On-air shooter threatened to make 'headlines,' showed anger

JONATHAN DREW and ALAN SUDERMAN | Aug 27th 2015 4:40PM

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It is as if Obama and the Democrats pulled the trigger themselves. The suspect's Manifesto makes clear that Obama has much American blood on his hands. For the past several years, Obama has fanned the flames of racial hatred and division, inciting racists such as this suspect and others to commit racial violence, using guns, knives, automobiles, pressure cookers, or anything at their disposal. This suspect is simply another Soldier in Obama's Army of Hate; Obama's spiritual and philosophical son. The suspect was emboldened by Obama's ongoing lies about Whites and Obama's "Get Whitey," racist hate speech. The suspect stated that he bought into Obama's group guilt ideology, which provides that any and all Whiteys are fair targets for the collective sins of Whitey. This is why Obama's feels it is acceptable to steal from and discriminate against any and all innocent White men to lift up Blacks. This is the same “group guilt” logic employed by ISIS and Obama's racketeers in the justice department. Crooks have taken over---at the highest and lowest levels of government. Wake Up, Folks!

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Larry Joe Beebop


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Richard Kiene

Same ol same ol......

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Larry Joe Beebop


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Once again where are all the comments? Again white people were killed. Where is the white Al Sharpton?

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SWETHEART Reply to pagalgonwyld

We accept pain, we don't incite riots. We pray, hope and wish, If all could.

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All I will say is that I am very glad I am old and will die before the American country crumbles. I see people that feel entitled to have jobs that that they don't have to actually "work" for, blaming race for everything (yep, I am a white female woman that got a job in a "mans" world and didn't ask for help and I didn't scream sexist!) and feel that the government should take care of the people for the poor choices they make.

Accountability is very important and if no one holds those accountable for the actions they chose and choose to blame others and the President and media condone it, who is to blame?

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sharmoore Reply to SWETHEART

you got that job because of the feminists and women's libbers who came before you and broke a path for you. put sock in it.

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Just another attitude filled black,, there are millions of them.

Where's he buried? I want to add it to my bucket list of places to piss on when I'm in the area..

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Michelle 2016

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bbnpl4545 Reply to halt1025

WOW ! Are we talking weight here ?

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Paul Reply to halt1025


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White guy shoots black people- it was racism.
Black guy shoots white people- we need gun control.

Liberal media, you own this mess.

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Frankie Reply to BRIAN

Conservative ignorance.

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Paul Reply to Frankie


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Self-esteem run amok in public schools + reality = tragedy

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Larry Joe Beebop

liberal drama

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Frankie Reply to Larry Joe Beebop

Conservative ignorance.

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Larry Joe Beebop Reply to Frankie

Conservative, where?

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Frankie Reply to Frankie

Look in the mirror.

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Da brother innocent, he dint do nuttin, it was that evil gun that kilt dem white folk, not the black fag bro.

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Sharpton and obama want us to be colorblind on this issue.....If obama had a son......

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i don't think he was a racist. i think he was an equal opportunity hater and no one was safe around him. he was paranoid, bi-polar, narcissistic, and a sociopath. it is dangerous to assume some people would be safe around this person.

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Billy Reply to sharmoore

Trying to figure out whether you are a racist ghetto denizen or a white libnig wannabe.

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lsteele2067 Reply to Billy

Confused? Huh. It's pretty clear what you are.

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Premuda Reply to sharmoore

So what's the homework assignment professor, Wilhelm Reich and the mass psychology of fascism? You are one total FRAUD!

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sharmoore Reply to Premuda

for you, the homework assignment is to fold a piece of paper so it makes 8 squares. then color each square a different color. you know, you project a lot. you are the fraud.

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If any of his co-worker were as racist as the comment made, I'll just bet you a beer or two that they change their attitudes. lol I have no pity for racist people. Re load and come back.

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NO,back long ago we would now call it the bucket list,in the past if a person knew they only had a short time to live,or wanted to die why not take out your enemy,or a friends enemy first before you die.sometimes the friends family would even pay $ to the next of kin to the killer,just like a suicide bomber in the middle east,real life is coming to the USA

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to be politically correct means to be socially correct, to engage in proper etiquette in group situations and maintaining professionalism in the workplace. i am sick of people throwing the term PC around and not thinking about it. treat people as you would like to be treated. it's not rocket science.

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Premuda Reply to sharmoore

You are one slick liar. I used to instruct professionals on cultural sensitivity and talk about Orwellian double speak. Go soak your dentures, liberal Twit.

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sharmoore Reply to Premuda

hahahaha. YOU instructed professionals on cultural sensitivity? talk about a slick liar. you can't even deal with liberals on an adult basis. name-calling, etc. hahahaha. did an old liberal man with false teeth turn down your advances?

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Premuda Reply to sharmoore

Idiot, to be socially correct is subjective and transient. Society is held together by Values, which by definition remain immutable. Go soak your eyes.

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sharmoore Reply to Premuda

no, it is not subjective and it is easily learned, but not by you. society may be held together by some core values, but they are not immutable. they change with the times. and one core value should be that we should be socially correct as we become more diverse. why don't you go find the old lib with the dentures and hit on him again. maybe this time you'll get lucky. hahahahaha

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I am not saying that what this 51/50 did was right and I stand to be corrected. He probably did need therapy. However, from what I have heard he was subjected to racist slurs, sexual innuendos and racial harassment, in the form of watermelon jokes and the placement of the same on his desk. Today we call it bullying. His targets were not random, but those who he felt offended him. He even took his complaints to an agency that investigates charges of discrimination. I am only saying that we all have to be careful who we offend. Some snakes have a non venomous bite and others will do you in.......

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Billy Reply to Disculpame

More ghetto wisdom. Put down the crack pipe, pick up the gin and juice, send baby mama #4 to the mailbox to pick up the checks. I sure hope I didn't offend you because I don't want to worry that you might have a venomous bite.

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Disculpame Reply to Billy


Many times ghetto wisdom is far superior to your, I presume, White racist wisdom. LOL

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