Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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animatedpsyche to mickylitz2

Trump is a hateful, racist pos and newsflash--he hates you, also.

Rich whites don't care about poor white trash like you, they only give a damn about other wealthy whites. Trailer park whites do the dirty work of your overseers, and morons like you are glad to do it because you want to feel like you are in the big house with the 1%. You are a stupid waste of flesh; and Trump knows it and is sitting back laughing at you.

Another newsflash--Trump is not really running for president. This is all a sideshow to detract idiots like yourself, and make you masturbate over having a kkk member in the White House. But it's not going to happen, a-hole.

Your opinion and if you have any working brain cells left you will know what it's worth..

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gdunsmo Reply to mickylitz2

Did u idiots really vote obama in the White House ?????? How fcking stupid can u get .... "Twice"" ,!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mickylitz2 Reply to gdunsmo


I would suggest that you learn how to read posts. I was answering the liberal idiot animatedpsyche asking him if he has any working brain cells left,,
You're not doing the conservatives any favors with such mistakes.

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JBING Reply to gdunsmo


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lsteele2067 Reply to mickylitz2

Trump is a plant by his friends the Clintons to feed the frenzy of the undereducated white trash in America and assure a democratic win for the White House. Don't believe me? Hang around, keep whining and watch. They're making fools of you all.

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ConsR Morons

I love conservative whining.

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JBING Reply to ConsR Morons

That's the main reason I read aol comment section. It's hilarious to see their simple minded heads explode and all of their ignorant comments, too funny. They have a meltdown over Obama every day, I can only imagine the effect it has on their health, all of that anger and hate can't be healthy. By the end of Obama's term they will be basket cases, most already are, lol.

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i hope the new pres. reverses all bozos policy he sure does hate america.

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Assinine. How much more is he going to do to claim the US as his own private country?

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And just think,when hes out us taxpayers will be stuck paying him half a million a year forever and a security detail to keep him safe,,both things he doesnt deserve !

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haha! obama's still trying to gets his rocks off! LOL!

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Obama could care less about the native people of Alaska. He is only interested in destroying the history of the greatest and most free country that has ever existed. This and future generations will be less free and America will be less great because young people are more interested in pop culture than God or the truth.

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He can not wait to call MARSHALL LAW , This so called PRESIDENT has Foreign troops ready to deal with the AMERICAN PEOPLE, Just wait and see.

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lsteele2067 Reply to icmpy


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Justin Realville

Considering Ovomit's grand arrogance, I would expect him to first climb the mountain and then return 40 days later with his own 10 commandments which he had written. Only to be followed by renaming the mountain, Mt. Obama. After which he would promptly make it a crime to climb the mountain because in Ovomit's mind, nobody will ever top him. P.S. World, the best thing to do is to completely give the keys to the kingdom, along with a blank check to a guy who lies like other people breathe.

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Obama sucks.

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lsteele2067 Reply to copy222

And you are a disgrace to your country.

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Brenda & Kent

These idiot left wingers call the ones on the right narcissistic, bigots and racists. Hmm.... this so called president says that we have a problem with racism when a white man kills a black man, but when a black man kills two white news reporter he says we have a gun problem. The real problem is Obama. He has cause more separation of races and parties than any leader we've ever had. ... And he was supposed to do the opposite according to his campaign promises. He wouldn't lie to us would he? I thought only Bush and the Republicans did that according to the "think they're smarter and better than everybody that doesn't think their socialist way" LEFT. Go and read some more Karl Marx literature. I believe in people making themselves and if they screw up on their own, they need to fix their own screw-ups. The only long term welfare that should be around is for the mentally or physically handicapped and the elderly. The others get short term help and get job placement at the welfare centers

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Brenda & Kent

These idiot left wingers call the ones on the right narcissistic, bigots and racists. Hmm.... this so called president says that we have a problem with racism when a white man kills a black man, but when a black man kills two white news reporter he says we have a gun problem. The real problem is Obama. He has cause more separation of races and parties than any leader we've ever had. ... And he was supposed to do the opposite according to his campaign promises. He wouldn't lie to us would he? I thought only Bush and the Republicans did that according to the "think they're smarter and better than everybody that doesn't think their socialist way" LEFT. Go and read some more Karl Marx literature. I believe in people making themselves and if they screw up on their own, they need to fix their own screw-ups. The only long term welfare that should be around is for the mentally or physically handicapped and the elderly. The others get short term help and get job placement at the welfare centers

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lsteele2067 Reply to Brenda & Kent

PRESIDENT Obama has caused nothing of the sort. It's you racist trash who can't handle a person of color infiltrating the White House, even though he was ELECTED by THE PEOPLE twice. Just as you can't put away the Civil War and your LOSS there, you can't put away the election of President Obama TWICE. He has served his country well. Thank you Mr. President.

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Next name change will be,,,,,,,,,America ...................You low minded people,,,are getting exactly what you voted for...................CHANGE...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except,,,,,you do not realize,,a lot of the change is going to effect you in your pocket book..!!!!!!
So,,,to you people who sit on your butts last election,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WELL...YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GOT.!!!

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2008 & 2012 Huffpo readers thought they were the cream of the crop on Obama articles... Well stooges judging by the comments 6 yrs later, you and your Obammy are the manure in the field now... ROTFLMAOOOOOOO

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J.P. Craig Reply to luvsofttails

Rush Limbaugh, is that you? More ridiculous diatribe from the racist right. So what else is new?

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Laura Reply to J.P. Craig

Color of skin doen'st matter. Just go to work and be nice, simple as that...........

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Laura Reply to J.P. Craig

....."doesn't".....and proof-read before you hit enter!

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J.P. Craig

FOX GOP propaganda pathetic news is destroying America. That's obvious by reading these ridiculous, racist rants by the righties. Sickening!

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Another move by our racist President to change the history of America.

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lsteele2067 Reply to huisclos2


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Worst president in history. Hurry 2016.

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