SOUTH CHINA SEA WATCH: Tussle over plane; Russia backs China

The Associated Press

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US, crunched with economic crisis, wants to use opportunity to sell its arms to wealthy Asian countries opposing China. For this purpose US has started COLD WAR with China and in its efforts to encircle China has allowed India to carry out TERRORISM in Pakistan through Afghanistan and Iran because Pakistan is allowing to build CPEC which would give China a strategic edge in Strait of Hormuz. Japan is a next ally to US; building nukes and latest armaments and to supply to India, Vietnam and Philippines. US is also using India to build alliance with Iran to become leader in Arab World (Gulf) to fight ISIS but not Indian/US sponsored TTP (Tehrik-e-Talibaan Pakistan) involved in terrorism in Pakistan but nurtured in Afghanistan. As such US, for its lust and greed, trying to make Asia a platform for WWIII. Europe had already suffered massive destruction in US sponsored WWII. Time has come for China and Russia to join hands to kick out US from Asia.

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tomReply toSally

China does the same thing in Africa and the Middle East, Idiot!

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JamesReply toSally

Sally: The US has started a cold war with China, so you say. Yes, Sally, it is the US gobbling up islands for air strips that were not there !! for military purposes. China is driving away fishermen who always fished these areas. China is exerting war-like maneuvers! Whose "lust and greed" is this?Sally, why are you in the USA? Your political views are clearly anti-American. Go home Sally to wherever you came from and get off the American band wagon sucking up the good life here. Your good life is somewhere else. Go !!

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HounddogginReply toSally

The problem with your theory is that we would have to give them the money to buy the weapons in the first place.

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HAROLDReply toSally

When this war starts?.....where do you think that will leave you?, no matter whose side you are on, as captors of the Chinese or Russians we will all be treated the same, and I definitely would not want to be a female.......I personally could not imagine being under the control of the Chinese and Russians........I would rather die fighting then be enslaved and tortured ........You are right TOM she is an idiot

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Daniel FReply toSally

"Sally" is a Wu Mao trolling from Beijing.

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AahooReply toSally

@sally pakistani pig........the chinese is irresponsible nation.....dont deserve to be a member of permanent UN security council........well everybody know pakistan pig harbour terrorism sponsored by fanatic arabs

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SOLUTION IS SIMPLE: Start building military bases on the South China sea for Asian countries, right in from of China. Only stop when China blows their islands out of the water and get back to the negotiation table.

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""The United States and Vietnam share the interest in maintaining peace and stability in the region. So does China. But its massive land reclamation project in the South China Sea....." LOL

The South China Sea, a prime example of Chinese "hostility", is often cited, but the actions of Vietnam are often ignored or worse yet excused. "Well, Vietnam hasn't done it as much..." as if breaking international law were a matter of degrees or, as should be pointed out, the very "salami slicing" so many pundits accuse China of engaging in.

To be certain, China seeks to change the rules in the areas where the rules either do not benefit it or actively constrain it, but we ignore the fact that everyone does it - up to an including the United States.

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BillReply toAndre

They need to talk----all of them but the #$%$ do not recognize anyone else since they are a communist dictatorship

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Brandt HeyheyReply toAndre

@Andre so what's your point? Because people break international law we should just let them do it? Bet you where one of those people who protected GW from the UN War Crimes Commission

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AndreReply toAndre

@Brandt Heyhey

"Because people break international law we should just let them do it?"

You didn't get the point, Vietnam does also break the law however it's been accepted by the US.

Double standards ?

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AndreReply toAndre

"await the ruling of a U.N. tribunal on a case filed by the Philippines that challenges Beijing's vast territorial claims"

UNCLOS is about the law of sea and has nothing to do with sovereignty of land.

The ruling will not change the territorial claims.

Yahoo like to misinform the simple minded people.

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AndreReply toAndre

"The United States and Vietnam share the interest in maintaining peace and stability in the region"

putting 2000+ armed soldiers from Vietnam on their occupied island long before China joined the game are called stability. LOL

Kicking the Philippines out of an island by the Vietnamese is called maintaining peace. LOL

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AndreReply toAndre

@Brandt Heyhey

The two largest Islands in the Spratlys are

1. Taiping - home of a Taiwanese airbase which in October 2015 started operating F16 flights without anyone batting an eyelid

2. Pagasa where the Philippines are extending their military airbase with US funding, and current operate the main Naval base for their US-trained SEAL teams

Look up the Wikipedia entries on both, and you will note that Pagasa is located at 114°17′E, whereas that nation's own Constitution, domestic laws and at least 3 international Treaties delimit its western boundary at 118°′E.

Where is the outrage at how that quite blatantly breaches International Law?

Are you still saying now that China breaches the law ?

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Those Americans who advocate that US should strife with China must be absolutely lunatic.

China is US's biggest creditor, lending US trillions of $, if US turns its back on China, which benefited US enormously (don't agree? how about US and China switch their sides?), that's against human moral.

The current relationship between the two is a win-win, if US interferes into South China Sea deputes, then it is not just a zero-sum game, but it actually will become a lose-lose game, both side will suffer hugely, and risk WW3 breakout.

