Take a trip over Mawrth Vallis: Stunning simulated flyover of Martian surface reveals the vast valley scientists say is the 'best bet' for signs of alien life

Mark Prigg For Dailymail.com

600 km-long, 2 km-deep Mawrth Vallis once had ‘huge amounts’ of water passing through the area[CN]


Scientists say the massive valley may have been habitable up to 3.6 billion years ago[CN]


The site is one of four candidates  eyed for the ExoMars 2020 mission which will land to look for signs of life



Based on images taken by ESA’s Mars Express, it shows a flight over Mawrth Vallis, a 600 km-long, 2 km-deep outflow channel at the boundary of the southern highlands and the northern lowlands of Mars.[CN]



The animation is based on a colour mosaic and digital terrain model derived from data collected by the high-resolution stereo camera on Mars Express and released earlier this year[CN]



Mawrth Vallis is roughly 373 miles (600 km) long and more than a mile deep. Its name comes from the Welsh words for Mars, and the Latin word for valley. Pictured,  images from ESA Mars Express are combined with MOLA topography data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor[CN]


The European Space Agency has revealed a new video of a remarkable valley on the red planet that experts agree could be the 'best bet' for finding alien life.[CN]


Based on images taken by ESA’s Mars Express, it shows a flight over Mawrth Vallis, a 600 km-long, 2 km-deep outflow channel at the boundary of the southern highlands and the northern lowlands of Mars.[CN]


It is one of the largest valleys on Mars, and scientists say it may have been habitable up to 3.6 billion years ago.


The movie begins at the mouth of the channel in Chryse Planitia, and heads towards the apparent source region in the Arabia Terra highlands.

The 4 billion year-old plateau is characterised by many impact craters, indicative of its great age.

Zooming in, patches of light and dark deposits are revealed. 

The light-toned layered sediments are among the largest outcrops of clay minerals – phyllosilicates – on Mars. 

Their presence indicates the presence of liquid water in the past.

The variety of water-bearing minerals and the possibility that they might contain a record of an ancient, habitable environment on Mars led scientists to propose Mawrth Vallis as a candidate landing site for the ExoMars 2020 mission.

The animation is based on a colour mosaic and digital terrain model derived from data collected by the high-resolution stereo camera on Mars Express and released earlier this year.

Mawrth Vallis is roughly 373 miles (600 km) long and more than a mile deep.

Its name comes from the Welsh word for Mars - Mawrth, and the Latin word for valley.

And, long ago, ‘huge amounts’ of water passed through the area, beginning at a higher elevation region and spilling into the northern plains.

These features can be seen at the lower right and top left of the image, respectively.

The valley sits on the border between the southern highlands and the northern lowlands, according to the Esa, and is home to phyllosilicates.

These light-toned structures are weathered clay minerals which indicate the past presence of liquid water.

According to the space agency, the remains of volcanic ash in the form of a dark cap rock may protect traces of ancient microbes in the clay.

To create this image, the researchers combined nine photos taken by the Express spacecraft’s high-resolution camera.

The craft has been orbiting the red planet since 2003, and Mawrth Vallis has been an area of great intrigue for years.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Mars may have been covered in networks of lakes and streams for roughly a billion years longer than previously thought – with implications for its potential to host life during that time as well.

Nasa researchers made the discovery by dating 22 impact craters on the planet.

'We discovered valleys that carried water into lake basins,' said Sharon Wilson from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

'Several lake basins filled and overflowed, indicating there was a considerable amount of water on the landscape during this time.'

Wilson and colleagues found evidence of these features in Mars' northern Arabia Terra region, by studying images from cameras on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

They also used data from Nasa's Mars Global Surveyor and the European Space Agency's Mars Express.

'One of the lakes in this region was comparable in volume to Lake Tahoe,' Ms Wilson said, referring to a California-Nevada lake that holds about 45 cubic miles (188 cubic km) of water.

'This particular Martian lake was fed by an inlet valley on its southern edge and overflowed along its northern margin, carrying water downstream into a very large, water-filled basin we nicknamed "Heart Lake".'

The chain of lakes and valleys in the Heart Lake valley system extend for about 90 miles (about 150 km).

Heart Lake held about 670 cubic miles of water (2,790 cubic km), more than in Lake Ontario of North America's Great Lakes.

