University: Paying $17,570 for dining hall table was mistake

The Associated Press

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It probably was a two for one deal, the other is in the college Presidents residence.

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Some admins family member sells stuff to the U at inflated prices....

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robertReply toN

Could be?

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And you wonder why college tuition is out of control and growing at 6% per year

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The mistake wasn't the $17,570, it was being caught at it. Still, it is New Hampshire and the mistake isn't going to be addressed. They're keeping the table. So there.

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That's happens when you have bread stacked up.

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JimKReply toJimK

that's what* happens

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University of New Hampshire says,"You getting mad? We're getting rich!"

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Mock Arena

Was it a round table, coz nights at the round table sounds a bit old school cool.

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Nice picture. Not. Another Yahoo News fail.

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MichaelReply toBSDUDEUS

This is an AP article. So that makes the post a BSDUDEUS fail.

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But Yahoo News reposted it without a picture so #$%$.

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Fire every loon involved in this

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Marsali Johnston

"The university plans to keep the table."

I would hope so, after spending that much on it. They probably can't just return it.

$17,000 for a TABLE? Someone sure had more money than good sense.

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Academia, it always thinks it's smarter than everyone else. Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.

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Today is National Shrimp Scampi day in case you don't have any fresh weasel available..

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A troll for all seasons

Maybe they should have tabled the motion to buy that table in the first place.

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Of course they plan to keep it . Unless they sale it to another university who would be stupid enough pay that kind of money for it .

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Now all the food service workers making minimum wage have a really nice place to stand while they sling mac and cheese on the students plates as they walk by.........

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The Gem FanaticReply toBill

Oooohhhhh...... Mac and cheese!!! :P

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Luxref Staff

This is why all college education needs to be online

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Headline Re-do!

UNH Parents: Paying $17,500 for tuition was a mistake.

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The school Can save money by firing the folks who okayed the purchase .

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Live free or dine...expensively.

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Don B

Yeah someone got ripped off.

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