Magical moment a young deaf girl's dreams come true when Tinkerbell talks to her with sign language during a trip to Disney World

James Gordon For

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Advert for disney much? They paid for her to come back just so they could advertise again. Great for the family though, free holiday and they are managing to change disney so they are more accommodating for deaf people
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TierReply toJamie656
I totally agree
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Excellent story - Disney get some bad press but every now and then they turn up trumps.
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just been reading all the headlines in the DM today and its all evil and hurt and i was thinking how horrid the world have become and whats the point and then this story pops up and shows that there still is good and love in this world, heart warming, beautiful and moving
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Lovely story,
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i'd love to learn to sign, it's an amazing skill to have and evidently, it can makes someone's day and that is so special.
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superstarReply tosarahjackson
you won't regret it - some area offer them free or you can ask an employer to fund as part of professional development , my oldest leant sign from his younger brother and when he worked at maccies to fund his degree he was always front of house because he could communicate with all customers, several families took time to contact management to say how it made their day that Taft could chat away with them just like they would with a speaking customer- he had a trail of kids that used to look for him specifically because he "got" them.....we have a lot to thank our youngest disabled child for.
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Finally, a heartwarming article with no negative comments. That clip brought a tear to my eye too!
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What a wonderful, wonderful story. Truly heartwarming. I do genuinely feel that learning sign should be an integral part of our education system, and the priceless look on little Shaylee's face proves exactly why.
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My Pointless Views
Just a beautiful moment !
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PA Penguin
Beautiful- that actually made me tear up a little. This is what people should be for each other. Sources of kindness, support and respect.
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Now that was nice and they look like a beautiful family.
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That's lovely x
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this makes life worth living................................................. in a world polluted with kardashians that can even barely manage to link two words together.
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Way to go Disney! This was a very special moment for this whole family.
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Now that is the Magic of Disney.!!!!!!
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This was the best thing that I have in awhile.
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SpitfireReply toSpitfire
I meant to type the best thing that I have "read" in awhile. It made me happy.
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An awesome read! If you're having a bad day or in a down mood for whatever reason, just read the article and see the priceless look on the little girl's face. That's great she was able to have this experience.
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wonderful story, heart-warming and Tinkerbell you deserve a pay rise for making that little girls day
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This is great --- I am a great believer that sign language should be part of all schools curriculum , then people who are "only" deaf would not need to go to special schools and be able to mix in with the regular ==== and not feel that they are different.
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Absolutely wonderful. Big thanks to all involved. Well done for making this families day.
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Nice one tink
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