Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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It has been forever called that, no big deal. I am from Alaska.

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Supported by the state of Alaska? Don't they watch fox news?

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Once again the advisors hadn't thought this or much else out. Typical of the actions he takes. Wonder he didn't re name it after himself. A definite political stunt.............isn't it all??

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Gerrie Reply to filliperogers

to give back a state and a people their rightful name isn't a stunt, its a good gesture....

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Obama will not stop until he wipes American history off the map and changes America as we know it.

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Gerrie Reply to DAVID

Alaska is an American state my friend! keep up!

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Vote Libertarian Reply to DAVID

Funny since there are 43 OTHER countries in the Americas that have just as much right to call themselves "American".

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so how does spewing spent jet fuel from air force one and two for luxury vacations and campaign in with reducing our carbon foot print? and reducing fossil fuel use?
anyone else sick of over paid powerful hypocrites in DC?

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It seems right to go back to Alaska's heritage and give the mountain a Alaskan name....

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Vote Libertarian Reply to Gerrie

It was called Denali for several thousand years BEFORE white man showed up so it already had a name.

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The guy is the "Manchurian Candidate". He hates this country and has made it his mission to destroy us from the inside. And there are enough people in this country who want something for nothing to make it possible for him. He does nothing except cause dissention.

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Gerrie Reply to jt2

and there are enough people who love Obama ....

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FRED Reply to Gerrie

not anymore

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The only mountain that`s going to be named after Obama is a mountain of S**t. He`s full of himself and an arrogant SOB.

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Why would a mountain be named after a Ohio man anyway? Once way back the name of this mountain was changed after a man from far away. High One is a appropriate and native name for this mountain and I don't see anything wrong with giving it back its original native name.

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Next thing you know Obama will be blowing up historical monuments here like ISIS is in Syria.

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Gerrie Reply to DAVID

drama queen alert!

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This is more than a political stunt. It is part of the Leftist strategy to brainwash all of us through revisionist history. A typical Communist tactic.

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Just goes to show you anything can be renamed, so look out United States of Clintons

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Maybe he wants to change the name to . . ."Obuma the Afrikanier"

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What did we do to deserve what he's doing, and been doing? That nose is everywhere is DOESN'T belong. Why is everybody talking but not doing anything?

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It needs to be emphasized that "REAL" scientists do not base these hysterical clames of for instance "2015 is going to be the hottest year on record". For the record these people are going ALL THE WAY BACK TO 1880 - For the benefit of those of U who are the product of public schools that's 135 years. Of course based on one human's life span that's a pretty long time. But again REAL scientists when studing the earth's LONG-TERM climate they use: "Paleoclimatology which is the study of changes in climate taken on the scale of the entire history of Earth." (
For example going back to three periods first about 500 million-550 million, about 400 million and then again about 50 million years ago the global temperatures were approximately 25 degrees HIGHER than even your hysterical "hottest year on record" of today. For a measurement where a change in global temperature of just 1/10th of a degree is really a big deal. Do your job people!

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preppyeast Reply to Jules


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99.9 of all of the comments I have read on this article are complete nonsense .... I can't believe people are as stupid as they are in this country. If the comments I read here are any indication of the representation of the USA were in serious trouble. People still thinking climate change is not real? Wtf??? How far do you people have your head buried in the sand?? Stupidity is amazing!! We're a country of fat, lazy, stupid people.... Obama has been a great president and constantly all I see is a bunch of insulating statements criticizing him at any chance from a bunch of under informed, under educated racists! People really need to wake up...

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He's going to change the name from United States of America to "We Love Islam" Obama thinks he is the KING. What happened o going through congress?

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Obama is our president without portfolio. He cannot seem, even after almost two full terms, to focus on real issues, real problems. He is surrounded by hip assistants and advisors whose credentials are as deep as a rain slick who are "advising" him what will go well with their demographic. He blames others for the problems and has no idea what he has done to this country. I became suspicious when he worked to hide his past, and no one at the colleges he attended remembers him. I cringed when I realized he presented himself as a foreign student and that his and his wife's law credentials were lifted without it possible they never were attorneys? My sincere hope is that some day historians will be able to research this man and the truth will be printed. Most of us in the workplace had to bare our souls to land a position. Someone made sure Obama was not accountable for his past. He leaves a legacy, all right. It is an eight-year party which we funded.

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dencuddy Reply to sjser

Hey moron, is ending two wars, saving the auto industry, getting health insurance to millions, or killing bin Laden what you don't like about him?

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Cecil Reply to dencuddy

Ending two wars? BS!! So called getting health insurance to millions is costing the WORKERS in this country billions. Killing Bin Laden? Yet 4 Americans died at Benghazi because he refused to help. That's just three of the things I don't like about him.

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AGAIN< AOL is not adding votes.

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Sorry Mr. Obama, but ignorance and racism runs amuck in this great country. No matter what you do, it will be challenged and criticized by the extremists. Even changing the name of a mountain by request of the state itself will be frowned upon. Also, sorry, President Obama for all the opposition in Congress that kept you from achieving some of your promises. Guess our country wasn't ready for a black President. Watch out Hillary. We have a lot of growing up to do. Maybe the next generation will show more respect. This great big crazy world is bigger than just a small group of extreme right, hypocritical, racist, gun toten, evangelic, judgmental, bible thupin christians. If they had their way, they would kick out all the Democrats and build a wall around the whole border and then arm everyone with any weapons they desired and finally raise the confederate flag in victory. I can feel the steam rising by just posting this. Truth hurts.

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Patty Reply to Randy

You and the left per scientists lack information and facts. Oblamer is a failure - you are one of the lo fo voters. Don't talk abour respect when you gave Bush none.

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