Why Being Cheated On Makes You ‘Win’ At Relationships

Marie-Claire Dorking

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Sometimes people cheat because they are not feeling worthy in the relationship, especially women, men are visual and think about sex several times a day , so if they get the chance.. they will cheat because to them, its all about sex, not intimacy ! For a man its builds his ego, for a woman it makes her feel valued !

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jtcReply toHavinmysay

"...They will cheat because to them, its all about sex, not intimacy..." This train of thinking is why men suffer from depression and suicide...It's the masses simply believing that a man is an sex crazed animal incapable of feeling or wanting to be loved. Men cheat because their being undervalued NOT because they're mindless animals or egomaniacs.

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Learning from experience and history - wonderful theories, sadly not always the case in practice. Some people seem programmed only to fall for one sort, and bring emotional disaster upon themselves time and again.

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I'm tired of things like people cheating on each other being glorified. Don't be with someone if you want to have sexual relations with others.

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Optimus Red Mango

This article discussed cheating as if it is a one-sex problem.

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Of course the more proven research, is that it lowers the self esteem of the person who has been cheated on, and in the future are more likely to go out with the same type of person or someone worse as they feel they don't deserve anyone better.

But nice try Yahoo to make up or find an obscure piece of research to make people who have been cheated on feel better.

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Chee Bai

you cheat to win, duh. Gaming physics lol

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I think - Helps to keep the university industry expanding - and you have to publish to get to be a professor.

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