Did a Ukrainian fighter jet shoot down MH17? Eye witness accounts claim Boeing 777 may have been targeted by another plane

Poppy Danby For Mailonline

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This was a plan between CIA and Ukraine to give a bad name to Russia. Interestingly there were no radar images on that day!!! Victims were just innocent people
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MoleReply toJozeph
Nah, that sounds too complicated. The Ukranians are just super-dumb, that's why they've done it. And then the US tried to cover it up.
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An apology is owed to Vladimir the Magnificent, and also to our dear friends the Russian people.
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SlaavReply toDan78
better late than never !
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Only Ukrainians did it, they benefited from it, their muppet illegal government ruled manually by yanks.
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Russia conducted tests and admit it was a Russian ground to air missile, but it was an old type that had been out of service in the Russian army for 5 years, but still used by the Ukraine army. The USA says they have radar evidence saying otherwise, but won't share it, not even with the Dutch authorities doing the investigation.
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WaycroftReply toVivelo
Simply not true; at the time the remains of MH17 showed that the damage was likely caused by fire from another aircraft. There was plenty of evidence produced on the social media but the official line was that It had been shot down by the Russians and this was swallowed by the majority 'cos the USA wanted it that way.
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reality_checkerReply toVivelo
How does a hodge podge of random holes of all different sizes look like air to air fire? And not shrapnel...."social media evidence"...random speculation by unknown sources you mean.Yes, the Russians spent a lot of time trying to prove it was an old model of BUK. That's excellent evidence if you believe that the Russians would only supply a rebel army with the latest equipment...or that they would send their own troops and only equip them with armaments that would instantly mark them out as being official Russian soldiers. Of course they supply them with equipment that they could get in Ukrainian stores. Of course they give them old, surplus materials that aren't going to be missed by their own troops. It's a meaningless argument...and quite revealing that they spend so long trying to prove something that changes nothing.
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That was exactly what russian said from the beginning!And I would like to remind you that the heavy restrictions upon Russia was laid soon after that damned incident.
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James ODReply toFigaro13
Who do you think is making these absurd claims now, but Russia?
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PC krap
The fact that the Americans said it was the Russians before an investigation had even started tells you everything you need to know.
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K69atieReply toPC krap
They were also the 'only' ones to gain anything from this.They are desperate to frame Putin & prevent a resurgent Russia. It must stop before they,the US start yet another war !
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LameduckReply toPC krap
What's worse, they said all that within 24 hrs of the downing.
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Figaro13Reply toPC krap
Exactly. Kiev and USA said that Russia is responsible for this aircrash hours after it had occured.
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PtahReply toPC krap
The US government and their allies are the root of all evil and behind the drive to enslave all of humanity. The truth will destroy them!
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Tom WelshReply toPC krap
Especially since the USA has multiple military spy satellites that can resolve much finer details even than the commercial satellites whose photos are used by Google Maps. And tthose satellites will have been watching the conflict in Ukraine with eagle eyes, you can be sure. How come thye did not see exactly what happened? Of course they did see exactly what happened, but why have we not been shown the pictures?
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Monsta Ronis
Ukraine is a US puppet state and they had the most to gain by this tragedy not Russia as they then had an excuse for more NATO buildup surrounding russia
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the latgallian
Now wouldn't that be embarrassing - especially after everyone immediately blamed Russia (to please the US, who need a 'national enemy and hate figure' to stop their own country falling apart.
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ComfortablynumbReply tothe latgallian
It would, but its been shown to not be true, despite Russia running a massive disinformation campaign even they now have been forced to accept it was a BUK SAM that hot down the plane.
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BBC's change of tone implies the Ukrainian President is no longer a darling of the western allies.
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yokyokReply toBunkarr
he never was - he and all the others beeing installed by the US are tools in hands of US Oligarchs like Soros agains Russia. Dirty game played by Nuland, Kagan, Soros etc
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Ukraine flatly refused to hand over pilot to control tower transcripts and radar information. This would have helped the investigators. The US had refused to hand over satellite imagery. Russia had nothing top gain, but the US did.
