Magical moment a young deaf girl's dreams come true when Tinkerbell talks to her with sign language during a trip to Disney World

James Gordon For

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Oo-er, Tinkerbell could tinker with my bell !
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Monners1960Reply toAlibongosboots
Ding dong
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AlibongosbootsReply toAlibongosboots
I say - ooh, Matron ! Rather ......
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mordecai.scrungeReply toAlibongosboots
Well, well, it's that weirdo alibongoballsbetweenhisearswherabrainshouldbe trolling again.
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AlibongosbootsReply toAlibongosboots
Mordecai - I quite liked that ! Do it again !
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AlibongosbootsReply toAlibongosboots
Actually, looking back on it now, Mordecai, you just sound like some o-l-d t-e-s-t-a-m-e-n-t r-a-p-a-is-t type guy - which is kinda groovy .
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Tyler Durden
I wouldn't mind tinkering with Tinkerbell.
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SpitfireReply toTyler Durden
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Great, touching commercial. DM got paid for placing it as a news story?
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Up North
Sadly American sign language is totally different from British sign language so she wouldn't be able to communicate with British children!
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Up NorthReply toUp North
The reason they are totally different is because the Braidwood schools refused to teach the Americas our sigh language so the Americans went to Paris and learned the French version!
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Phillyco07Reply toUp North
So??? Why is the 'sad' and what has that got to do with anything??
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So this story is really Disney advertising??
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vector directReply tolitapita
Obviously,...but were you able to resist letting it make you feel good?
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Nice...I was tricked into watching a Disney commercial. Shame on you.
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carann57Reply toRacineDupree
Get over yourself!
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I'd like to tinker her bells
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What a bore. I thought it was an amateur video showing a genuine moment. All staged and pre-recorded.
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this makes life worth living................................................. in a world polluted with kardashians that can even barely manage to link two words together.
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I have been to all the Disney Lands and also Disney World and their staff have been doing this for decades. So this is nothing new, special or even deemed "newsworthy". Their staff are fully trained in the entertainment hospitality sector and try their best to appease all their visitors needs regardless!
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EdmondDantesReply toMyLifeIsGreat about a Debbie Downer. So you have been using sign language at Disney for decades and had all the characters reciprocate using sign language as well?
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MyLifeIsGreatReply toMyLifeIsGreat
Perhaps you've never been to any of the Disney's. But when you queue up to wait your turn to see the "princesses" and the various characters over the years I've seen/witnessed their staff communicate with the children who need it in sign on many occasions, even to one of my children's friends. This is not new for reputable hospitality sectors....especially ones as large and far reaching as Disney. Even kids from "make a wish foundation" have been signed to, and that's been running and visiting this attraction site for years!!
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Sam11Reply toMyLifeIsGreat
Chill, it was a commercial! Disney is not going to go negative on itself!
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Nice commercial.
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Beach RoseReply tozmarket17
Nicer story.
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the last picture of signing while driving is kinda scary, especially if you can't hear a car horn.
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Wonderful. I wonder though if she has a hearing implant. I hope so. I've seen that some adults are reluctant to have their children fitted with them when it can completely change the life of the deaf person. I don't know if that's the case here, but I feel it's very selfish when parents don't allow their children to get them. It's like they want their children to be deaf like them.
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AliReply tovegangal
An implant takes any hearing that is left so maybe she has some residual hearing that they don't want to take away. Hearing loss is complex, implants do not restore 'hearing', they allow for noise to get through and it is sometimes very difficult for the patient to adapt. Stem Cell is the golden hope for deaf people but that is a very very long road and may not happen in this girls lifetime.
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Catnip22Reply tovegangal
Yes, they probably do, just like hearing people want their children to be like them. Being Deaf means being part of a culture. It is not a disability, please do some research
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Catnip22Reply tovegangal
Um yeah they prob do, just like hearing parents want their child to be hearing like them. Being Deaf means being part of a culture, it is not a disability. Please do some research
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A more realistic visit to Disney is shelling out big bucks at every turn and all day hours on end standing on line in the sweltering heat.
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Sam11Reply topaingainrob
Then don't go. Most people do not do it for themselves, but for their children.
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Barry Trainwreck
Lucky girl...she will never hear HillBilly screech or cackle.
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Anonymous Android
Great advertisement DM
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ANReply toAnonymous Android
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So... it's a commercial for Disney World?
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d . johnsonReply toPuella
so what the storys real you mupet
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BillReply toPuella
@d.lohnsson, you'd be better off leaving this site and doing your English homework or you'll fail your SATS.
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ronnie03Reply toPuella
Well at least the gist of his comment is absolutely right and relevant unlike your one.
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They should learn to lip read as well for the deaf amputee guests. That would be nice.
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RwestillhumanReply toskull023
Not clever enough to make your mischief skull023. Hand amputees I guess you are meaning. Nasty person. Are you 0, 2 or 3 years old as your name apt suggests.
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Disney Disney Disney... Walter is horrified looking at this advertisement, you are so deep in debt because people are not going to visit your parks that you used that kid to make people "wow" your work. shame on you.
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Dr Pavel Shekleborn
She's fit
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Dr Pavel SheklebornReply toDr Pavel Shekleborn
I meant Tinkerbell you idiots.
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