If WW3, it is true that US might come out a winner, but the loss of life and property for US will still be unimaginable, just comparing nowadays China and US's war power with that of Soviet and German's, you can see my point. Even a cold war between US and China is still too bad for US, let me give you a hint, China two produce more than half of World's steel, if China turns those into missiles, how much pressure will be put on US?

The affair at South China Sea is a territory dispute, and you can hardly blame China for aggression, holding those island is not the same as taking Manila or Hanoi.

For China, it's about territory, so China can hardly retreat, so it is wise for US not to meddle into it, for those little benefit against possible huge loss, not worth it. As for navigation safety, anyone can see it's only US's fake excuse.

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NerdReply tounsavable

@unsavable: So, we just we just cowardly stand by & let you steal the whole S. China sea illegal w/out ever presenting a piece of previous ownership? What happened after you invaded Tibet and murdered the peaceful Tibetans? Did you stop there or continue to invade/steal more? Everyone knows too much you are a just bunch of liars, thieves, bully, cheat, etc ... You will continue to invade/steal more from the weak countries there.

We have learned the hard lesson from WWII that yielding and coward didn’t stop the invader. Sometimes, the best defense is offense. United and remove this greatest threat to world peace. United and we will win. We can't wait to see the date that your country will be destroyed and the lands you stole from others will be returned to the original countries.

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ChukyChez1Reply tounsavable

Not when the #$%$ thugs run off fishing boats by claiming illegal sovereignty. The #$%$ are only pulling off a land grab, like their friends the Russians. US wants to continue to keep sea lanes open.

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Fascist Russia and Communist China. Who knew?

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Whenever you talk about territorial disputes, you must ask this question: what is the basis for Vietnam, the Philippines, or China (three main claimants) to claim territories in the South China Sea?

1. Vietnam lost its claims to territories in the SCS in 1958 when Vietnam's Premier (Pham Vandong) sent a diplomatic note to the Premier of China (Zhou Enlai) to recognize and support China's claim of 12 nautical miles of territorial seas in the Spratly/Nansha and the Paracel/Xisha islands (Google it for a genuine copy of the original or its translation, if you want). Vietnam has no legal basis to claim any territories in the South China Sea.

2. The map of the Philippines was fixed by the US in three international treaties signed by the US and Spain (1898 and 1900) and the US and Britain (1930) before the US allowed the Philippines to be independent in 1946. The territory of the Philippines lies to the west of the 118 degrees east longitude. The disputed islands all are located to the east of that line. The Philippines has no legal basis to claim any territories in the South China Sea.

3. China has claimed those islands in the South China Sea as Terra Nulius. China has named and administered those islands throughout the time. Japan owned the islands during WW2 and was stripped of ownership by the Cairo Declaration in 1943 and the Potsdam Proclamation in 1945. China, the US and Britain signed the Potsdam Proclamation and the islands left by Japan must be returned to the victorious country, China. In fact, the US sent its Navy to help China to receive the return of the islands after WW2. That's why the bigger islands were named after the names of the Chinese warships. For instance, Itu Aba, in Chinese is Taiping; Thitu, in Chinese is called Zhongye... Those are some of the names of the Chinese warships. By virtue of actions, the US recognized China's ownership of the territories in the SCS. By the principle of Estoppel, the US cannot deny the fact that the US recognize China's ownership to the territories in the SCS.

In contemporary terms, China published its official map of China in 1947. Not even one countries has objected for decades. Later objection is a sheer greed.

There is no territorial disputes between China and the Philippines/Vietnam in the SCS. There may be overlapping claims of EEZs.

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wccReply toGold

Exactly, all these claimants (PH, VN, MY, Brunai) are only trying to fish in murky water, they have 'zero' legal documents to back up.

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GoldReply toGold

Filipinos are lazy people, especially man. They want something from nothing.

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GoldReply toGold

Will those who thumb me down accompanying with a comment?

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Exactly. What Chinease sea has to do with Us? Somebody needs drawings to understand basics of international affairs. It's not that hard. Get the h. out of C.Sea!

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MarcusCReply toRelja

Something like 70% of Australia's foreign trade goes through that sea.

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MichaelReply toRelja

Once China controls the SCS, Australia will look like a big juicy steak to the land-hungry Chinese. And what will happen to Japan ? Well you figure that out.

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OMG, too bad, Russia like America is also coming to the south China Sea!

The serious tensions in the South China Sea will be risen quickly.

Maybe some day India, Indonesia, Japan and Australia are also coming there to carve up the South China Sea for their interests.

OMG, the South China Sea and Asia will get more and more dangerous. Maybe WWIII will break out in the South China Sea and Asia.

Asians better drive away all external forces as soon as possible and keep Asia peaceful!

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CoozReply toJohn

The sooner china leaves the better.

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Truth WizardReply toJohn

Russia is not interested in S. China Sea, nor coming there. Criminal Washington's freaks are the ones who steer all the trouble around the world.

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springReply toJohn

WWIII? that's what US military want, or why do they build military bases around SCS? US military is starting looking for next battle field.

