ISIS claims Brussels attacks that kill at least 30


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Don't blame ISIS!!! They are just doing their job and they are good at it!!!

Want to blame someone? Blame the LIBERALS that made ISIS strong with all of their PC garbage.

TRUMP for 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to clean house and make AMERICA Great AGAIN!!!!!

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obama's cousins strike again.

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We must elect a President that is going to be willing to do whatever it takes, to eradicate these terrorists. Not one that just wants to play pussy foot with them such as Obama & Obama's want to be Hillary!!!

Iran supports most of these terrorists groups & yet Obama made a Nuclear deal with Iran & Hillary supported it!!! Wake up people, it's just a vicious cycle as long as we condone countries that support terror!!!

We need a leader that is tough on all this turmoil in the Middle East that threatens our Western Way of Life!!! A leader that believes this in his heart & soul, for our convictions!!!

If not, it will be certainly all to late for our Country as we once known it to be!!!

Trump 2016

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where is Obama, still in a slumber in his Havana Bed and Breakfast?

useless fraud. Try acting like you have a clue and get back to DC and do your job.

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Pieces of shit! You can bet they are already in the United States. Be smart, vote for Trump 2016!!

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"Let them in" they said. "It will be fine" they said..........................

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Hi Good Looking!

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Next: Los Angeles

Next: New York

Next: Philadelphia

Next: Houston

As we jerk-around with a Protest Organizer and a known LIAR as "leaders"

Who will put these animals in their cages or out of our misery?

It sure as HELL is not hil-LIAR-y

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Hey Liberals, let em in, there just poor people from Syria.......right. You scumbags, take your ideology and stick it right up your a--!

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quote by george patton; No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his

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remember when obama was campaigning for president the first time around, he stated that he visited all 57 states, he was correct------ALL 57 ISLAMIC STATES

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mistririter100 Reply to hil

That's a good one. Funny, and so very possibly true.

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raddison4x Reply to hil

Yep, I remember that. He has proved that he is no Christian. We have had 7 years of this idiot coddlng Muslims and look what has happened again. AND Barry is off vacationing AGAIN! For soe reason, he is always vacationing when there is some attack. Very odd.

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nestalex Reply to raddison4x

Solidarity among comrades!

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Everyone, republican and democrap all calling for Trump's head... HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO IS RIGHT!!!! obama and the democraps wants to let all the terrorists into the United States and take away our guns. YOU can see what the result will be. TRUMP is the only candidate democrap or republican to take a stand against the enemy!!!!

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Tammy Reply to mike

My father, a brilliant man, has been saying for 15 years there is a war coming within the us...his exact words "Blood in the streets".....I see that happening too. Stockpile ammo, food and water. Medicines. Get ready people...its coming. All you morons that bought electric cars=useless when the power grid goes down. You need an old car with points and condensers and a harrington box to store any electronics in. There will be a mass die off, all the obese and out of shape people will die quickly...why do you think that there are so many fast food places???To make the Sheeple dependent on them for "food" (if you can call it that}...And they will have no means of procuring food. So many diabetics=dead when no insulin is around. People are really gonna die folks. Get ready.

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Their friends, families, neighbors recognize these people and refuse to contact police, refuse to help fight terrorism. Why? Because most of them support it.

They have ruined Brussels.

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Liberals hate Christians but enbrace Muslims

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Mister Cool Reply to XXX123

aint that the truth

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XXX123 Reply to XXX123


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When will a politician call Islam what it is? A cult founded by a whacked out pedophile who wanted to legitimize his desires! Why would any female be a muslim?

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Juffina Reply to dredselw

Dred - What the F are Mormon? Sleep around your own F-ing Front door before you open your diarrhea mouth.

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and Oboso wants to bring more of them to the US ,that's just great TRUMP is right protect the US first

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This is how Islam shows their thanks for a country that welcomed the muslims.. keep em coming...

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Libsr Losers

When 14 people were killed in California by two Islamic extremist who entered the country just to kill, Trump said we should stop all Islamic immigrant from entering the country until we can find out what went wrong.

What did the media and the vile left do ? they lied just like they did with the hands up don’t shoot B/S

It time for change America.

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Now do you believe Trump?

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wlab123 Reply to rdarr42

NO, what's his plan?

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Allen Cat Reply to wlab123

Ovomit thanks you for your dedicated SLURPvice. Otraitor and MOOCHella may allow a few crumbs to be tossed your way mam

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And does anybody think Trump is still wrong about stopping muslims from coming into the USA for a while? He talks about it being temporary, but people just hammer him as being racist and bad and hating muslims. This man is smarter than a lot of people know. Trump 2016 and 2020.

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troopabn Reply to DAVE

This country is full of "STUPID". If not, this guy would have been impeached after his first lie: "Obamacare".

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gal3601 Reply to troopabn

They wouldn't Impeach Obama, even though there is ample reason because the Liberals are so into labeling that they would label them all "RASCIST"

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troopabn Reply to gal3601

Yeah, the libtard seem to forget that he's 1/2 white, 1/2 black and all Muslim! They always want to use the race card. They are the racists! I would vote for Allen West in a heartbeat along with Ben Carson!

Trump 2016

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