Seven-year-old girl is declared a living GODDESS in Nepal because she has 'eyelashes like a cow' and 'a voice as clear as a duck'

Simon Holmes For Mailonline

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Jolly Rich
What century are we in?
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it's all good fun being God until your followers eat you as part of a ritual.
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One day 200 years from now they'll look back on that and say did we really think like that .
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pope has just made 'Mother' Theresa a saint - whats the difference??
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Chuck AReply tobobbie39
The pope recognized her as a saint. He did not create her sainthood.
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BobReply tobobbie39
Chuck AMother Theresa was nothing more than just another dead Catholic. Then the Pope did his Hocus Pocus and suddenly she is a saint, an idol for people to pray to.
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A guilty bystanderReply tobobbie39
Are you serious? She lived among those that Indian society considered untouchable. I have a hard time looking at a homeless person never mind touching them. She tried to show that even those we consider disgusting, have value in the eyes of God. If you don't believe then her's was a life misspent or misguided. To compare her to the cow eyelash child is putting it politely, just stupid.
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Poor girl, now she can't grow up normal any one wish praying not come truth or nature disaster they are going blame her.
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Goodness is all I can say. There is nothing like reading an article about religion to ruin your day.
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Its a cultural thing.Why must people mock things they know nothing about.So disrespectful.
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charle windsor
brilliant. she is so lucky to have been born in a civilised country with no taxi drivers
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Old school British
Never to be allowed a childhood, just a cash cow.......poor parents having to pack in their jobs so they can dependon handouts. What a sad way to live a precious life
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Yes, well, the evidence is certainly convincing
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I have eyelashes like a cow too. Am I a goddess!?
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i thnk her parents donation to the duck shop might have had something to do with it too.
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the west worships material items, the east worships gods.... meh
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I have told you
What a load of b o l l o c ks
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An Englishwoman
makes you wonder how these backward people still exist in the 21st century...
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And ears like a bat.
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christopher Bakewell
this is just Qwackers...sorry
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Okaaaayyyy! Wait 'til I tell "Elsie!"
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Mars 2
No I can't see the eyelashes either - maybe Mummy just put some mascara on them. Some people believe such potty stuff in some parts of the world - probably some mega-money being made out of a load of nonsense. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible people are in some relgiions.
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