Take a look at me now! Woman who had a FACE transplant after she was disfigured by a huge facial tumour reveals how she looks 3 years later

Kate Pickles For Mailonline

    Joanna struggled to chew, swallow or talk before the massive operation
    It took 23 hours and involved replacing 80 per cent of the skin on her face
    She had neurofibromatosis - a genetic condition causing tumours
    Tumour will not grow back because skin on new face has different genes[CN]

Joanna在没有手术之前,咀嚼、吞咽或者说话都是十分吃力。手术费时23个钟头,其中替代了她脸部百分之八十的皮肤。她患有多发性神经纤维瘤 - 这种基因可导致肿瘤。肿瘤不会复发,因为新脸庞用的是不同的基因。



The woman, identified only as Joanna, underwent Poland's second ever facial transplant after neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition causing benign tumours - left her unable to chew, talk or swallow 9right)[CN]

这个女人名叫乔安娜,在波兰进行第二次面部移植手术,她的多发性神经纤维瘤 - 一种基因导致良性肿瘤 - 使得她吃不得饭,咽不下菜,说不了话。


Patient Joanna looks on during a press conference at the Gliwice Oncology Centre of Maria Sklodowska-Curie University Institute in Gliwice today[CN]

今天, 病人乔安娜在居里夫人大学协会的Gliwice Oncology中心会议上,仔细打量。


Difficult: Before the operation, Joanna struggled to chew, swallow or speak. Following the surgery she can now do all these things again[CN]



Joanna (pictured during surgery) was severely deformed by neurofibromatosis - a genetic condition that causes benign tumours to grow along the nerves[CN]

乔安娜(如图正在手术中)因多发性神经纤维瘤变了形 - 这种基因导致了良性肿瘤在神经里面生长。


Joanna had 23-hours of surgery to give her a new face. During the operation, 80 per cent of the skin on her face was replaced



The patient pictured at a press conference before leaving hospital three years ago[CN]


A Polish woman who was disfigured by a huge facial tumour has revealed how her face looks now at a press conference.[CN]


The woman, identified only as Joanna, underwent Poland's second ever facial transplant after neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition causing benign tumours - left her unable to chew, talk or swallow.[CN]

这个女人名叫乔安娜,在波兰进行第二次面部移植手术,她的多发性神经纤维瘤 - 一种基因导致良性肿瘤 - 使得她吃不得饭,咽不下菜,说不了话。

She has appeared at a press conference almost three years after the transplant, looking remarkably well with only some scarring to her forehead and neck.

Dr Adam Maciejewski, who performed both Joanna's surgery as well as the only other facial transplant in Poland, spent 23-hours on the complex transplant.

It involved a transplant of 80 per cent of the skin on her face, giving her the ability to chew, talk or swallow.

Joanna was severely deformed by neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition that causes benign tumours to grow along the nerves.

The condition can also cause bone problems, pressure on the spinal nerves, severe pain, learning disabilities and vision and hearing problems. There is no cure for it.

Although many people who have the condition inherit it from one of their parents, up to 50 per cent develop it randomly from a gene mutation before they are born.

Despite their alarming appearance, the growths and swellings - called neurofibromas and caused by a growth of cells - are not cancerous or contagious.

The facial tumour will not recur because the skin on her new face is from different genes, genetics expert Dr Anand Saggar previously told MailOnline. 

Dr Maciejewski and his colleagues performed Poland's first face transplant on a man whose face was torn off by a stone mason's machine. His recovery is said to be progressing.

The man's operation took 27 hours and was carried out just weeks after his accident.

It was thought to be the first face transplant to be carried out so soon after the damage had occurred - previous transplants have taken months, or even years, to prepare.

The man had to have his jaw, palate and eye sockets reconstructed.

The world's first full-face transplant was carried out on a Spanish farmer in March 2010.

Oscar had blown most of his face off with a gun during a hunting accident and was left unable to breathe, swallow or talk properly.

