Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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why do politicians have to rename places, one given a name, it should not be changed,
This should only apply to politicians, but we can't call them all the same names
it would be confusing when refereeing to them all as Sh---heads

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We need more democrats,, kings and Queens,, change everthing they see as old or evil at will,, i hope you vote for Queen Hillary or this Sanders nut,, its a madhouse, its a madhouse

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OK Obama number 1000 of 1000 important issues; now let's move to number 1 as in securing the borders!!!

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Denali shmali, posters, dontcha know we live in ObamaLand now? So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show - it's all smoke and mirrors.

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Kerry and Obama. Arrogant idiots, squared.

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Let's rename Obama. He has always been known as Barry, Hollywood loves him, and we owe him a tribute to his Kenyan father's dreams. President Kenneth Barry Schwartzeneger sounds OK.

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FRED Reply to Susan

I've got some great names for obumhole but AOL wont let me print them

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Anything, to get the attention he craves...and make the natives restless!! Damn pen & phone crap, again!!!!

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The guys a 'grand stander' but no concern what he names the mountain as long as it's not Mt Obama. What's in a name? May he have this folly without any issue? Probably not.

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I'm renaming my toilet after Obama.

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bottomtime321 Reply to DAVID

I just took a Barack and wiped my Obama.

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who the hell does the hell does this bastard think he is the ugly bum hes got no right to change anything wish he would drop dead abd goes for the white trash vice president who is an ass kisser and an old bag obama go back to kenya where you belong how come you dont ever mention your white mother

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What, precisely, did McKinley do while in office that would make him worthy of having a landmark named for him? Had he not been the second president to be assassinated history would be oblivious to him as he left no record of achievement. If Ohio politicians had saved their umbrage for a more worthy historical personage their protest would perhaps seem less petty and vindictive. Even General Motors knew that an SUV named McKinley would be a non-starter so they named it Denali. Righting that particular wrong, as Alaska's native and legislative populations have requested, is the noble thing to do and Obama should be applauded.

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patsbest1 Reply to ad1bc

ad1bc more then you did what is obama dumbo ears doing for this country NOTHING AT ALL

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The Anti-Goebbels

This nitwit couldn't get four hostages held in Iran released by freeing up almost $150 billion, but he's 'got the answer to climate change'? Too funny, the man is a legend in his own mind...

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What is wrong with giving back the native name for this mountain? The native name is better and more appropriate....

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patsbest1 Reply to Gerrie

gerrie who the hell are you another idiot lie obama dumbo

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Kenneth Barry Schwartzeneger is now our president's name. Why not? It is a more fitting tribute to his origins.

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Of course it's a political stunt! So is his Cuba deal, and everything else he does. The guy does nothing but pander to minorities and find more stuff to cross of his list of "firsts."

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sookeysplace Reply to Fallout

Too bad he can't cross you off his lists.

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Another stupid political stunt

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I am surprised that "The King" did not name it after him, "Obamaland".

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Who are you ass holes that voted for him?

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mickylitz2 Reply to bigmac81

The rot and the idiots in our society,,,
What a combo..

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What a total ass..

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