China Successfully Tests Hypersonic Weapon System

Popular Mechanics

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Total Jim

Women control the voting booths and good luck getting them to read this and act as it doesn't involve their own reflection or their right to have a child sucked from their loving womb.

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"A weapon traveling at such blistering speeds could hit any place on Earth in less than an hour."

Hopefully the same technology can be adapted someday for delivering goods in one hour anywhere in the world.

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LAST_SANE_DUDEReply toWhoIsTheRightfulOwner

Bombs are goods.

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dbc105Reply toWhoIsTheRightfulOwner

good idea, funny how the technology to kill always comes first.

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kumiteReply toWhoIsTheRightfulOwner

Amazon's new slogan - "Orders delivered within the hour"

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TKReply toWhoIsTheRightfulOwner

If a pizza is coming in at 4,000 mph, and you can't slow it down safely, it's going to have the same effect as a bomb. It will basically be a kinetic energy weapon, and it will be just as deadly as a few hundred pounds of high explosive - even if you didn't order anchovies.

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Do It Now !Reply toWhoIsTheRightfulOwner

Do the math. At 7000 mph it cannot hit anywhere on earth in an hour.

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MusicmanReply toWhoIsTheRightfulOwner

MMmmmm yeah, instant gratification is what we all need!

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A hypersonic missile will not easily change direction to evade incoming interception threats or prevent tracking.

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there is no need for Interception, just put something in FRONT of it. At that speed, only dust would be left. Maybe I should just play stupid and read these articles as something that is intellectually matter of fact.

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This Technology has been sold to Jimmie Johns. Now you can order a sub today and get it yesterday.

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DCReply toj

Hyper sandwich drive technology!!!

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TKReply toj

Hey, don't knock Jimmy Johns. One time I ordered a sub at one of their stores, and got the sandwich before I got my change. That's fast service!

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Arnold WalkerReply toj

Now if Jimmy John which is east of China delivered a sub sandwich with of one those would arrive the day before in China.

Many of the WWII Pacific theater battles did that at sea on the log entry,which is why military does Greenwich mean time.My father's naval Squadron engaged the Japanese carrier fleet the date after the battle ended.

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In order to project millitary power...

Country has to be able to have abundant natural resources to produce energy!

Like USA or Russia

So... All this huffing & puffing don't amount to didly squat. As far as US is concerned.

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J. de Molay

And the Russian military has perfected a hyper-fast torpedo that the US Navy has no defense against. It is the VA-111 Shkval, launch speed 93 mph, max speed 225 mph and it can carries a nuclear warhead of a conventional warhead. Our fleet in the Gulf are sitting ducks against this weapon.

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The ManReply toJ. de Molay

please leave

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Here in the USA we are more worried about the rights of the lgbtq group than we are worried about national defense. I guess that the loonie liberals running the USA now figure that we can all just give the attackers a hug when they get here. Remember when the USA was first in all these related technologies??? Now, the rest of the world just sees the USA as a bunch of wussy sreeuq. TRUMP 2016

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Think About It

Perhaps this technology was stolen from us, but they have already conducted 7 successful tests, while we will have one "by the 2020's", which means we are far behind at this point. Instead of upgrading our military, we are spending our efforts legislating bathroom use and how to retrofit military vehicles and installations for the benefit of female soldiers. Our most useful current space technology was developed by a private company, and we are quickly moving toward EU-style Socialist governance, despite the example of Venezuela to the south, and Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland and others in Europe, and Russia running all over us whenever they want. Exactly how are we now leading the world?

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EdReply toThink About It

Read the article again....slowly.

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Crockodile DReply toThink About It had better think about what you are writing...before going off the deep end......

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BeachReply toThink About It

We lead the world by far in the # of d-bags that are in positions of authority

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syaoransangelReply toThink About It

china has been under socialist, communist governance since mao tse tung and russia also has been since the bolsheviks so why are you afraid of their non capitalistic weapons?

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Think About ItReply toThink About It

Apparently I was writing too fast for you, and some of you were offended. We may still have the most powerful and best-trained armed forces in the world, but we are still heading in the wrong direction. SY - WTH are you talking about? On second thought...never mind.

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syaoransangelReply toThink About It

youre saying socialist governance will make the u.s.a. weak so why are you afraid of socialist countries like china and russia, because theyre strong? youre making self contradicting statements but are too dumb to recognize them... never mind.

