Chinese tourist ends up living in a German refugee home for 12 days after trying to report his lost wallet to police and being mistaken for an asylum seeker

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Shropshire boy
Can he cook?
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poor bloke having to spend 12 days with those lot, I wonder if he toilet trained any of them, or taught them how not to ra pe
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Fly by nightReply tosa1712
Should you be getting ready for school now?
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The truth hurts 85
Sorry but that is little bit funny hahaha
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What have I just read?!
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It's that how easy it is to claim asylum?
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just chillinReply toPpatt
yup. one doesn't even have to do it.
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When is a movie coming out? Haha.
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CharlesReply towhip_me_grandma
I can see it now...starring Jackie Chan! Now that would be hilarious!
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Mary Hinged
They got that wong didn't they?
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Peggy Dar
Honestly.... How do these people survive each day!!?? WTF did he think was going on for 12 DAYS.....
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I know I shouldn't laugh, but I couldn't help but have a giggle
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Priceless..... Now check to see how many of the others just lost something ....
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Hope Nobody said They all look alike to me..
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Deal Breaker
Poor guy but I can't help but laugh.
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- I have no documents. - Oh, you should've told us before. Here's your council flat and benefits
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So wrong yet equally so funny !
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Is this really how easy it is to claim asylum?..... He could of been anybody and just signing a form allowed you to roam the streets with free housing for 2 weeks :/
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Jojo GB ex-patReply toKatie-LA
Could have not could of, please don't destroy the British language, we have enough to contend with trying to preserve the British culture & way of life (ditto to anyone who uses those 2 awful, overused, American expressions all the time: awesome and hey (straw!).
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Smiley Sam
A book/ autobiography on its way!
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This is frightening for the sheer fact that the police in Germany took two weeks to think of using a translation app. In the UK police they used to have telephone interpreters to translate for people who could not speak English (and still do). This was years ago, and when mobile phones came along they were used so the telephone interpreters could be used to translate at the scene of incidents as well. Nowadays there is Google Translate and a plethora of other apps that can do this. The police force in question really needs to look at its training methods.
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Salacious Crumb
So in effect, anyone can pop over to Germany, pretend to be a refugee and get a lovely flat, free education, free health etc?
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