On-air shooter threatened to make 'headlines,' showed anger

JONATHAN DREW and ALAN SUDERMAN | Aug 27th 2015 4:40PM

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Black people say they do not shoot white people so this must be false.

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weeeally Reply to spdy65

White people say they don't kill each other. That too is false..

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Race baiting BIGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This maggot was a total paranoid!!! He had more problems than anyone could ever imagine. How many more are like him out there? Too many weirdos in this country now.

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Stop showing his picture, you jackasses at AOL!

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ENOUGH with his picture. Who gives a frak about him and why or why do we have to keep seeing his picture. If you want to run a story how about leave out his face or better yet leave out the story. He is getting more of the 15 minutes he ever wanted and for what. Leave the families to grieve in peace and let this P.O.S. story die like he did. A coward who killed himself to avoid responsibility.

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weeeally Reply to rb1956rb

That's what they did to the South Carolina killer of nine too

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drepke Reply to weeeally

They were using the teen who killed 9 african american church goers to condemned a whole section of the country and take down the confederate flag. The media can only play the anti-gun card here as the shooter was gay and black and the victims were white.

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Listen father I feel for you but you have to seek the death penalty. guns are how we got free and why we still have a little freedom left. put murderers to death and killings will slow way down. but you and your liberal friends will want to pamper him in the gray bar hotel the rest of his life. so PLEASE get rid of murderers not our tools for freedom.

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ADJT'S Kids And

It is regrettable when lives are taken. When did Vester die? Long before he shot his victims and himself. All evidence about the turmoil he felt is thrown away because no one took him serious or felt that treading on him meant nothing. Everyone does not know how to accept the abuse that others feel that they can do to the helpless. Proof is in the pudding. Bring forth the documents sent by Vester so he is not judged unjustly.

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Oh my goodness. This is the worst thing that's ever happened in America. Far worse than the Sandy Hook killings of 27 people, including 20 children. At least that's the way the media is acting

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apache Reply to weeeally

That's because it's a couple of their own. They can spin it their way. I'm not a fan of the media. I feel bad these 2 young folks got killed but the media is going to run with it and appease the libs who don't believe in firearms

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This guy was wacked. He just happened to be black. His problems were building up and he didn't handle them well and he finally snapped . S hit happens. And that's why people should arm themselves. Too many nuts in this country. Thank the liberals for passifying and ignoring anything but their idiotic agenda

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Bad Driver's use their Vehicle as a Weapon,, and shouldn't be allowed to Buy or Own a Gun.

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Black man kills two white people - what else is new ?
Where are the protests ???????????????????????????????????

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He learned from Odumpster that he is entitled to a job, a phone, a car, and a home. This is a racist piece of human excrement.

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I wish sometimes the white race would disgrace themselves and riot.

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er davis Reply to bbnpl4545

Well you have disgrace yourself for 450 years when you raped, murdered , killed MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of MINORITY People .
You have enough disgrace to last until eternity..

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bniel77644 Reply to er davis

Sounds like you dislike America, there are a lot of other countries you could move on to !!!

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sharmoore Reply to bbnpl4545

they did. they lynched black people, burned down their neighborhoods, burned crosses in their yards. yep, they rioted.

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If every person who ever had a run-in with this guy came out and told their story,no one would be a bit surprised that he did this. He was yet another mentally ill monster who fell through the cracks. Mental illness needs to be addressed in this country way more than gun control.

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When ISIS wants to rape ,they make it right to rape ,when they want to kill innocents they make it right to kill innocents to their followers and why do I bring this up ?? Well , we know that this Black was a racist through his manifesto and we know he killed two Whites which in any normal court of law would be a race crime if the races were reversed but our president ,media and Liberals want to ignore facts and make this guy look like a victim of prejudice and an overactive gun so we have a Liberal cult that wants to make us believe that this would have never have happened if he had not been coerced by that gun and even though I have seen a mug shot of this guy and I know the media is not against showing mug shots of Whites they instead prefer to show him as the gentle giant , the smiling Black man in the suit !! Now do you see the connection ?? ISIS wants blind followers to believe what they want them to believe and that is the exact same thing the Liberal main stream media is doing

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a good thug he did not cost the tax payers a lot of money to prosicute

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clwgeorgetownlaw Reply to MERLIN

My God -- White trash can't even spell "prosecute"

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I guess the Socialist Democrat censors at AOL don't like what I say so I will say it again. If this is posted already I hope you will understand that I did not see it.
I am a liberal from the Commonwealth of Virginia and want the bleeding heart Socialist Democrats that will be calling for more gun control to understand that what we have in America is not a gun problem but a black problem. Most murders whether committed with a gun or other weapon are committed by blacks and most often the victim or victims are black. If you add up all the people killed by whites in the last three years by gun or other weapon the total will be less than the number of people killed by blacks in this year alone.

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Ed Konicki

Gay guy could be Obama kid or brother.

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