9022人参与


China's new and powerful Army, nuclear and offensive, the new submarine underground bases they build all over the place, brought to you by Washington in collusion with big pig corporations selling out America and leave our borders open to substandard people and merchandise

thank you Washington and Apple and all other anti-American clowns for a strong Chinese army and thanks for the Chinese dial a nuke hydrogen bomb based on American technology

please keep on hosting Chinese students and send all jobs and factories to China, so that they can transfer back (steal and spy) all our technology and secrets to their homeland

the trillions sent to China for our wasteful energy policies brought us all the terrorists and their now rich supporters, our Asian outsourcing is brining us another enemy super power

nothing is for free we should all know that by now, reap what you sow

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So the next time you go to walmart and spend your money you now know where it goes. Wake up America !!!!

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TSK Reply to rbidd

Walmart--the American way, sellout America, cheat our workers, lie cheat and steal

tax payers on top have to pay for the difference in social services for all their underpaid exploited staff so the fat fk brainless public can by some cheap sneakers with lights in them

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Impressive display of hardware. Lucky for us, it's all made in China.

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merlotgrey Reply to mariusmoor

Best reply on here!!!!! Touche.

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China never beat anyone in WWII. Japan was kicking their ass until we came in. In retrospect we should have let Japan continue to do so.

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Hey China, The Great Obama said you are just a JV team and could whip you by himself. Please come and get him............

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d2a3v8i3d4 Reply to erose1210

what drug are you on?

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Military troops....bragging about your ability to kill others in the human ?

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d2a3v8i3d4 Reply to rkeeeballs

welcome to the human condition

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Study up on the Rape of Nanking and various other Japanese atrocities against China prior to and during WWII and you'll understand the reason for celebration. The fact that Japan refuses to apologize (or make reparations) has no bearing on the facts - the Japs of WWII would make ISIS look like a bunch of pesky middle-schoolers.

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Some of you people who post negative comments about nations like China, Russia, etc. are not digging beneath the surface of where you are getting your information from. One of my college teachers pounded into our heads that you must always ask questions. Who, what, when, where, how and why. If your information fails to answer any of those questions, you are supposed to use your "God-like" capability (That is if you are a "Christian", who believes in the statement "made in the image and likeness of God) to search further for the truth.

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James M. Adams Reply to blackandthick2

Take a remedial writing course and get back to us.

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China is a great and powerful nation and will crush the U.S.

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d2a3v8i3d4 Reply to bigdaddyhft

after it's done crushing itself?

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merlotgrey Reply to bigdaddyhft

Why would they do that? They need the U.S.

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Nichts wie das Reich uberwunden. Von Manstein und Rommel wurde cut sie fetzen gerissen.

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luigi1947 Reply to treblinkawaship

what are you going to the German language????????

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luigi1947 Reply to luigi1947


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i hope chinas economy crumbles to nothing. if it hurts the u.s. then thats our punishment for dealing with a crooked country.

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We're stupid as hell if we don't make nice with China and secure them as at least a non-enemy and maybe a partner.We've held our noses before and dealt with countries and governments we didn't always agree with and even didn't like very much,.In this case we need them on our side and not against us or as an spectator to the wars and conflicts we have coming in the future.Russia and the Islamic World and/or major players in the muslim world are very likely to engage us in war and we need China to be on our side.

I don't believe we will ever fight China in a war.China needs us and we need them.I believe China's current hardline communist government will fade in time.Together we could stabilize the entire world.

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vicvaun36 Reply to d2a3v8i3d4

They are secular buddhists with a beautiful culture and history.....we should of been in alliance with them from day 1........the real enemy is Islam, and i'm sure most of China agrees

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Anybody that is still whining about corporations controlling Washington or the military industrial complex are still living in the 60s using the same rhetoric and catch phrases because 87% of our "industrial complex" now resides in China thanks to Bill Clintons signing of NAFTA in 1994 !! Today our "corporate controllers " are Coronal Sanders , Burger King ,Wendy's, Ronald McDonald and Popeye's to name a few because they are pretty much our biggest corporations and largest employers !! Is it any wonder why our spending exceeds our revenue year after year and when the Democrats continue to spend like we still have all the revenue we had coming in prior to Clinton signing NAFTA it continues to increase our National Debt !!

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Barb and Russ

Don't buy into China's propaganda machine. We are way
more stronger in our military and light years ahead on
technology. The key is to keep our top secret weapons
away from the hackers.

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...and they know who blew up their dockyards

They'll win without bloodshed by killing the USD

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please ISIS...start **** with China......this country has the highest percentage of non-religious people in the world and would wipe the floor with the islamists in a month....since Europe doesnt even have the balls to kill the countless islamist terror cells, eh hem'...i mean "migrants" flooding their borders right now, the world needs China to save the old world from being covered by a black sheets

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Now Obama, let's not be eager to let 300,000 new Chinese migrate to the states, least the Chinese will have an army of 300K within our boarders. You've proven so gullible, and much like those who voted you to a 2nd term you've been so clueless. Who advises you??

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What the hell? Are those Hummers leading that parade with Abrams tanks following behind? Do we have Billy Clinton to thank for them using US military equipment?

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China flaunting their massive military and continues stealing secrets from the U.S., hacking computers, looking to dominate the entire Pacific. Russia is still in Syria killing people there. ISIS is all over the mid-east killing Christians and innocent people. The southern boarder is still a total failure. National debt is still skyrocketing! Meanwhile our President is on vacation again and simply re-naming a big hill in Alaska. That is why he was voted in office I guess.

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DespicableMe Reply to sctoelle

Right, because all of these things just happened. You're an idiot. China has been growing in force since long before Obama you mnoron.

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