French rugby league player facing ban for life after horrific punch knocks out referee and puts him in hospital


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Ban for life and a prison sentance. Send a clear message.
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Lucky he didn't kill punch is all it takes.
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Now that is the perfect definition of a pathetic coward.
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Prison and life ban from the game. Yes life ban. This needs a genuine deterrent.
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Definitely 100% BAN FOR LIFE and get him in court for assault.
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du Vallon
They won't release the players name, and they're still "discussing" whether to suspend him. The guy would be in jail in the United States with his mug shot on the front page of USA Today. What's wrong with people. That has nothing to do with a "suspension". That's assault. Why isn't he being charged???
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Jase79Reply todu Vallon
That's because you guys play touch football and only fight with guns!!
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He should be sent to gaol.
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Life ban is tje rigjt decisipn along witj a long sentence...he could have killed someone with such a punch. Hope the ref is ok.
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YoYo One Feather
The guy is a d bag. Banned for life, 5 years community service, and $100,000 fine paid to the referee.
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5 years in Prison. Completely unacceptable
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Life ban? What about criminal proceedings?
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How to throw your lucrative career out the window in one easy move/swing/strike.
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The bloke should be in prison for that. ABH
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Minty Sensible
He should be banned and given a prison sentence. My friend's son is a referee (15 years old) and he has quit already because of the abuse and aggression from players; their managers and the players' parents. He's been told many a time that he is a good and very observant referee.
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Working Class BritReply toMinty Sensible
Tell him to stick at it... Everyone has to put up with that at the start
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why no mention of criminal charges? He won't be playing because he will be sitting in jail
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And put in jail for assault
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Wow, that guy has some major anger issues.
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It is easy to knock out a man not awaiting a punch.
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A life ban AND charged for aggravated bodily harm.
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Great body slam from player in pink and he took a punch . That guy is hard as nails
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