Double blow for ISIS as huge weapon haul is seized in Iraq and terror group loses ALL its territory on the Turkey-Syria border

Amie Gordon For Mailonline

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Dev Nature
This article is all part of the deception, there are NO rebels, all forces against Assad are isis affiliated. In fact, isis, Al nusra and Al Qaeda are all one another same. The west told them to change name when public opinion wouldn't back them against Assad. All are a western proxy army funded and trained fact.
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Pesh north
The only people turkey is fighting are the kurds and the only people they are supporting are the isis.
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LisaReply toPesh north
The Kurds are not in support if ISIL. They are however in conflict with Turkey over their desire for a free Kurdish land.
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Didn't find any weapons of mass destruction amongst them by any chance ?
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not really, Its a YPG and YPJ the kurdish forces who are the only genuine forces out there fighting IS, turkey is the main stream for IS progress.
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Turkey must leave Syria or find themselves fighting Syria, and Russia
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Now THAT is a dog worth wagging in order to distract voters from the endless parade of ske|etons coming out of the Clinton closet - cleaning-up after Putin`s / Al-Assad`s victory.
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Omega40Reply toChappaqwa
That is NOT the subject of this page!
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Didn't most of them move to Europe?
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nyt tag
So Turkey dont support isis any more, i doubt it.
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if this is true, it would certainly be a setback for the Obama administration, im sure the US will make a fourth accidental airdrop of supplies on IS strong holds
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Ah well The Syrian army will have them after it retakes Aleppo. Assad will be victorious.
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I`m glad to see that Obama stopped using NATO to protect the Erdogan-Al-Baghdadi arms for oil trade and stopped supplying ISIS w/ logistics gadgets through Jigsaw Project, weäpons through the Turi Group and money through Teneo Holdings.
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Kevin the REALIST
Moooooosies kil.ling moooooooooosies is always a good thing
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They've lost as much territory to turkey in two weeks as they have to Russia and Syria in six months. Says it all about the men, training and equipment .......
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GrouperReply toRoger
It says a lot about what Europe can expect if you allow them into the EU with that crazy Erdogan in office.
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Now kill them all
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Most likely propaganda to give us a false sense of security. Don't buy it..
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Jonathan Bussu
For those that don't know what this means "Russia beat the USA"
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Now that the Turks control the route for the dirty oil from the Daesh captured oil fields, the rice of oil will change !!!
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Not as much publicity as when ISIS gain ground.. funny that
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This is another bit of propaganda. Both Turkey, which has illegally invaded Syria to attack the Kurd's and the US backed 'so called' Syrian Free Army, AKA the rebels are still at war with the Syrian Government forces.
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and then this vacuum will need to be filled; turkey is long-gaming
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