China trains 'fishing militia' to sail into disputed waters

Megha Rajagopalan

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If china builds an island what is stopping the other nations from building theirs? The dredging of sand is pretty cheap as is an air strip which is just a few inches of asphalt on top of the sand. The real reason only China is building the islands is the rest of the nations in charge people are busy filling their pockets with their nations cash which leaves zero for building the islands.

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KivaariReply tomichael

Runways are much stronger than a few inches of asphalt. If they use them for cargo planes the runway will be very expensive.

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CrayReply tomichael

Runways can be over lain with expanded steel sheeting., Besides the US has many airbases close or Harrier jets and choppers which don't need runways. The problem is the will of a weak US president chosen not for his ability but for his skin color.

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RomuloPReply tomichael

...if every one build their own...then we destroy nature, reef, blue oceans....and contaminate it...please don't. thank you.

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RCReply tomichael

The idiots like you cray

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I don't know where you get the ideal of militia fish boat from china. but it's leading a prefect way to the Taiwanese fish boat. they'ld prepare themselves well in the next time when them sail to the reef, where japs took the ransom 150 miles away from that reef.

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Fishing militia = Pirates, thanks Walmart shoppers.

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mandieReply tobesttoyou1

don't forget where your clothing is made, your Apple phones, all that stuff in the Home Depots, food on your table...the list goes on.

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CrayReply tobesttoyou1

Too much Chinese imports. Rebuild the world's manufacturing base.

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Eleatic Stranger

China's fishing boats are already a paramilitary force and so they should be treated as such. Whenever they infringe upon other countries waters - within the UNCLOS 200-mile EEZ limit from another countries mainland - then they should be attacked and seized, with all the military power available. That is the only way to stop China. Japan and Korea already do this and that is why they don't have such problems.

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KivaariReply toEleatic Stranger

The worthless UN will support China over the PI or VN.

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Eleatic StrangerReply toEleatic Stranger

KIvaari. I don't think the UN is in China's pocket yet. Also, the ICJ in The Hague is ruling on the legal validity or otherwise of China's sea-grabbing of islands and it is expected that they will rule against China. China has carried out one robbery too many for its poor neighbors to ever forget. Step up the joint freedom patrols.

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CrayReply toEleatic Stranger

Weaken Chinese leadership by boycotting all Chinese goods.

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Eleatic StrangerReply toEleatic Stranger

Cray. Weaken Chinese leadership by withdrawing foreign investment and moving it elsewhere. Nobody needs the contracting market in China any more.

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KivaariReply toEleatic Stranger

Eleatic, China is a permanent member of the security council. They can veto any action.

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Eleatic StrangerReply toEleatic Stranger

Kivaari. China can't veto foreign corporations withdrawing their support from low-performing manufacturers there. Anyway, those stupid UN rules were written right after WW 2 and they need to be changed.

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Great job China ! From Romance of the Three Kingdoms to the Art of War by Sun Tzu , there are many examples how to defeat the barbarians by executing smart moves and war strategy without firing a single shot . Recent example : the occupation of Crimea by Russia . China and Russia should take the initiatives now, stop being in defensive, stop the bully by Amerikaa.

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HB HurricanesReply toLi

Hey Li - A fight is coming and you'll see how weak you Chinese really are. But I love your women. I visit China on business often and the Chinese women love the white man. Sorry its not the same for Chinese men in America. The women know you have very small appendages.

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Bridge DealerReply toLi

Concentrate in eating dogs, spitting in public, and using rhino horn for your small weewee. Eventually somebody is going to sink more of your ships. Argentina just show the world how to deal with your thievery.

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US is in a difficult situation there because China is too strong, allies too weak, and South China Sea too far away. Philippines and Vietnam not spending much on their own defenses is also unhelpful to the US posture.

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justinReply toBobL

china isn't that strong.

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US Pentagon should draft a new law for the world to follow. That is when their gun boats are around, fishing boat should retract their fishing net and stay 12 miles away. Better still, when they use them as practicing target, they should stay put to make it easy for these #$%$ chicken hawks happy.

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"China is such an uncivilized people. How can anyine call themselves human when they EAT DOG MEAT!!! China has been destroying coral reefs in order to build their islands that threaten stability. China is a polluted wasteland where they torture children and force them into the olympics. They have zero innovation and steal everything. Without the US, China woupd be a giant Thailand.".

First thing first,

Japanese had eaten (dead and alive) Filipinos for lunches and dinners during WW2.

Japanese been daily dumping 2000+ gallons of toxic nuclear waste water into Pacific Ocean since 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.


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Ohio Ignorant Conservative

Is about time Chinese fishermen fish in their own waters head held up HIGH. About time Yes.

