On-air shooter threatened to make 'headlines,' showed anger

JONATHAN DREW and ALAN SUDERMAN | Aug 27th 2015 4:40PM

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If Obama had a dead gay son......................

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His name will be added to the NRA's ring of Honor along with the rest of the murderers, assassins and social misfits. Let us rename The NRA headquarters to "The National Shrine OF Violence". And how about a Candle light vigil at "The National Shrine Of Violence", to remember all of the victims.

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drwaddcutter Reply to Bill

How long have you been a member of the NRA? You must be one, because you think you know all about it. Me? They don't want me, because I'm a liberal. But............., some day maybe they'll change their minds, and like you, I'll have all the answers.

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What do you expect from an another Oaktown black?

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Heather Reply to ebensonbwa


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Power of Journalism on ALL LIVES....MATTERS !

It's not ok to fuel...HATE...RACISM...RIOTS !

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ajt22864 Reply to sandsway

No, only the Media lives matter now. Media doesn't give a crap about us, they serve the elite.

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drwaddcutter Reply to ajt22864


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Angry black man killed two people. How's this news?

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sandsway Reply to jgawerc

Made it to the News. Because it was about Journalist. Black on white crime is not a focal point. It does not help black life matters. It is the story they don't want told. It happened to Journalists, THAT'S WHY !

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"Your Honor, I am not the Monster here."

"Kibodeaux said when she turned to walk away, Flanagan tried to grab her by the shoulder, but she ducked under his hand.
"He said, `Don't you walk away from me. Don't you turn your back on me,'" she recalled.
Flanagan told her never to speak to him again and she steered clear."

Smart move. Probably saved her life.

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ajt22864 Reply to tyronem2


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drwaddcutter Reply to ajt22864

You like that word, don't cha? Good word. Just like bullsh-t.

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I see CNN and Alison's boyfriend are now bringing Sandy Hoax, box cutters and all the pots in pans into now. It's a false flag to go after the 2nd Amendment again creating a National Security risk because the border isn't secure and United States Citizens are being bombarded by terrorist, drug lords and illegal aliens.

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its time for whites to riot!!! way past time!!!!!!!!!

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arent you tired of the headlines that make you and hurt yet? turn it off..

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Fay, who said she threw the letter out shortly after receiving it, wrote down Flanagan's name and a general description of his letter in her manager's notebook. While she had never received anything like it before, she said there was no indication the letter's author was contemplating a crime.

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Another National Tragedy isn't helped by these vindictive comments. Obviously IF the guy had been ' firing on all cylinders' it would have been the Station Boss he would have gone after. Sympathy to all those affected by this senseless event.

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sandsway Reply to Jackie

Vindictive was what this man was. Mad, mean, and determined. Not mental.

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Heather Reply to sandsway

And probably had been very bullied because of his color + sexuality. May be a good time to think about the effect's of bullying in our society.

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drwaddcutter Reply to sandsway

Heather, the only way he could have been bullied, is if he allowed it. And if he was gay, he probably advertised it by his TUDE.

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Tim and Marnie

Time to take down the rainbow flag.

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up.your.gazoo Reply to Tim and Marnie

OR wrap ot around their fuc.king necks.

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Sure wouldn't want to live on the east coast, ever since the communist took over it's been nothing but pure hel* for them.

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Isn't amazing when it's the medias own it goes Live National. When a black child get's murdered in Chicago via a drive by, shouldn't that be National too. Every time it happens, if the media was doing there job they would report those heinous crimes every time a child was gunned down, then maybe communities would rise, ya think. This is nothing but Media ganging up on America because they think only their lives matter.

How about 714536 abortions to date. Or, planned parenthood selling baby body parts, that's a tragedy.

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Heather Reply to ajt22864

You've been doing the Fox trot .............

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ajt22864 Reply to Heather

They just want the 2nd Amendment. Then they can go global Hitler on us, were the last guys standing.

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There were 714536 abortions to date, just think of how much Planned Parenthood made.

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wdc515 Reply to ajt22864

Why do edomites smell like a wet dog, bologna, hotdog water, horse piss, dumpster juice, sour milk, soiled diaper, a penetrating reeking odor that could make you vomit? Why do edomites have the characteristics of monkies: stringy straggly doggy hair; light colored eyes; very thin -to- no lips; smell, live, walk and kill like animals? Why are edomites genetically recessive but "Black" people's genes are the dominate trait? Why don't edomites have hue or melanin in their skin like a nonhuman? Why do edomites have flabby, saggy, wrinkled chicken skin? Why do edomites look like the human version of pork and have the cursed blond hair and skin as a leper? Why are edomites' physiques developed with flat chests and asses resembling an ironing board? Why did edomites live in the cracks/on the clefts of the caucasus mountains (mount seir); hense the word caucasian which means cave dweller? Why did edomites only create and own every "white" supremacist hate group and the united states patent office where they stole every invention of that office from Hebrew Isarelites/"Black" people/the true Jews? Why do edomites lack rhythm, coordination, style, class, sex appeal? Why do edomites dance by continually jumping up and down, and like they're doing aerobics? Why do edomites love hijacking "Black" people's style, language, dance, music, etc...? Why do edomites love: drinking blood, raw meats, devil worshipping, ***********, child porn, mass murders, killing animals, making and dropping bombs, exterminating nations of people, lynching and hanging, church burning, raping/robbing/stealing, serial killing, committing suicide, incestual relations, trailer parks, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, walking barefoot, and nascar? BTW, ALL EDOMITE RAPPERS ARE A FORM OF BLACKFACE FROM THE VAUDEVILLE/JIM CROW ERA!

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Peanut Johnson

endomite yo mama

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Washington is so messed up that even a dill-weed like this Afro loser felt entitled to more.

Unable to raise his performance he chose simple peer whites to take it out on that spun circles around him.

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when will Sharpton raise his ugly tax dodging head and claim that Vester (hell they can't even spell Lester) had been persecuted by his co-workers?

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drwaddcutter Reply to behappy

No money in it.

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Ray Hamilton

God gave us a Plan. And we're failing. One Day His Plan will prevail, when there will only be "One Race" of people. The Human Race. Because one day (if we make it) we will ALL look alike. We now have four(4) Mulatto Kids in our Family. And if anyone dare to insult them because of it. There will be another shooting. Because I Love them as much as I Love the rest. Just saying.

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