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    2307人参与

red dragon 57

What you really think the NASA mars rover is still working after its batteries should of died 7 years ago. OPEN YOUR EYES!!![CN]


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Crossx77Reply tored dragon 57

Only if you take off your tin foil hat![CN]


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You can bet that if there is a civilization on Mars the federal government via NASA is not going to say a word and any evidence will be promptly covered up.[CN]


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newsman02Reply tonewsman02

I'll take that bet. :D[CN]


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Arthur FraynbergReply tonewsman02

Yes swallowing more Establishment propaganda as fact. So covered up you have come to believe all this through sci-fi and "news" in the controlled media, and fake NASA photos featuring pyramids that NASA "covered-up" by publishing them for the world to see. See the video "Bill Cooper Alien Agenda"[CN]

是的,继续啊,被这些政治宣传洗脑啊。掩藏的这么深,你就看科幻小说就坚信不移了。这些媒体控制下的”消息'和假的美航局照片就给了你这么个印象,美航局公布给全世界却是隐藏了事实。看看这视频吧“Bill Cooper外星人议程”

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red dragon 57

At least they told us it was a simulation unlike NASA[CN]


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Great....more damn Mars pictures.[CN]


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DebtCollecterReply torealguru

I'm tired of mars lets see more of uranus[CN]


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This is depressing. A great ball of rock with absolutely nothing there. I'd love to hear if you can hear anything.[CN]


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gruntfolkReply toyve

yve, Mars has its own beauty[CN]

yve, 火星还是有它自身的迷人之处的。

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Wouldn't it be easier to drop Bear Grylls off with only a knife, he would have an 8 course Martian smorgasbord ready to consume in a hour[CN]

你就持把刀,把Bear Grylls撂倒,接下来事情就简单多了,他会不遗余力的准备好8节火星课堂大杂烩,一小时就搞定。

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UsOcoms1Reply tojxgrab

After he leaves his 5 star hotel. Les Stroud is the way to go.[CN]


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Big Nugget 1



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Big Nugget 1



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Rory Wilson

the words "money down the drain" comes to mind[CN]


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I spotted Mos Eisley in those photos. Gotta alert the press.[CN]

我在这些图片中看到了Mos Eisley。看来要跟媒体警告一下。

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Arthur Fraynberg

More propaganda for the hoax alien threat, to create a new order and new religion in one. See the videos "Bill Cooper Alien Agenda". Why are they interested in Mars? They say they're going to C olonise it, but think, we haven't even had 100 people in orbit at once yet, even NASA hasn't told that yarn yet, but they want cities on mars made of millions? You believe that?[CN]

又是这种外星人威胁地球的政治宣传,他们要建立一个新的秩序,新的宗教。看看这视频:Bill Cooper外星人宣传。他们说他们会将地球变成殖民地,我们现在能够环绕地球的人都还没到100个,美航局没还没透露这种奇谈,他们就想在火星上找到百万人居住过的城市啦?这你也信?

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Was that a telsa factory base in the valley?[CN]


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Golden Ace

Very Cool![CN]


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Supposedly formed by running water, maybe? but how come there are craters in the 'river' bed? They have happened after any water vanished and presumably before, so any 'life' would have been wiped out by meteor strikes even had they survived the loss of water / atmosphere?[CN]


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Mars ain't the kinda place to...............well, you know.[CN]


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Seriously, you alien NASA conspiracy people really need to get a grip on your flights of fancy. It is not impossible but very very unlikely that life got beyond the microbe stage on Mars and if any still exists then it's underground, maybe in cave systems etc. Why is it a waste of money? I'll tell you what's a waste of money, the human race spending in the region of 2 TRILLION a year on weapons and the means to kill humans faster and more efficiently....For that reason alone it's a good idea to have a self-sufficient population on another planet, just in case we erase 2000 years of human progress on Earth.[CN]

说真的,你们这些说美航局外星人阴谋论的人啊真的不要太天马行空了。虽说不太可能,但是火星上真的有可能存在生命 - 只是微生物阶段,如果真的存在,那就还只是藏在地底下。可能在洞穴里边。为什么说这是浪费钱呢?我跟你说说什么才是浪费钱。人类,每年就花了2兆元研究武器,这只会以更快速度更有效率的灭掉人类。因这个原因,在另一个星球上安置一批自给自足的人不是什么坏主意。这为的的是不让人类2000多年的历史断掉。

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