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j m

US keeps saying its navy was sailing through international water, so why aren't the Chinese fishermen allowed to fish in the international water?

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jaharReply toj m

They are allowed, but this article isn't talking about international waters.

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CurtisReply toj m

Spot-on jahar. It's a shame, the way facts seem to be meaningless to folks with the intellect of winged monkeys.

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Try looking at maps from thousands of years ago, it has always been a part of China. All this is doing is costing American tax payers money for our ships and planes to be over their, you don't see China over here or Russia. America stole the country we live in. Pathetic rhetoric is all we ever see come from our corrupt media.

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WilliamReply toanthony

Actually China and Russia hold joint military exercises in The Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska, right in our back yard.

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anthonyReply toanthony

Right, lots of people living near the Bering Sea!

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What China is doing is reasonable and normal. Those citizens who live near the boundary of their country have the obligation to stand watch for foreign intruders and to stand guard of their countries territory.

Like myself, I live on an island far off the coast of BC, the Canadian government gives us tax breaks and cheap hydro as incentives to stake claims of the islands. Otherwise, the US could move in to claim them.

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well . china learn well, the japes use free citizen to to claim chinese island and later "purchased" the island from that citizen, the lazy pinoy use Free citizen tomas to claim he has "discovered" Chinese island and later nationalized it. .

you see when the chinese beat them thieve s in their own game, what they do ? they simply crybaby

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CurtisReply toplnoyseIIvvomen

You again? Doesn't your nether-region hurt from all that propaganda Xi's been cramming into it?

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plnoyseIIvvomenReply toplnoyseIIvvomen

winner wins loser crybay

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Chinese fishermen should protect their interest by reporting infringement to their fishing ground by armed enemy to the authority and help fish out spying drones and sensors planted by foreigners. They should also help protect their shore with strong fishing net so underwater spy submarine get stranded and destroy undersea. This will hastened peace to the region.

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KivaariReply toLaw

Warships can transit any international waters. Just like cargo ships. They don't harm marine life.

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MeReply toLaw

Just report him. They will block these Chinese that come on American chat boards

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"I can't wait for the WW3. Xi is a total Mao's clone. It won't be too long they will get rid of him".

After China had kicking down and stepping all over America's economic firewall (Japan), Obama administration had announced "pivoting to Asia to encircling China" foreign policy in 2009.

The big picture has been coming into focus as years had gone by.

US's 2016 Q1 GDP is 0.5%.

China's 2016 Q1 GDP is 6.7%.

Who is on first, what is on second?


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MeReply toPaleMoon

Ahhh how the little Chinese man hiding behind the computer talks tough

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China made one third of the world's patent applications in 2013, once again driving strong global growth despite stalling innovation in Europe and Japan, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) said.

Some 2.57 million patents were filed last year, an increase of nine percent on 2012 figures. China led the way followed by the US and Japan.

Applications from China grew by 26.4 percent, increasing its global share from almost 28 percent to 32.1 percent in a year, while US applications grew by 5.3 percent. China grew 14.29% in 2013.

By contrast Japan saw a decline of 4.2 percent and Europe a fall of 0.4 percent, reflecting their relatively weak economic growth.

Share of world total patent applications in 2013

China 32.1%

US 22.3%

Japan 12.8%

South Korea 8.0%

EU 5.8%

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joeReply toPaleMoon

I bet all Chinese patents are mostly, if not all, stolen from other countries.

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CrayReply toPaleMoon

Right on Joe...

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Every citizen is obligated to protect his country sovereignty whether he is an ice cream seller or fisherman.

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CrayReply tosimon

That's BS Simon. You just made that #$%$ up..

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jaharReply tosimon

That has to be one of the more ridiculous statements I've ever heard. Is it straight out of the communist handbook?

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The overwhelming thumbing down on PaleMoon's comment confirms the belief Yahoo forum is overfilled with faeces post from too many morons who have been indoctrinated by 'controlled' mass media of the West specialize in China threat, China demon reports to tarnish CHINA. It has to do with their inherent racism, chauvinism, distrust, bias, hatred and most of all FEAR for the RISE of CHINA. akino is just one such a moronic clown.

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JustinReply towcc


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China has been patrolling around Japan 4 islands for years.

Abe administration has been so scare because Japanese presses are not allowed to reporting the above news!


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wccReply toPaleMoon

Abe personally has been swallowing bitter vodka from Russia and Maotai from CHINA nightly, if you get the meaning.

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CurtisReply toPaleMoon

You both are a disgrace to the vast majority of Chinese citizens. It's a shame you cant freely access the information a free press can provide.

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While on comparing China and Japan,

China is 53 times better than Japan in school of engineering according to Americans' 2016 reports.

China is about 10 times better than Japan in school of computer science according to Americans' 2016 reports.

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