Kim Jong-un has had 64 'traitors' executed during 2016 according to South Korean spies

Jenny Awford for MailOnline

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    4983人参与


How envious Barak and Hillary must be to have the option to kill your critics!!![CN]


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Just saying...

Yeah it sounds likely, but how do you know this, wheres the proof, were supposed to take your word for it DM?[CN]


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Beach ball headBeach[CN]


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There's only one person who needs executing, it's him, Mr Billy Bunter aka Kim Jong-un![CN]

只有一个人需要处决啊,就是他 - Billy Bunter,又名金正恩。

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Be afraid, be very afraid...[CN]


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Surely it wouldn't take much , everyone must hate him , a knife thrust in the back and a quick upward thrust and twist to sever as many arterys as possible, job done.[CN]


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MarisaReply toBREAKING NEWS.

Or even use one of those pens which his note-taking acolytes who are always around him, [CN]


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Is there no one in Kim's inner circle willing to die for putting a bullet through Kim's head and enshrining himself in history as the North Korean Claus von Stauffenberg¿???[CN]


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JasonReply toDennis

Whoever volunteers for this enterprise will need to do better than Stauffenberg, - or all Hell will break loose.[CN]

自愿当这个人的,谁都好,要比Stauffenber还要更小心谨慎 - 不然就是自己下地狱了。

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DennisReply toDennis

Jason: You are correct of course. Still, Stauffenberg is considered a national hero for at least making the inn-fated effort. I wonder if high ranking officers in Kim's presence are required to have the sidearms inspected to confirm they are unloaded.[CN]

Jason: 你说得对。现今Stauffenberg仍被尊为大英雄,做出明知不可为而为之的努力。我不知道面见金正恩的高级官员是不是也有副队搜查他们,以确保他们没带武器。

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Are we sure that they were executed, or did Kim Jong-un eat them? He really looks like a goofy cartoon character. That haircut has to be some poor barber's way of making him a laughingstock, and people are scared to tell him the truth, so he thinks he looks edgy and cool.[CN]


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Wow his suits rival H e ll e r y's!
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No one has any idea what is going on in NK. It is impossible to have spies on the ground there.
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All it takes is one bullet to end all this.
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Nic Crovaix
He's such a cute little dumpling. I love him dearly.
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Nic CrovaixReply toNic Crovaix
Are you out of your mind? You are? oh, ok...
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Henri Walker
If these people were smart they would just point the missile to where ever fat Kim is at
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He looks like a spud.
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Kin Jung Hillary scares us , not the toad in N. Korea.
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I can't wait til they execute (lil)kim jun un with an anti aircraft gun!
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Clive W
If we could do the same with our own lackluster , self serving Politicians , those that remain might start doing their best for the UK
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red cloud
A preposterous looking nerd with a side splitting haircut who is surrounded by a load of yes men who secretly must be wondering if every day is their last. "Our dear leader" is needed if only so the rest of the world can see what freedoms we enjoy in the west would be lost if ever extreme left or right regimes in future win the day.
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On, you heard it here first folks: this guy is out of control!
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Scotty Green
There was a time when Britain executed traitors. Now they make them "Sirs" and give them a seat in the House of Lords
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tchaser58858Reply toScotty Green
Today one is the president of the U.S. and a lady is running for prez to take his spot.
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