French rugby league player facing ban for life after horrific punch knocks out referee and puts him in hospital


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He should be jailed. There's no place for that kind of thuggery in rugby, it's not that kind of sport.
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ColPReply toWillowT
There's no place for that sort of thuggery in any sport including boxing.
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WillowTReply toWillowT
You're absolutely right ColP, if I could amend my comment to say that I would.
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Jail time for GBH also.
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Deserves a life ban for sure. And a criminal prosecution.
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At least he got slammed on his back like a sack of rocks.
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In fact that kind of blow is potentially lethal.
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Many people have died from a punch like that.
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He should be jailed never mind banned for life. What an arrogant and violent man.
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Esse Mann
Some reasonable time in jail would not be bad...
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Lifetime ban? He needs to be arrested and charged with assault and battery.
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matt b
Give the guy who body slammed him a round of applause.
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Matty Pee
video cut short with the player in pink executed a lovely body slam!
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Smiley Chops
Shocking. A total disgrace to his sport and his country.
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Yves Ferrer
Name him! Shame him! and then JAIL him!
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and WHY did they refuse to identify him? Perhaps his name would have given more evidence to what people already know?
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WaltertullReply toBellhaven
what bull
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Being a man who's managed to live 65 yrs without EVER throwing the first punch, I find this disgusting on so many levels ... may he spend a year of his life behind bars for this cowardly act ...
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Jail and a ban for life, no less.
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Robbie Burns
How can he possibly be an unidentified player?
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MikeReply toRobbie Burns
It's easier for the DM "journalist" to flag the article "Do you know who the player is? Ring..." than do to do a little investigating himself. There was a time when journalist did their research before filing articles for publication.
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Clear charge of assault that cannot be disputed = life ban and prison combined with financial recompense for referee. Zero tolerance urgently required.
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Ex Tory 1972
Should also be going to prison for a couple of years for that !!
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Should be sent to prison, shocking !!
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