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Think About ItReply toThink About It

SY - I said nothing about being afraid, nor did I say Russia or China is strong. It's obvious they are spending more money on their military, while we are continuously reducing the size of ours, and quibbling over R&D costs. But since you like Socialism so much, enjoy living in any of the aforementioned.

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AARONReply toThink About It

Lazer tech will make all of these missles obsolete within 10 years

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syaoransangelReply toThink About It

i said nothing about liking socialism...but why do you worry if the u.s. is so strong?

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Dr Woo HooReply toThink About It

If you think SSBNs can't do the job well enough, think again. These hypersonic vehicles are simply a fall-back redundancy for the U.S. China can't rely on boomers, so this is more important to them.

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Baron Von-Kicktoffin

It would seem from comments here some don't understand "test" is the key word and by no means makes it a tried and true operational vehicle. The US has been testing hgv's for years and are closer to going operational than anyone else so understand that first. Also note that the US tests have achieved speeds of 13,000 mph so this would be the reason for China as well as Russia to pursue hgv's to keep pace.

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China is a MUCH more credible threat than the United States wants its citizens to be know. A Chinese first-strike could actually destroy just about everything that REALLY matters in the United States - and I am not talking about weapons installations. The Chinese can absorb anything the US could strike them with with far more ease than the reverse. And in order to ultimately defeat China, the Chinese mainland would have to be invaded - which is a Very. Bad. Idea. even if the Japanese jumped in to help.

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matthewReply toThe


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HomerReply toThe

paranoid much?

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UttamReply toThe

Still it's long way to for China to catch up USA. China can't do any harm to USA. At present USA is the greatest threat to world peace and prosperity.

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TroyReply toThe

You are dreaming. Any country that tries to pull off a first strike on America knows they will receive a response 100x more lethal. They would be signing their own death warrant and they know it, especially china!

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GReply toThe

The world is filled with submarines that will rise to the appropriate surface and deal additional blows. This is referred to as MAD, Mutually Assured destruction. These missiles are Ballistic, Terrain following, and some satellite guided, etc. The ballistic I'm sure are sent with decoys. The attacks are so diversified in guidance that it would be extremely difficult to thwart.

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ThuanReply toThe

China is a weak piece of #$%$ even India nuclear arsenals could annihilate China to dust. And we are talking about less than 200 warheads compare to China's 300. Let's see if China could absorb the Russian nuclear arsenals of 5,000 warheads. That kind of numbers could destroy the this planet earth a thousand times. So who gives a #$%$ about China's power.

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halo nation

8 million dollars a day goes from the poor in the United States into the hands of the Israel war machine. They kill 1000 Palestinians for every one Israeli soldier that is killed or hit with a rock. Hillary Clinton will continue this onslaught robbing you of your tax money while Kansas claims they can't allow poor Americans to have food stamps. We pay Israel and curse our own citizens, imprison black males and educate Chinese students at our best universities. Obama continues to sell weapons in the Middle East and the Saudis are buying them, while students sink in student loan debt believing Bernie Sanders might free them, but he wanted to continue supporting Israel, so how would he have paid for free college. Democrats like Obama supported Wall Street more than the Republicans have. Obama has given them Trillions of dollars and Hillary Clinton will give them more. In 10 years if the bombing in the Middle East continues the air will be acid world over, choking out newborns, if the Zika virus does not get them first. We need to turn back today from war, from corporate greed, from arming the Middle East, from Palestine genocide. Will Trump be different, there is a chance, Obama was a republican in democratic dress, pushing our jobs overseas with free trade, and Hillary will continue the same as evidenced by Bill Clintons Free Trade agreements. You are but a lamb for slaughter. Pray that the Lord will move into this situation, because we are being played for fools by the left and the right.

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JimReply tohalo nation

Bull snitzel 8 million a day for a year is 2.92 trillion dollars. America's total GDP is just under $18 trillion. So you are saying that 1/6th of America's economy is going to Israel? The total Central government budget for 2015 was 3.7 trillion so you are saying 80% of our central government spending goes to Israel?

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The Washington Free Beacon press is a Chinese funded rag that masquerades as a right wing think tank.

They push this garbage repeatedly. If the WU-14 was real, if their ASBM was real we'd have at least 2 carriers on the sea floor, Taiwan would fly a PRC flag and they wouldnt have said a word about them....instead they are screaming the existence of these "super weapons" to anyone that will listen.

look at the garbage they ship us- look at the cheap - nonfunctional knock offs of western goods in spite of literally being handed the tech by Western Businesses.

