'A real life horror film': Terrified viewers watch from edge of their seats as SNAKES hunting as a pack chase down baby iguana in amazing footage for BBC's Planet Earth II that even shocked Sir David Attenborough

真人版恐怖片:BBC《行星地球》节目视频惊呆David Attenborough,群蛇猎杀鬣蜥蜴
Mark Duell for MailOnline

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Someone below used this BBC nature programme to goad those who laments the BBC's Leftie agenda.Well, give it another few years and the campies at the BBC won't show blood lusty nature programmes like this. Think of all the poor luvvies crying into their porridge about the poor terrorised lizards. They won't believe this could happen. NO, they'll shout, snakes and lizards live socalist lives, eat nothing but vegetation and worry about climate change. Even now the letters of protest are probably pouring into the BBC.And just like the way they rewrite history, they will find a more benign way to portray the way snake's feed themselves. In 10 years time the BBC will be showing snakes buying vegetables in ethically managed markets and visiting food banks.
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Natalie1Reply toRIck
You feeling OK? Think you might need your nap and tablets.
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MagnusMG1Reply toRIck
Yes,yes dear. Now go and have a cup a tea and a lie down. The doctor is on his way.
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MM LouisReply toRIck
A sort of snakes are already buying in super markets. Don't think they are ethically managed, though. Neither the super markets nor the snakes.
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Just nature
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I believe the word "luvvie" became popular because of Dave's brother Dickie. Dave's taken over the mantle!
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"Horrified"??? Those viewers are wuss, and this DM journalism 101 dropout "reporter" is an idjit. This happens a lot more frequently per day than these nincompoop think
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If that snake comes it with me I'll chop it to bits before it knows what's happening.
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Big softieReply tosmashleftists
Yeah right,is that after you've messed your pants,unlikely one will come out on its own try 50.
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Mind Burner
Impressive, us simple folk may not be able to understand it though David
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The Real
More compassion for an Iguana than to Humans, especially on the Alepplo/Mosul/Kabul/Calais articles..
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Armin Ronis
harmless .......wait till you,ve got Zlatan Ibrahimovic at your throat !! Ask Simon Kjaer :D
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No snakes here only the ones we are stupid enough to keep as pets. Now I'm Australia it's like the jungle. Hence I'm happy to live here than there.
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Reader SwivesReply toBoltonian
Smooth snake. Grass snake. Adder. What do you mean "no snakes here"?
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Jeffery Thomas
OMG, it's totally apropos regarding the USA's election day drama! How fitting.
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The footage is so incredible I sometimes believe the BBC is using trained animals to get the best shots
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Hilary and Donald at each other's throats again!
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The island of Zavadovski brought back memories we went ashore on that island in november 1948as we were short on food, we collected eggs to feed the crew, I have some photographs taken with a box camera,having eggs every day, well having eggs every day,there were repercussions, but that is another story,there is no prize for correctly guessing the repercussions.
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RAGEWOMBLEReply toDandare44edinburgh
Okeydokey thanks for that
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This is Nature, Nature is cruel, Britons have become soft and have removed themselves from the truths of the world, LIVE WITH IT, it is what happens, Cruel sometimes but true, If you want to see cruelty, then look at humans and the way we farm chickens,sheep and cattle only for a huge percentage of people to take their meat, cook it and then throw half of it in the bin because(They are full up), that's cruelty killing something then throwing it in the bin and we all do it.
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Watch it. It didn't!
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Watch it. It didn't!
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And they won't show penguins, hypocrisy PJC Grantham
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Jeffery Thomas
OMG, it's totally apropos regarding the USA's election day drama! How fitting. Ugh!
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Can't see the point of a snake. They are protected here and they are just vile.
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That's life.
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