Combat power, allies best way to deter North Korea: U.S. military official

David Alexander

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The best way to avoid trouble is to stop f'ing w/everybody whose regime you want to change solely for the financial benefit of US Corporations.

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philiphReply toCarson

Simple child.

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Iran and North Korea both refuse to allow Rothschild Jew control of their banks and are deemed "enemies".

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"...allies best way to deter....." Think about those words for a minute. Then ask yourself how many times you have heard those exact same words in the last two years? This article specified that it is the best way to deter N. Korea.

How many other articles in the last two years had those exact same words: "allies best way to deter"? You know, to deter Russian aggression, to deter Chinese aggression, heck, even The Donald aggression.

You want to know how many times? Okay, I will tell you. Enough times.

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Combat power, allies best way to deter North Korea? That is correct. The same goes for Iran, Russia, and China. Oh, and Exterminating ISIS.

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AceReply toedward

When do you sign up?

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well duh..

what else works against a bully.. nothing else

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Another false flag nonsense, no body believes this anymore.

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philiphReply touldis

Poor girl. Most people who have an awareness of light and sound understand this to be a far greater issue than the story lets on.

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The best claim against the ZiOG in Fascistgton District of Criminals, would be few nukes,they are afraid of so much! For they know they are very,very guilty criminals in the Blue Lodge of jerUSAlem!!!

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philiphReply toNamaste

Sterno madness.

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What would you do if you were constantly threatened by the US - that you have just seen attack, invade, occupy several countries ? 10s of thousands of US troops on your border. War games right in your face.

I would speed up my weapons program.

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philiphReply toDav

Amusing hyperbole.

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nkorea nazi madness

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