Man jailed for months over $5 theft found dead in cell

Aug 29th 2015 11:08AM

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Mohamad Ajram

what a joke, his family should be irate

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chiefstaib1 Reply to Mohamad Ajram

Why? If they had any smarts they would have seen it coming!

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Another Dumbass ******

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Cha Ching another family looking to hit the legal lottery.......

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Joyce McCorkle

This man was someone's son ,He did have a mental issue.I am so sorry he never got the help he needed,He was a human being,Locked up for stealing a $5.00 Snickers bar and for how long?No bail set. Something is very wrong with this picture,I know jails get so much per day for every prisoner. Could this be the case? honestly I don't believe noone tried to get this man help in jail.I think how I would feel if it were my son/

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chiefstaib1 Reply to Joyce McCorkle

If you had got him help or if you had ignored his problems?

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Actually White collar crime in the USA pays very well but stealing 5 dollars worth of candy means you DIE

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chiefstaib1 Reply to englishfleck

A thief is a thief

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USA resembles Iran in so many ways .

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chiefstaib1 Reply to englishfleck

englishflake why don't you move somewhere else?

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Where was the family's concern before he went to jail? The smell of money sure has a way of creating concern in these matters!

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Lee_O2 Reply to dredselw

So the quality of jail operations depends on the family's concern now? The jailers are there only to eat doughnuts and drink coffee?

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aljoramaggio Reply to dredselw

The family knew he had mental problems.
They knew he was on medication.
This was probably not his first time in a jail cell, either.
Nobody is kept in a jail for 4 months for a $5.00 offense.
Perhaps he had another outstanding warrant, or had violated parole, which led him to be kept in the jail, this time.
Perhaps they thought this time, the jail was the safest place to keep him, till such a time as a Mental Health bed became available. It might be easier to have him placed in the Mental Hospital from jail, than from home.
Goodness knows, families needing a Nursing home bed for a loved one, do this all the time.
They know that it is easier to get a relative into one from a Hospital, than from home, especially if
the relative has no financial assets to expend.

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Max Lilly

Hampton Roads; yeah, next to Newport News Shipbuilding, Mental Health care is a freakin joke in that area, it's no wonder Mr. Mitchell died. $5 theft. Now a $10 theft, he would have gotten the electric chair. I worked at Newport News Shipbuilding Reactor Plant and Planning Yard and seeked help at the VA Hospital there, what a joke that place was. Mr. Mitchell is just one sad case of many who live in that GOD forsaken place. Because I couldn't get help from the VA, though I was service connected disabled, the Ship Yard let an unqualified Supervisor blind side me with termination. NNS hired hundreds of young Engineers for a project, and a majority quit because of the "steel yard's" policies, pay and attitude towards people with disabilities. Mr. Mitchell was mistreated in jail because that is the culture of those people in Virginia. When NNS terminated me with no notice or acceptable reason, the Bank froze my assets to pay out my rent for the remaining lease. What great people.

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chiefstaib1 Reply to Max Lilly

There ae no free rides

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Daddy O

AOL stopped comments on the sherrifs death to make us read a story they can slant toward black lives matter. This guy wasn't in jail for shoplifting he was in jail for probation violations

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vobox3343 Reply to Daddy O

Count yourselves as those who refused to listen to the frustrated cries of those who, for decades have said they've been victims of police brutality and mistreatment. Now continue turning a deaf ear. About poverty, injustices and your own displays of racism. Now ask yourself, how did you help?

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Daddy O Reply to vobox3343

Mitchell previously spent four months in the jail from April 2010, also on charges of petty larceny and trespassing, before being ordered released by the courts, according to Perry, the prison official.

She said Mitchell returned to the jail in January 2012, again on a petty larceny charge, before being released in May 2012 having spent a month in a state hospital.

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Constance Chamness

this is just wrong. someone needs to be held accountable for this

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chiefstaib1 Reply to Constance Chamness


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Why is it so much mental illness today. Is it in the food they are selling us. I work in the medical field and I see a lot of this in all races. Count yourself blessed if you do not have this problem. Do not make this a race issue. I truly wish AOL would shut this board down because it seem to fuel anger across the board, and keep racism going. Not a good thing.

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I have seen it first hand. Mentally ill people in jail because there was no where else to put them. While some were in jail many refused meds. It is a shame that his family did not help him, but I bet they sue the jail for wrongful death!!

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And our family wants answers as to how our parent died at the hands of a black person, but it's 10 years now; no answers then, no answers now, no answers ever for us! Are you listening Huffington Post, AOL, WHITE LIVES AND ALL LIVES MATTER !

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OMG! I have never heard of such a thing in my life! That JUDGE needs to be locked up, & give me the key. Steal 5.00, no bail, & in jail for MONTHS????? That CAN'T be legal! Outrageous! Prayers for the family.

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J's Damsel Reply to Danni

Obviously the guy had been in trouble before. Use your head.

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Max Lilly

$5 what price do you put on life? There is no excuse. Months in jail for $5 ? Hey Virginia justice how much do you make sending unfortunate people to jail? I know a Lawyer who doubled his fee two days before Court. Nice. I will never go back there again. Virginia is not for lovers, it's for killing black people.

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garylf44 Reply to Max Lilly

So what dollar figure does it take to make it a crime? $5? $50? $500 ? Come on....give me a exact number

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J's Damsel Reply to Max Lilly

Unfortunate people to jail???? Are you joking???? The black thug robbed a store. You don't know any other circumstances.

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I am sure there is more to the story than is being told. There may have been some sort of resistant when the police tried to talk to him and maybe that is why he was really in jail, I certainly don't think that the police or state is in anyway responsible for this young man's death. They were not aware of the extinct of his mental problems but it is for sure his family said they were. Did they inform the cops as to his problems....I doubt it It's been said that they couldn't afford to get him help I bet to disagree The poor can always get help... and the rich can afford to get help.. It is the middle class that can't !

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.....The parent says, Black Lives Matter, they'll sacrafice a thug for a pay day...They obviously didn't care about him either totting in jail........

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stiffy75 Reply to stiffy75


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vobox3343 Reply to stiffy75

Po' "ignant" fool!

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Pirate Pete

What is it with 'Skittles' and 'Snickers' ?

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J's Damsel


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