Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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What is he thinking!

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It is insulting to name a football team Redskins but it is ok to name a big hunk of rock after a God. The logic is?

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chuck powell

just like the rest of the afro americans he has no respect for American history..........wonder why he hasn't rename America ...........

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DSSP04 Reply to chuck powell

im pretty sure that is in the works

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desertrse1 Reply to chuck powell

How is that having no respect for American history? If Ohioans are outraged, let them name something in OHIO after the man. Everyone in Alaska calls it Denali anyway.

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Where Obama goes Halloween goes with him cause things get pretty "spooky.":)

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obammy the commy at it again

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J.P. Craig

The Native Americans have been calling this mountain it's rightful name (Denali) long before the white man came along and named it something else.

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I bet Mr. Ego will create an executive order to start construction of his face on Mt. Rushmore next. Not enough room for a head that big.

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jack Reply to carocarpenter

I thought the Sphynx was his

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Alaska was once a tropical forest as evidenced by the petroleum found there.
Returning Alaska to a tropical forest is a good thing, then.

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With all the troubles in the world.....this is his priority????????????????????

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Does this Kenyan kook currently running everything in America have no shame? The guy is A-1 JERK. Everything to him is political and directed towards changing America to fit his image. In his mind McKinley was just some old white guy from Ohio.

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Denali national park is beautiful but, that's not a reason to re-name Mt. McKinley...just to satisfy some citizens in Alaska. When for years all AMERICANS knew this name . our history is being re-written every time some stupid poticians re-name historic monuments,etc. only to promote their OWN AMBITIONS. WHY NOT RE-NAME THE WHITE HOUSE TO YELLOW...for cowards. STOP CHANGING HISTORY!!!

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mickylitz2 Reply to Dolores

Dolores ..
This bastard tested the waters with the rainbow colors,

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wtf is w/ this guy? seriously? renaming landmarks? who the heck do you think you are? I just dont get it and theres the morons that back these decisions of his!? don't we have bigger problems in the world right now>! You see why we no longer need a dumba$$ democrat as commander in chief; same as Hillary..I just do and say as I please, because of who I am

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would someone please shoo this dumb **** already...............

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Frankly, I don't care what it is called. What I DO care about is that King Obama has decreed that the name be changed without any discussion or consideration of what the people want. How about letting the people in the state of Alaska vote on it? Or is that too democratic for this dictator?

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More changing of America as the dictator promised when he was elected. He's changed America for the worse and he'll do even more damage before he finally leaves office.

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Most Ohians don't even know whom McKinley was or remember any of his accomplishments. He had nothing to do with Alaska, threw away Americas vast gold and silver reserves (leading to us having to enact an Income tax to pay for government services) and was embroiled in the Tea Pot Dome scandal.

The President did the right thing. This is just more political rhetoric aimed at the 2016 Presidential race than substance. I am sure that the average Ohioan wasn't even aware of Mount McKinley was named after McKinley or cares.

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Well, now everyone knows when you vote for a radical left socialist for state and federal congressional seats.. they still remain that way as a and learn!

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republicans trolls and their hate speech are comical on aol...always good for a laugh

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b.shagnasty Reply to desy248

Liberals thinking that they are exempt from Obama's reign is even more hilarious!!!

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santacruzsean Reply to b.shagnasty

They are just the "useful idiots" until they are no longer useful... Keep believing CNN, and msnbc chumps..... Can not wait for the final crash....

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Hello Philman

haha,,be glad its not renamed Mt. obama

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b.shagnasty Reply to Hello Philman

The days not over yet.

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Look at the bright side, he didn't change it to Mount Obama.

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