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    8424人参与

Seattle Babe

Just out of curiosity who pays for all this?[CN]


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notasnowflakeReply toSeattle Babe

Not us she is Polish.[CN]


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Traindriver43Reply toSeattle Babe

Does it matter? This poor woman needed all the help she could get and she got it! Well worth the money looking at the results, and money well spent.[CN]


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manishaReply toSeattle Babe

you should stop smoking weed baby...this is called science and we are fortunate she agreed to this operation as many people will benefit and maybe even you will....[CN]


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I am not Joe KingReply toSeattle Babe

Not you babe!![CN]


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wiseandwonderfulReply toSeattle Babe

Who cares? Whoever paid for it, she's more than worth it.[CN]


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JessiCruzReply toSeattle Babe

Not that it should matter but in some severe cases, the doctors take it on for free, some charities as well.[CN]


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MayReply toSeattle Babe

Who cares? the improvement in this woman's quality of life is priceless[CN]


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davidfullReply toSeattle Babe

who cares? unlike you yanks most countries have a health system![CN]


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HRHReply toSeattle Babe

The person who donated her face/body/organ doesn't charge at all, but only gave because they knew that it would be used for good....and it was. A miracle.[CN]


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Jas Fasola

Now she will be soon on her way to UK to milk your benefit system and eat your swans, isn't it DM readers? Really shocked - news about Poland and no xenophoby in the comment box??? WOW hahahaha[CN]


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Scratchy DanReply toJas Fasola

Grow up idiot ![CN]


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MaggieMarieReply toJas Fasola

There's no reason for her to come here. I'm sure she's very grateful she stayed in Poland and had access to the Polish doctors. I'm sure she wouldn't have had the same opportunity if she had abandoned her country and came to the UK.[CN]


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LenkaReply toJas Fasola

So why do you have to spoil it?[CN]


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ToryliarReply toJas Fasola

We are not all xenophobic just the loony leavers.[CN]


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California Sue

Is this real?[CN]


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Give me the name and number and a GoFundMe account for her surgical team. I want a facial transplant from a supermodel.[CN]


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speak the truth1Reply toSparkleLight

why d yu need it?[CN]


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That's Not the same person. Why do a new face starting Right above the eyes? And not even in a straight line. The real one starts above her upper forehead.[CN]


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Polly Peptide

But her surgery shown here did not leave her with a massive scar across her eye, eyebrow and forehead. When did that happen? Was another surgery necessary? If so, why?[CN]


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LynniepinnieReply toPolly Peptide

Are you serious, scars shrink and fade! Even if they don't, look at her before the surgery. This is amazing. Practically a miracle!!![CN]


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JaneReply toPolly Peptide

I didn't notice that...the original surgery picture show the sticking/scarring on the top of her scalp and the later picture show the line of stitches across her eyelid/forehead...it looks like maybe she had a second surgery on the top half of her face. This is why I hate the DM reporting as it usually leaves you asking for more facts that they probably don't even have.[CN]


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O Joie

Thanks to the surgeons and the science behind them to make this possible. No other thanks necessary.[CN]


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M Callahan

That is the best outcome I have seen for one of these procedures. They normally come out looking only slightly less disfigured than going in, but this woman's has had an amazing restoration. Unfortunately she faces a life under the threat of infection and rejections of the tissue. I hope it all works out for her and she can enjoy all of her days.[CN]


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Yeah that's brilliant result! And not something medical science was able to do until recently, here's hoping science continues![CN]


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amazing work by the surgeons![CN]


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All of those tiny facial muscles and nerves, preserved and reattached?! Astounding!!! So happy for that lady ^.^ I bet she never hoped for such an amazing outcome...[CN]


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Celebrities should donate the cost of their endless surgeries to helping the people like this young woman and the man on the cover story. Both Polish.Strange[CN]


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WOW!!,that is truly amazing.[CN]


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Incredible!! Lovely woman and what a gifted, brilliant surgeon and his team.[CN]


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Natasha Bey

She looks amazing her surgeons have done great work and have given her ,her life back good for her.[CN]


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Wow, the transformation three years ago to now, give it another couple years and you probably wont be able to see any scars. Wonder how the donors family feels seeing the face, maybe happy that they got to help someone.[CN]


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Is this real? In one picture, the scars are at the hairline. In another, above the eyebrows.[CN]


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Fantastic result, interesting though that she has had further surgery across her eyes, because the original pictures don't show any scarlines there at all. I hope everything continues to go well for her[CN]


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Wow so happy for her! She looks amazing! Great doctors.[CN]


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