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Victoria SeredyukReply tomitchelalexander
You're lying
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Victoria SeredyukReply tomitchelalexander
You're lying
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DarrenwilderReply tomitchelalexander
Very true... The Ukraine and USA have not released anything as yet. A massive cover up for sure
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I am becoming very weary of the USA and its actions by the CIA, past and present. I think as a country we should keep a healthy distance, the special relationship, if it every existed, is dead.
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BobeeeReply toblake95
Yes, blake, I totally agree. I am fifty years old now and over those long years I watched and read many of cases all over the world were the CIA were thought to be involved and it is very frightening. The CIA seem to send out the message 'go to far... and we will put a stop to you' and that is creepy !!
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Based on my own research about the CIA, I'm inclined to agree this was backed by them. The U.S is constantly attempting to find ways to create conflict with Russia. Until recently, they were even going to build a U.S/Nato base in Ukraine. Until Russia "invaded" Crimea, as they'd like you to believe. Despite the fact their that the people of Crimea voted to join Russia rather than remain in Crimea. Quite frankly, the quicker people open their eyes and actually pay attention to what America is doing to the world, the better. Iraq, Afghan, and Syria were all part of the petro-dollar wars. We're now starting to discover that the Saudis had a huge level of involvement with 9/11 for example. And now that the truth is starting to loom about the Saudis involvement, they've said that if the 28 pages on 9/11 are revealed, they'll dump $750 billion dollars of equity. I can also imagine they will no longer support the Petrodollar which was established before many of you reading this were even born
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Paulm69Reply toCD1990
It's a tough illusion to break for a lot of people..That the CIA could do some of the things it has been accused of is too wild for most. However, after like you researching myself, the organization is guilty. Iran is how it is because of the CIA, Central and South America saw some deplorable actions too..But hey they're the good guys right? :/
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If this whole episode is the start of hostilities between Russia and the EU, I am supporting Russia.
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nellakamReply toDan78
@justSepticle, have another beer. It might brighten you up. Real patirots get up at dawn for Anzac Day commemorations. Not that a redneck, like you, even knows anything about this.
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yokyokReply toDan78
Dan78 - it seems to me this episode is the one and only reason for sanctions against Russia. The US hardly try to avoid the Europeans in close contact with Russia. This episode made them getting closer to the russian border.
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298 people murdered because the Borgias in Kiev want to be political bigshots in the world. And we're letting them into the EU? That alone is good enough reason for Britain to leave both the EU and NATO. They are no better than SPECTRE now.....
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Korky the Cat
Where's the Air Traffic Control tapes?.Where's the Air Traffic Controller?.Why has NO radar data been released?
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Bob GrinderReply toKorky the Cat
Idiot , who has to produce tapes to you ?
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Val1istReply toKorky the Cat
Ukraine -ATC, the yank$- radar data.
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Will the sanctions be lifted against Russia now? Will the politicians who tried to convince us Russia was in the wrong be immediately fired? Regards, a tax payer.
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Brian Boru
Whatever happens you can never believe the official version.
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I guess we'll never know the truth, just like 9/11. What we do know though is that nobody gained from this politically, except the Americans, just like 9/11.
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BatoutReply toHoppSchwiiz
Apparently, BBC reported the third building going down 20 minutes before it actually happened - any truth to that. Hard to believe, somebody has not filed a lawsuit if it were true as it would be a very simple matter to prove the time of events!
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Queen of Sunshine
Of course they did. They just want to damage Russia image.
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Daithi63XReply toQueen of Sunshine
They thought it was a Ukrainian military plane, and that's why the Russian backed rebels shot it down. Its all recorded on video, and then their shock when they found out they had downed a civilian airliner. Their is no dispute about this, and the subsequent cover up.
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Wow the BBC actually going against the establishment! Russia reported this and released radar evidence that it was being followed by a military jet, but not one mainstream channel reported it! Instead everyone blamed the Russians, it's about time all you sheeple woke up to what the cia are really like.
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