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CoozReply toJohn

Gloom at these Chinese trolls outside the great firewalls. Not ne country owns an ocean/sea. That's where the trouble stems from. Your punk 4ss Chinese commie just hating the fact that you about to get chin checked by the U.S. Navy and a slap on the face by international laws.

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The US does not bother with the UN when Israel is slaughtering the Palestinians so the US cannot genuinely put it,s tongue out at China.

China is looking after China and the US is going to have to grow a tail and stick it between its legs,,It certainly cannot grow a set of round ones because the jews of israel tell them what to do every time.

The US should buxxer off and fix up its 3rd world cities..

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stevebReply toGeorge

Scroo ewe. Scooo CHINA. CHINA is a piggy nation.

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China and Russian can do what ever they want American has no president these days, Hussein is Hussein, will never change especially now in last year. Puttin in charge these days and China would be next, go to hell Hussein,. retire and team up a basketball team. shame on you, You put us way back on the scale like never before, you have killed America, dog

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BillReply tojustice

moron alert

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HenryReply tojustice

Filthypinos...aren't they all?

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MarcusCReply tojustice

Just another racist sociopath.

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Only stupid fools do not know who is militarizing and raising tension in CHINA's SCS. PH and VN thieves illegally occupy China's land, Yet US gang leader assist these thieves to strengthen their grip on stolen properties. HOW CAN THAT BE? US's coercion on China will backfire for sure. If war breaks up in this nuclear age, the world will revert to stone age. No 'perfect' missile defense can protect anyone from destruction, China (and Russia) understand this 'perfectly', but US generals do not.

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Stephen WebersReply towcc


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wccReply towcc

Never mind. The truth will prevail not lie.

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Tex Lib

So, we'd be cool if China got involved in issues between the US and Canada?

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"Abuse of international law" How can China say that while not recognizing international law and laying sole claim? Double speak, I say.

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Jews don't learn their history, and history will repeat,

why the whole world hate Jew?

why the German throw all Jews criminals into the gas oven?

why the Jew build the Atomic-Bombs and Jew Truman drop it on Japanese women and Children?

25 millions East Asian women and children bloods are on the Jews hands.

history don't lies and crime must pays.

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BillReply togreat

U no nozing so you have no more permission to talk

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DanReply togreat

Leave the Jews alone. They are the best, smartest, and brightest. Too bad we

don t have any in China. Jews and their stuff: uncles Karl, Stalin, Lenin,

Engle, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Tell, admiral Reichover, FB, Starbucks, B&J,

Oracle, Levi, auntie Yellen,,..................................Where would you be without

them. Stop this nonsense.

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KokReply togreat

Somehow it is related to Jew.


I forgot , everything in this solar system is related to Jew

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The U.S. thinks, with its mighty military power, it could make other countries back off in a contest. However, the facts in recent memory show otherwise. . The other side responds with more challenges.

The U.S. just sent 6 jet fighters flying over the area of the Scarborough Shoal from a Philippine base. And China, as reported in Hong Kong, may start doing land reclamation there as a reponse.

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DaveReply topaul

@paul: name a battle the US has lost in the last fifty years. name a battle the people's republic has won. the PLAN has no concept of the challenges of four dimensional naval warfare.

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paulReply topaul

In a contest of will, winning is for the war, not for the battles.

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DaveReply topaul

then, name a war the people's republic has won.

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It is clear China and the new USSR want a fight. The only question is how big of a tussle they really want.

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JetReply toMeiLing

Stop being absurd... BRICS could bring NATO to their knees in a matter of months!

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UtonReply toMeiLing

They don't want any war that is why Russia backs China because Russia is the only country that can take on US and NATO military, now thats been said if they wanted war all they have to do Russia is sit back and let US have its way and US is good at bad judgment and destruction. Russia realize what US is up to. they tried it in Syria and it did not work and now they turn on China. let the Asian deal with what is about Asia. US is trodding wrongfully

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America should put its own house in order before trying to meddle in other countries' affairs. Maybe that $19T is still not big enough.

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DavidReply toSpinnaker

you should know,known putler troll

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CHyna must be stopped. THe only thing that the world needs to buy from the Chyneeeeze are the hides of their children. Chyneeeze pelts can be turned into hand bags clutch purses lamp shades and many other products that bring prosperity and fertility...

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Public EYE

How can they claim and island too far from them? obviously, this is bullying tactic...

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rogerReply toPublic EYE

Maybe the way the u.s. took hawaii away from the natives there, oh wait the chinese island had no natives. Hmm, well there you go.

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Aquinno The Filipino ClownReply toPublic EYE

Keep begging usa, you dogs.

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Blow those islands right out of the water. We gave China everything and now they are stabbing us in the back? Stupid liberals again. California should be the second most powerful nation in the world. Stupid liberals gave it to China for a song. Morons. Get them out of government, they cost to much and cause way too much damage.

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mosesReply toJames

lay off the meth pipe

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JamesReply toJames

California was number 2 in the world, second only to the U.S., in gross products exported and we gave it all to China and many other assets.

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