China Successfully Tests Hypersonic Weapon System

Popular Mechanics

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Got excited for a second that Yahoo is citing the Washington Free Beacon instead of the usual leftist rags, but then realized that it's actually citing Popular Mechanics which is citing the Free Beacon.

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X Dajal

Everyone knows that the Chinese leaders do not want to have any war with any country, let alone the US.

Having said that, the Chinese leaders want others to know that any attack on China wiĺl not be left unanswered (meaning a nuclear response if it need be) and that include the US.

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JonReply toX Dajal

Everyone knows China wants war.

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DenaReply toX Dajal

China already has ballistic missiles and nukes.

These are for different things than nukes. These are more kinetic kill designs.

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We stole this technology from uncle Adolf.

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DudenohairReply toDan

No, we kicked "uncle Adolf's" tail in WW2 and took it in partial repayment for the trouble he caused.

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It's amazing just how much money, time, brainpower, resources and so on are spent in the "better sword, better shield" arms race. Imagine if even a fraction of all of that was directed at doing something- anything else. But perhaps battle is just our way...

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NhiaReply toChrisH

Human behavior is a strange thing. You can even get a PhD in it believe it or not.

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DReply toChrisH

It's not "our way". It's the Sociopaths that currently run the world.

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ChrisReply toChrisH

ever since Cain slew Abel...

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ETReply toChrisH

They called it the military industrial complex.

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JReply toChrisH

Men get bored with PEACE.....we all know this!

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SamReply toChrisH

Really. You could solve the mystery of your awareness and step into eternity, but I guess it's easier to kill your neighbor and rape his wife.

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DldReply toChrisH

Imagine the world today if Hitler had manufactured 60,000 tractors instead of 60,000 tanks, and all the other nations did the same. Of course, every other militant dictator and emperor always chosen weapons of war over all else.

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Uncle SamReply toChrisH

Chris you are ultimate idiot here; whenever, a country failed to demonstrate strong enough deterrence, we attacke dthat nation and pulverized their structures, killed folks, raped women AND men.... that is us, you and me.

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ByakuyaReply toChrisH

Right on Uncle Sam...Spot on.

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ByakuyaReply toChrisH

If Vietnam had credible defense, you guys wouldn't have invaded them.

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Too bad for all of them that missile defense technology is starting to surpass even these latest developments. Now that the US military is starting to develop lasers. Lasers will make it pretty easy to shoot things like this out of the sky as long as they can figure out how to track and target them.

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Do we really need to emulate this effort - in 2020 or whenever? I think we already have efficient means of delivery. Shouldn't we instead focus on how to COUNTER this? Do we have sufficient radar/interceptors capabilities?

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AvalonReply toSparrow

Where you think they got it from? The US/Darpa have been testing the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 and the X-51 WaveRider already. Go look at a picture of the X-51 and compare it the Chinese version in this article; similar eh?

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RonaldReply toSparrow

Reacting to a military offensive is just crossing your fingers and hoping not to die.

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Thanks to PC multicultural agendas any nation can send spies into our colleges , universities , private corporations and even our PC military and with a simple thumb drive technology is transferred to the University of Taiwan onto the Peoples army of China , the leftwing loons in America have cut our balls off . Thank you . Islam will complete Americas destruction .

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The article says "A weapon traveling at such blistering speeds could hit any place on Earth in less than an hour." How do you figure if the top speed is 7000MPH? Typical media math.

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BorisReply toSavvy87122


Earth is round!

About 15k miles around?

Divide by half. Or less

Whichever the destination from China

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ByakuyaReply toSavvy87122

The Earth turns, and isn't flat. Your understanding of speed, distance, and time is flawed.

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GlenReply toSavvy87122

The earth is about 25k miles. So about 12.5k mile to 1/2 way around. If the weapon is traveling most of the way at 4k to 7k, then it would take about 1h 40min to 3 h to reach the far side of the world.

This would be less if it was ballistic for part of the travel as ballistic missiles can reach speeds around 16k mph.

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Baron Von-KicktoffinReply toSavvy87122

Due to the fact the hgv is launched atop an ICBM the statement is true and especially when you consider medium range icbm's are launched from submarines.

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Savvy87122Reply toSavvy87122

Thank you Glen - a valiant effort but the B's don't get the math.

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China had to steal this technology since they certainly do not have the capability in house.

