China Successfully Tests Hypersonic Weapon System

Popular Mechanics

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And the US is being Lead by an unpredictable CHINA

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novus_ordoReply tojoseph

USA is bankrupt and lives on Chinese loans.

Get over it!

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ppl r getin dumberReply tojoseph

BUT BUT we hav 7 times military budget more than the Chinese.

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The USA has sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.

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If we dont burn them now. They will use this to detinate an EMP weapon over the US.

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only Boaty McBoatface can save us from this

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Go China

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Laser practice

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Each day one step closer to World War III

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oh well

Will Trump put a tariff on ingenuity..

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the us better get there #$%$ moving.

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How do they get this technology so fast? Probably alot of chinese spies on the lose inside american weapons research places.

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Hopefully it will fly up Obama's useless butt

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Two faces of China Dear Friends

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I hope the aliens come to destroy all us humans b4 ww3 happen.

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El Gabriel

We can't every one live in peace?

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ppl r getin dumber

FKIN Humansytes. Imagine we humans have technology to travel to other planets... MORE WARS and resources grabin. Fkin idiots. Now Please put a Native AMERICAN Hero on 20 bill already! We robbed their homeland its the least we can do to make them Happy.

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I Love Bacon

china should give atleast 5 each of these to North korea and isis. Then we can all dance.

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Jean Pierre

This World Is essentially over ...

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like it is said, I don't know what kinds of weapons will be employed in World War III, but I know that it will only be sticks & stones in any war after that.......

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All done with money we stupidly send them through Walmart. )-:

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Well, after the collapse of the USSR we've been told of the many benefits of the "Peace Dividend", where formerly weapons related high-tech companies start making high-tech civilian products, making America the king of the hill and we no longer need to spend yearly almost 300 billions on the military.

Our Neocon Zionist rulers thought otherwise and pretty soon forced us into continuous war-like military spending, in order to achieve through us total Hegemony over the world. Zionist Traitor Busch and Co put that on steroids! They also reignited the Cold War with Russia and now with China too. Now we spend 700 billions on military and fighting wars all over the world for Israeli interests. They provoking both Russia and China and we're back where we've been before the collapse of the USSR, only our aging infrastructural is in a far worse condition and we are nearly bankrupt, we're close to total economic collapse, due to these Zionist machinations. And we're still taking orders from the criminal Cabal! Soon, R.I.P. USA, thanks to our "Best Ally"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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