Meet China's freakishly realistic droids: Creepy machines go on display at the World Robot conference

Shivali Best For Mailonline

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Alan Bighten
They still have a long way to go. But . . . I'd hit it.
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One of them is scheduled to level an accusation against Donald Trump any day now.
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They should inspect those robots after the last lab guy leaves. Make sure human fluid is not left in there..
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Sponge cake
Stuffed death row prisoner.
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Chuck from Tacoma
Now, she needs no food or beverage equals cheap date. On-off switch, heavenly. Warm, moist mouth and the wedding industry is over. God bless hi-tech.
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I don't find her creepy at all
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Please don't use the word "droid". I know it technically is an abbreviation for the word android, but it still makes me conjure up images of C3PO when I'm TRYING to imaging having relations with this robot goddess.
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Fry's Lucy Liu model is the best selling in production.
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Just in case you're really into chicks that look like Brent Spiner.
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50 years, and 200 pounds ago, this is what Hillary Clinton looked like!...just ask Bill!
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Free Hat
Man trying to create Man in Man's image: comes up creepy every time.
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Division bell
I saw one of these tonight on itv's the agenda debate show - think she was called Nicky Morgan.
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She's pretty and all but I couldn't understand a word she said.
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Re Photo#6_Caption: "...At last year's World Robot Exhibition, an eerily life-like robot named Android Geminoid F was unveiled, with some fans even describing her as 'sexy'..."...'Lifelike' in who's opinion?EVERY one of the simulates pictured, look(s) pretty garish / creepy. For me to have the SLIGHTEST interest in ANY of these appliances, they would have to be visually, indistinguishable from humans, like...the 'Replicants' in "Blade_Runner", the "Terminator" cyborgs, etc.! That kind of visual / functional functioning is years, to decades, in the future;I DON'T think there's ANYTHING in physics / other science which forbids it, so I WON'T be surprised if it happens!I WILL be surprised if it happens within my lifetime, aka, (roughly), between now and, say...2044. ...Especially if there was any consideration of a social /romantic sexual interaction!
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Does she have all the parts (wink wink nudge nudge)?
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C. W. Vuong
AI will take over one day.
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Simon RuszczakReply toC. W. Vuong
Good !, I'll join them.
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Timothy Weaver
Star Wars got it right. Don't try making your robots look human. C3P-O looks a lot less creepy that RoboGeisha.
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rem128Reply toTimothy Weaver
So that's why c3po looks like a blow up doll
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Wow, it is able to determine the ages of people. I certainly hope that it is better at this than those who are responsible for allowing what are laughingly called refugee children from the Calais Jungle into Britain; if it is the relevant department should purchase one and employ it at Dover.
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Dr Goldsmith
Better than the droid that i am married to.
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Wait till they are almost indistiguishable.....and some hacker gives them a "target" and a gun!!
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