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DCReply tomatthew

deja vu....

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WillieReply tomatthew

its demand and supply for the cheap stuffs, because American cannot afford durable expensive products. Therefore, Walmarts, Cosco buy cheap stuffs from China, that is most American can afford to pay, same as cheap US car as compare Mercedes, you pay for what you can afford.

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matthewReply tomatthew

And what do you know about Mercedes cars Willie? Have you ever paid for any repairs on a Mercedes? theres a reason they have a very low resale value.

As for what Americans can afford - yes, our purchasing power is falling isnt it? ...and we know why, and the sell outs that engineered our fall here are starting to get nervous...see the geniuses didnt quite think it through and things are quite unfolding as they intended.

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another great advancement in human technology only to be turned into a weapon of war. the human race is doomed by our own making

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DonnaReply tosteve

You are such a beacon of hope Steve lol

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Paul Bledsoe

I suspect the Chinese are not using home grown technology.

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MisterReply toPaul Bledsoe

Neither does the U.S.

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and the race is on - sure glad I lived my life in better times - sure we had the nuclear threat, and the cold war - but there was still enough land and food to sustain the growing masses - I am afraid my children, and mostly grandchildren will grow up in quite a different world

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SamusReply towarhrse

LOL! Better times? Lets see:



-Communism running rampant

-Less vaccines than today

-Less medical knowledge than today

-Proxy wars including Korea and Vietnam which were pointless and cost tens thousands of lives.

-People spitting on our veterans

Yep, those times sure were better... assuming you were not non-white, gay, a veteran, a capitalist in Russia, or a patient with a nasty virus that is child's play in today's world.

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SamusReply towarhrse

*tens of thousands

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Ain't industrial espionage just grand.

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JoeReply toBrian

yeah, the U.S. would NEVER steal anyone else's ideas, would they?

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While the idiot AKA Obama dismantles our military the Russians and Chines are modernizing their militaries at break neck speed. This is the end result of electing an incompetent lying creep just because he has a black face. Better start brushing up on your Chines Russian by the way in communist China they don't have free elections that is why they will never have to worry about electing a fool such as Obama.

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RichardReply toU

Uninformed. According to Matthew Bunn, an expert on nuclear proliferation and a professor Harvard University.: "It is an ironic fact that the president who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his soaring disarmament rhetoric is the same president who has laid out $1 trillion plan to modernize every aspect of the U.S. nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years,"

Obama has cut the number of nuclear weapons by a smaller percentage than any American president since the end of the Cold War, according to an analysis by Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists Obama’s 10 percent reduction over six years trails even George W. Bush’s 50 percent.

Military spending has definitely dropped, for two main reasons: The first is the Obama administration’s decision to start removing U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The second is sequestration, which happened in 2011 due to congressional inability to find the spending cuts demanded by the Republicans. The bipartisan nature of the sequestration provision means that both parties merit a share of the blame, but it's a congressional issue - not an Obama issue.

The Obama budget proposed a 7.8 percent increase in the base Defense Department budget between 2015 and 2016. The spending bill enacted this fall puts the defense budget on a path to start growing in fiscal year 2016, up about 6 percent from the previous year.

"It’s still not quite as much as the president requested, but it’s much closer," said Todd Harrison, director of defense budget analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

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Cup of tea

Since US has developed the weapon already, why can't others do the same?

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SabSabReply toCup of tea

Maybe you missed the "The U.S. Air Force anticipates it will have hypersonic weapons operational by the 2020s". The US doesn't have the weapon yet.

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davidReply toCup of tea

Sab, lol drink that Kool aid. We've got them and many other systems you won't see for 20 years.

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DenaReply toCup of tea

Actually, we've already successfully tested a hypersonic weapon, Sab.

Heck, the picture they're showing? That's a drawing of a Boeing X-51.

A US missile.

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Great! The Russians and Chinese are both ahead of us.

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ericsmommaReply toBrian

not hardly, we just don't advertise what we have, trust me, they have no defense against american subs secretly cruising all over the world and close enough to china to make sure they never launched another thing, ever

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DenaReply toBrian

They don't have railguns. We do.

They don't have working laser systems. We do.

We're ahead of them on stealth technologies.

Don't think we don't have hypersonic weapons already...

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