You're not in Disneyworld anymore: Florida's 'shadow country' laid bare by photographer who spent months traveling through the Sunshine State's wild side

Hannah Parry For

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I hate 'photographers' who are 'artistic'. They just set up these stupid pictures. They add a filter to make it look like it was taken 30 years ago , its all fake its so sad.
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willie boy
If you want to know what REAL Americans think about illegal immigrants just ask an American Indian.
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NotYrAverageDMBigotReply towillie boy
Why have people red arrowed you? Truth hurts, I guess.
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The true face of Obama's American.
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Obama " Yes We Can"..... No You Haven"t.
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mieswurz heiniReply tocontrol
like areas like this didnt exist during bush or reagan etc???
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Thats the south, and it looks like that all over.
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beachormondReply toBarb
true dat
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drennankReply toBarb
True dat -- these pics could be from Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama or East Texas.
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Dart69Reply toBarb
3 hours ahead 30 years behind
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Robert Peary
I'm sorry, that's nothing. You should see Liverpool !!
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lassyReply toRobert Peary
Sorry Robert, your behind the times. Manchester is now the biggest cess pit in the UK.
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peccaviReply toRobert Peary
Try looking at the non tourist areas of Benidorm.
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Robert PearyReply toRobert Peary
lassy - I'm guessing you meant to say you're, not your.
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lassyReply toRobert Peary
Whatever Robert. You still got the message.
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UK TogetherReply toRobert Peary
They're both cesspits
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Some of the poorest people on earth live in the USA,especially the Indian reservations.
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You guys are all correct. Florida is an absolute mess. I would not come here. Washington DC, Detroit, New York and LA are much better. Yes it's true. So please don't waste your time coming down here. Thanks.
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bestflowergirlReply toGrouper
Me thinks thou are protesting too much!!
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bestflowergirlReply toGrouper
PS., Detroit stinks as does Washington DC. Get to know your country better.
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SomewhereinUSAReply toGrouper
Yep. They should all go to New York/Chicago. Lovely places! Then maybe it wouldn't take 45 minutes to make a 10 minute drive to work in the winter!
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SomewhereinUSAReply toGrouper
Bestflowergirl - you need to get a sense of humor!
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SomewhereinUSAReply toGrouper
Bestflowergirl - you need to get a sense of humor!
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People who are actually from Florida have told me that Florida is a dump. I have no interest in ever going there for any reason.
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It is not only Florida. It is nearly every State. It is time people realised America isn't a great place to live especially with their gun laws. Also don't get me started on the politics of the country. People in America deserve better.
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MariaReply toelsiep
And the UK is so much better? People in glass houses...
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bakingbore31Reply toelsiep
"Especially with their gun laws"... well, actually if you consider that the annual death rate per 100,000 US citizens is 3.8, well below that of many European countries, it seems that the gun laws don't cause that many fatalities as people would think. Not that I agree with guns being legal, but it's rather tiresome to read the same comments about them again and again!
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Non Neo Con
Thanks Curran for the documentary of every awful scene you could find. This should keep more of you Yankee liberals out of Florida, which is A GOOD THING.
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DebsnycReply toNon Neo Con
We're coming for you in Atlanta next!
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aSweReply toNon Neo Con
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Dart69Reply toNon Neo Con
If they didn't retired down there with the money they made elsewhere Florida would be like the rest of the Red States.
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Allen Ross
People, don't you understand? Because "Hatleberg, who received an MFA from Yale University, currently teaches photography at Yale University and Cooper Union." makes these otherwise pedestrian photographs ART.
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LordPeteReply toAllen Ross
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Mr Mole
Florida has some rough areas so what, so does every county in the UK
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Visited one year and found the main highway blocked and a diversion in place. Have to say it became quite disturbing in places and we were relieved to get back to the main road.
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xXJon SnowXx
But obamas too busy telling us what to do
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Master John
The lost ones with lost dreams, in a forgotten city... There's about 1 of this town in every big city...
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Jim R
Many people would be surprised how poor much of the US actually is.
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I grew up in Flouida. Loved it there. Most diverse state in the nation. Is France only Paris? Is The UK only London?
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People come to Florida, they visit seaworld, disney, and all of the other parks. They think wow this is great. They go home, quit their jobs and come down lock, stock and barrel and then discover that the rest of Florida isn't like disney. They can't find a job that pays what they are used to or can't find a job, housing is hard to find (guess what it is a seller's market right now - the days of getting great deals is almost over) and they realize the cost of living is higher. The pay in Florida is not that great compared to other cities/states. Although there is no state tax, take a look at the property taxes. They will make you sit down, and fast. Groceries are more expensive too. Publix is as expensive or more expensive then a Fresh Market (which isn't cheap by any means). It is a great place to live if you are a deadbeat dad (or mom). Florida doesn't have a lot of reciprocal agreements with other states in regard to divorce/child support arrangements.
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i love the political people in these replies, because they are what's wrong with, not only America, but other places in the world. they refuse to accept that maybe the party they support didn't do it right and they lay blame squarely on the opposition party. they refuse to see that both partys may have some good ideas if only you could actually work together but pride stops it. florida, LA, new york, london, manchester, brazil. everywhere is filled with rural poverty. it takes everyone working together to fix it not prideful hate that you are better than the opposition.
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