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ComeReply toRonald

Right now, China is the only nation with the hypersonic glide vehicle. It certainly would serve America well to steal the DF-ZF from China. China has beaten America with advanced weapons no other nation has. Uncle Sam can only huff and puff at China about the South China Sea. And China will continue to build artificial island at Scarborough Shoal about 120 miles from the Philippines.

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the US doesnt always advertise the weapons capabilities it has in order to keep countries guessing and to delay counter weapons development. Remember, by the time we unveiled the stealth bombers in the early 90s they were 20 year old technology.

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Censorship Is A Weapon Of The Weak

WW3 won't be fought with nukes, it will be fought electronically against infrastructure and financial institutions.

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Yup, and we made it possible by financing the whole thing. Thanks for shoving Chinese garbage down our throat with your trade deficit BS.

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not a problem. Hillary will work to get better nukes and nuke defense, after she finishes working on enforcing stricter gun laws. after all, trump would never think of arming our military with better nukes, right?

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Can it travel faster than a laser beam/speed of light? The aforementioned technology in US hands makes hypersonic missiles not nearly as effective as the Chinese think.

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Don't worry! USA has developing the hyper counter demolishing tactics, that the hypersonic china had will go around the world, then explode their own territory!

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S M GReply toDaniel

War in Afghanistan[edit]

5 December 2006: Royal Marine Jonathan Wigley's death was caused by gunfire from a U.S. F-18 aircraft.[4]

July 2007: British Guardsman Matthew Lyne-Pirkis, of the Grenadier Guards, was wounded along with three other allied soldiers of the Afghan National Army after being hit by gunfire from a U.S. Apache helicopter gunship.[5]

23 August 2007: A bomb dropped by an F-15 killed three soldiers of the Royal Anglian Regiment and wounded a further two.[6] During the subsequent inquest, issues such as inadequate communication equipment and incorrect coordinates from a British forward air controller were raised.[7] The coroner finally stated it was down to the "flawed application of procedures" rather than individual errors or "recklessness".[8]

21 December 2009: A British soldier was fatally shot by a US helicopter crew in Afghanistan who thought they were attacking an enemy base. Gunfire from the helicopters left 11 injured on the ground.[9] The coroner criticised the British commanders for the fact Patrol Base Almas was not marked on military maps, for the 'unprofessional' use of grainy images and for insisting there were no friendly forces in the area to the Apache crew.[10]

5 December 2010: Private John Howard was killed by American troops after soldiers called for backup. Private Howard is understood to have died as the low-flying pilot attempted to strafe an enemy target with cannon fire.[11][12]

Iraq War[edit]

23 March 2003: A British Tornado jet was shot down by a U.S. Patriot missile, killing two crewmen.[13][14]

28 March 2003: British Lance-Corporal of Horse Matty Hull was killed by U.S. A-10 jets as well as five others wounded in the 190th Fighter Squadron, Blues and Royals friendly fire incident.

6 April 2003: During the Battle of Debecka Pass, BBC World Affairs Editor John Simpson and members of his crew were injured when a bomb dropped from a U.S. F-15 aircraft hit a friendly Kurdish and U.S. Special Forces convoy, killing 15 people, including BBC translator Kamaran Abdurazaq Muham

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No worries. If it's made like everything else in China, it will fall apart in a year!

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Don't worry bout a thing. Obama is working to make handguns safer. As far as the Navy, Obama and Kerry made sure that Iran had a chance to demoralize the troops by filming their ship being taken over and every sailor being forced to kneel.

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Uncle Sam

China needs all these hypershyte to ward off the boundless greedy scoundrels in the US. Unless they convince us how fast and what certainty they can reduce us to dust, we will not respect them; it is in our evil Nature. I wish we have a new civil war soon enough to we can de-fang our own violent skum and assure the world of our peaceful intent.

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So the US military is behind in technology. Thanks a lot leftist commies - you've made the US military weak and going to get us all killed and taken over. Women in combat roles? What a laugh!

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JoeReply toJeffrey

don't fret your infinitesimally small mind jeffi... we have lots and lots and lots of guns...and so does our military.

our military has all the toys it needs 10x over, plus a whole bunch of stuff in the 'skunk works' and 'black projects' you couldn't even imagine exist (though that's not saying much considering your 'infinitesimally small mind)

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All of this is due to the huge void left by our traitor in chief Hussein Obama who is hell bent and determined to reduce the might, and leadership of the U.S., and reduce our influence in this world.

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JamesReply toL.P.

You are a complete idiot.

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